Ursus marijanus
At the same time, suggesting that a zygote (which possesses that same code) is a human life is ridiculous. It is the sort of argument that always, always conceals religion. I desire freedom from religion.The argument "this is my body" is unscientific crap when the fetus right away has its own unique genetic code that is separated from the mother by several barriers and it can be shown it's rather the fetus stimulating the womb via hormones to nurture it (akin to a parasitic relationship) and not that romantic self-styled womanistic fantasy of me, myself and I (give life) also discriminizing the important role of the man as absolutely essential genetic information contributor.
I mean seriously since when do democrats deny a scientific truths and what kind of woman feel the need to get pregnant when they don't really want it when preservation is there for 2 nickels?
Rights, rights, rights ego ego ego seriously some of the human rights need to be revamped as a view that says that a human life begins at birth is a relict of the cavestone ages!
Also, condoms in US are more like a buck a pop.
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