
Any word on russian “ laser wonder weapon “ AKA Su-9000 Potato Gun ?

Or do we have to wait on them stealing Raytheon tech before they make one ?

Asking for a friend- the greys
It needs to be a full on war so we can demand reparations once we win. Ukraine has been destroyed and the rest of the world has shelled out a bunch of money to protect what is left. Putin and his buddies owe us.
Something to consider:

A big victory in Ukraine this fall would be good for the democrats, one during the J6 hearings, not so much, as it would steal the news. So for a few weeks, while the J6 panel was holding their public hearings, a stalemate would be best for the democrats. Could this be a factor in throttling the Ukrainians? The Russians are still attacking and being destroyed doing it, so the imperative might not be so great, as they need to be worn down more. Territory can be regained later, the point is to keep destroying irreplaceable equipment and troops too.

It would be bad timing for Ukraine to be rolling up a shattered and collapsing Russian army in spectacular gains making headlines, while the J6 panel was holding public hearings from key witnesses. Joe would not want this, the Ukrainians and key allies would not want this either, they know the republicans are a bunch or traitors under the control of Trump and bad news for them. So something to consider, but it would have to be carefully done and the cards held close to the chest. There may be more at play here than being afraid of Vlad, I really don't think Joe is afraid of him, just playing smart, both at home and abroad. He is having a run of bad luck lately though, largely through no fault of his own, he admits his mistakes though and that means he can learn from them. It's something Trump could never do, admit his mistakes or learn anything at all, or even evolve as a human being in any way past childhood.
Something to consider:

A big victory in Ukraine this fall would be good for the democrats, one during the J6 hearings, not so much, as it would steal the news. So for a few weeks, while the J6 panel was holding their public hearings, a stalemate would be best for the democrats. Could this be a factor in throttling the Ukrainians? The Russians are still attacking and being destroyed doing it, so the imperative might not be so great, as they need to be worn down more. Territory can be regained later, the point is to keep destroying irreplaceable equipment and troops too.

It would be bad timing for Ukraine to be rolling up a shattered and collapsing Russian army in spectacular gains making headlines, while the J6 panel was holding public hearings from key witnesses. Joe would not want this, the Ukrainians and key allies would not want this either, they know the republicans are a bunch or traitors under the control of Trump and bad news for them. So something to consider, but it would have to be carefully done and the cards held close to the chest. There may be more at play here than being afraid of Vlad, I really don't think Joe is afraid of him, just playing smart, both at home and abroad. He is having a run of bad luck lately though, largely through no fault of his own, he admits his mistakes though and that means he can learn from them. It's something Trump could never do, admit his mistakes or learn anything at all, or even evolve as a human being in any way past childhood.

and boy did the orange avenger make a mistake......big time
which is a mistake...russia is not the sole provider of any resource, there are always other places to get what you need...if it costs a little more for a while, that's the price of making the world safe from megalomaniacal dictators with out of date nuclear arsenals...if there are countries that CANNOT operate without materials from russia, then they just cannot operate...maybe they'll pick safer, more stable trading partners in the future, instead of selling their own security for a few rubles in savings
The reason it was done is without the grain and fertilizer many people in poorer nations would starve. Unintended consequences that could turn nations against us.
the day Ukraine gets those should be the day they use them to take out the kersch bridge. that would be a HUGE psychological victory...russia cut off with no where to go, no way to resupply their troops in crimea that didn't invite attack from the Ukrainians, the effect on morale both in the russian army and the Ukrainian army, as well as the morale of russian and Ukrainian civilians....
Oh, did I mention a bridge? Russia signaled that they would not be happy with Ukraine getting missiles that can fire into Russia, but a Hellfire could not reach the bridge so it should be OK (ignoring the fact that the drone can easily go there and back). Got to read the fine print. Russia would get upset if Russian teritory is hit, but everyone else says Crimea is still Ukrainian, so it is not really Russian territory. Also a bridge between a Ukrainian territory and a Russian side, would not half the bridge be Ukrainian? I would think so.

