Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

Are you sure it's not a false flag, the right love false flags. Like the right wingers going around setting fires to blame BLM protesters.
I remember video of a tattooed 3%er setting fire to the Nashville courthouse…I remember the skinny white guy all in black, with an umbrella & hammer, breaking windows in Minneapolis during the Floyd protests…I remember his ex-GF outing him.

Why wouldn’t they love false-flags? Everything else they love is false, too
Gee, I thought *they* thought Gawd was OMNIPOTENT, so how can *WE* stop “HIM”? And…DOCTORS?

Yeah, umm…okay
Looks like states rats won in the end, the civil war has been nullified, guns, abortion, voting rights, criminal law and next slavery will be up to the states. It's even up to the states if they have democracy, because they have the right to have a fucking dictator or even a king.

Most places have not devolved criminal law to it's states and provinces and in America, it has been used as a cudgel against brown people ever since and now is used against majorities. The more racist the place the more local officials they elect, right down to dog catcher. It is a way to circumvent to constitution by giving power to legally unaccountable elected officials.
Lawrence: Minority Rule Is Killing The ‘United’ In The United States

"Apparently" is a poor way to assert one's opinion

True. It was a fairly new opinion after reading the lettering and reading up on the psychology aspects of loops in writing. It used to be a passing interest of mine. Beer didn't help neither. ;)
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