LSD-25 strain info…


Well-Known Member
Has any grew this? Curious if the colors you see online are legit and what the harvested bud actually throws color wise. Looks solid purple online.
Has any grew this? Curious if the colors you see online are legit and what the harvested bud actually throws color wise. Looks solid purple online.
It was six years ago, but think I am right from this pic. Just for fun I grew Crystal Meth, LSD-25 and Girl Scout Cookie (GSC was by far the best) all FastBud autos. Very purple; clockwise from top GSC, LSD & CM.


Its real. There are actually 3 different phenos from that strain. I have grown it 3 times in the last year. Most were what you are looking for and I agree the Gorilla Cookies is a better smoke. Have a pic under Ringing my own bell thread I posted thiz morning.