Stipulating that, how do we get Russia out of the way of this?
Good question. It is not like they are willing to cooperate for the greater good. Maybe more turret tossing?
Something to consider:

A big victory in Ukraine this fall would be good for the democrats, one during the J6 hearings, not so much, as it would steal the news. So for a few weeks, while the J6 panel was holding their public hearings, a stalemate would be best for the democrats. Could this be a factor in throttling the Ukrainians? The Russians are still attacking and being destroyed doing it, so the imperative might not be so great, as they need to be worn down more. Territory can be regained later, the point is to keep destroying irreplaceable equipment and troops too.

It would be bad timing for Ukraine to be rolling up a shattered and collapsing Russian army in spectacular gains making headlines, while the J6 panel was holding public hearings from key witnesses. Joe would not want this, the Ukrainians and key allies would not want this either, they know the republicans are a bunch or traitors under the control of Trump and bad news for them. So something to consider, but it would have to be carefully done and the cards held close to the chest. There may be more at play here than being afraid of Vlad, I really don't think Joe is afraid of him, just playing smart, both at home and abroad. He is having a run of bad luck lately though, largely through no fault of his own, he admits his mistakes though and that means he can learn from them. It's something Trump could never do, admit his mistakes or learn anything at all, or even evolve as a human being in any way past childhood.

Ukraine is just a speed bump in the election, how Americans feel about how far their paycheck goes will be foremost.
The reason it was done is without the grain and fertilizer many people in poorer nations would starve. Unintended consequences that could turn nations against us.

Oh, did I mention a bridge? Russia signaled that they would not be happy with Ukraine getting missiles that can fire into Russia, but a Hellfire could not reach the bridge so it should be OK (ignoring the fact that the drone can easily go there and back). Got to read the fine print. Russia would get upset if Russian teritory is hit, but everyone else says Crimea is still Ukrainian, so it is not really Russian territory. Also a bridge between a Ukrainian territory and a Russian side, would not half the bridge be Ukrainian? I would think so.

Good question. It is not like they are willing to cooperate for the greater good. Maybe more turret tossing?

Ukraine is just a speed bump in the election, how Americans feel about how far their paycheck goes will be foremost.
True, foreign affairs is seldom important, however this one did divide the republicans and put Trump and his bunch on the wrong side of history. I was thinking only in terms of the media coverage for the J6 hearings and report and such.

However I did notice that while Joe is giving just 4 MLRS systems to Ukraine, the UK gave an unspecified number and perhaps other allies did too. Strangely Poland ordered 500 of them and their main enemy is getting destroyed for them by the Ukrainians next door, who they appear to be tight as ticks with.
True, foreign affairs is seldom important, however this one did divide the republicans and put Trump and his bunch on the wrong side of history. I was thinking only in terms of the media coverage for the J6 hearings and report and such.

However I did notice that while Joe is giving just 4 MLRS systems to Ukraine, the UK gave an unspecified number and perhaps other allies did too. Strangely Poland ordered 500 of them and their main enemy is getting destroyed for them by the Ukrainians next door, who they appear to be tight as ticks with.

looks like Germany is in too...with MLSR's Mars II's and also IRIS-t systems as well.......
The reason it was done is without the grain and fertilizer many people in poorer nations would starve. Unintended consequences that could turn nations against us.

Oh, did I mention a bridge? Russia signaled that they would not be happy with Ukraine getting missiles that can fire into Russia, but a Hellfire could not reach the bridge so it should be OK (ignoring the fact that the drone can easily go there and back). Got to read the fine print. Russia would get upset if Russian teritory is hit, but everyone else says Crimea is still Ukrainian, so it is not really Russian territory. Also a bridge between a Ukrainian territory and a Russian side, would not half the bridge be Ukrainian? I would think so.

Good question. It is not like they are willing to cooperate for the greater good. Maybe more turret tossing?

Ukraine is just a speed bump in the election, how Americans feel about how far their paycheck goes will be foremost.
This may be simplistic, but ships no longer have turrets.

You spoke of sanctions, which are not military. That led me to wonder if you knew a way to shift those hulls without shots fired. I know of none that would compel Putin prime. Im not sure Putin mk 1 is still in the game.
looks like Germany is in too...with MLSR's Mars II's and also IRIS-t systems as well.......
They will arrive in the "fullness of time", by this fall at the earliest, unless someone lite a fire under their arses. Perhaps someone explained how much petroleum and natural gas Ukraine was sitting on. Not to mention the speed with which it could be developed because the pipelines run right through the existing gas fields. Punch holes in the ground and hook up, replacing Russian gas. It doesn't get much cheaper or easier and the transport infrastructure runs right over the top of the largest undeveloped fields.
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They will arrive in the "fullness of time", by this fall at the earliest, unless someone lite a fire under their arses. Perhaps someone explained how much petroleum and natural gas Ukraine was sitting on. Not to mention the speed with which it could be developed because the pipelines run right through the existing gas fields. Punch holes in the ground and hook up, replacing Russian gas.

from what i'm seeing that's basically the idea.....get this war over with, start developing the NG plant, and cut Russia off period, now UA can send all the gas to the EU, prolly one of them main reason why Russia wants UA, it's because of it's NG and they can dominate the market of it....not working so well at the moment
This may be simplistic, but ships no longer have turrets.

You spoke of sanctions, which are not military. That led me to wonder if you knew a way to shift those hulls without shots fired. I know of none that would compel Putin prime. Im not sure Putin mk 1 is still in the game.
I am sure Putin has become a new fan of the Turret Toss Competition going on now. And yes, ships have turrets also.

from what i'm seeing that's basically the idea.....get this war over with, start developing the NG plant, and cut Russia off period, now UA can send all the gas to the EU, prolly one of them main reason why Russia wants UA, it's because of it's NG and they can dominate the market of it....not working so well at the moment
It was always the real reason. Ukraine would displace them and take their market share, his plan was to keep them offline, they already had contracts signed with oil companies and guess what happened to cause them to move out? Russia didn't want any of this developed, they have massive gas fields and infrastructure built, most of their pipelines passed through Ukraine, hence Nordstream 1&2 with Germany to bypass it. However Ukraine can highjack their last mile of pipeline to their main markets and use it for their gas. Once a country like Ukraine started getting a lot of money from gas, they would spend much of it on defense and they would become even more important to Europe. He had to first cause trouble, then invade, or they would have developed this gas and he'd be fucked. Also a liberal democratic Ukraine would "infect" Russia and Russia is an empire of conquest and would dissolve or pieces would fly off, like with Chechnya. So Vlad had a couple of good reasons for invading Ukraine, from his perspective.
It was always the real reason. Ukraine would displace them and take their market share, his plan was to keep them offline, they already had contracts signed with oil companies and guess what happened to cause them to move out? Russia didn't want any of this developed, they have massive gas fields and infrastructure built, most of their pipelines passed through Ukraine, hence Nordstream 1&2 with Germany to bypass it. However Ukraine can highjack their last mile of pipeline to their main markets and use it for their gas. Once a country like Ukraine started getting a lot of money from gas, they would spend much of it on defense and they would become even more important to Europe. He had to first cause trouble, then invade, or they would have developed this gas and he'd be fucked. Also a liberal democratic Ukraine would "infect" Russia and Russia is an empire of conquest and would dissolve or pieces would fly off, like with Chechnya. So Vlad had a couple of good reasons for invading Ukraine, from his perspective.

eh we really can't speculate what's gonna happen after this but i do have my fingers crossed in a few areas though.....especially after this dibocle...
Did someone say a drone video set to Benny Hill music?

‎The occupant pretended to be dead during the explosion. "The Show" Caught on Video‎