
If you think these pricks wouldn't starve millions of people, think again and realize what you are dealing with, forget negotiating, be as smart as you can and fuck them as hard as you can, for as long as you can. Destroy their military power and force general conscription for a fucking meat grinder in Ukraine and other places too to foment political instability and social division in Russia. Turn their economy into dust when the shit they bought from the west wears out and breaks down, including agricultural equipment and railways.

Russian navy ordered to lay mines at Ukraine’s Black Sea ports, says US
Intelligence claims operation is part of Russia’s blockade of grain exports, which threatens to trigger global famine

The Russian navy has been given orders to lay mines at the ports of Odesa and Ochakiv, and has already mined the Dnieper River, as part of a blockade of Ukrainian grain exports, according to newly declassified US intelligence.

US officials also released satellite images showing the damage inflicted by Russian missile strikes earlier this month on Ukraine’s second biggest grain terminal at nearby Mykolaiv, at a time when the interruption of grain exports threatens to trigger a global famine. Sunflower oil storage tanks at Mykolaiv came under attack on Wednesday.

Russia has denied laying mines around the Black Sea ports, and has turned around the allegations on Kyiv, claiming instead the Ukrainians have mined their own ports.

The US says its intelligence points to a concerted Russian strategy to cut off the stretch of the coast still under Ukrainian control. “The United States has information that the Black Sea fleet is under orders to effectively blockade the Ukrainian ports of Odesa and Ochakiv,” a US official said.

“We can confirm that despite Russia’s public claims that it is not mining the north-western Black Sea, Russia actually is deploying mines in the Black Sea near Ochakiv. We also have indication that Russian forces previously mined the Dnieper River.”

“The impact of Russia’s actions, which have caused a cessation of maritime trade in the northern third of the Black Sea and made the region unsafe for navigation, cannot be understated, as Ukraine’s seaborne exports are vital to global food security,” the official said, pointing out that Ukraine supplied a 10th of global wheat exports and about 95% of those exports left the country through the Black Sea ports.

Alternative land routes are being examined, while the UK has offered technical expertise to Turkey, which has offered to escort cargo ships through the Black Sea. But Ankara said it had not been able to fix a date for a meeting with Russian officials to discuss the proposed grain convoys.

The US also declassified satellite images on Thursday showing the scale of damage inflicted in a 4 June Russian attack on the Nika-Tera grain terminal in Mykolaiv, the second biggest in Ukraine.

“The image makes clear that the Russian invasion of Ukraine has led to the destruction of three of the site’s grain silos as well as the conveyor system that loads grain on to vessels,” the US official said. “Because of Russia’s attack, the export capacity of the grain terminal has been reduced by at least one-third.”

Video footage released on Thursday also showed serious damage to at least two storage tanks for sunflower oil at a terminal in Ukraine’s Black Sea port of Mykolaiv, caused by a Russian missile strike on Wednesday.

The Kremlin has formally denied trying to trigger a global famine, but earlier this week Margarita Simonyan, the head of the Russian propaganda outlet RT, suggested that was the strategy.

“The famine will start now and they will lift the sanctions and be friends with us, because they will realise that it’s impossible not to be friends with us,” Simonyan told the St Petersburg Economic Forum.

that would constitue Article 5...if they hit that...
Naw, they want to avoid that and strangle the fuckers slowly with their own shit, keeps Germany and France on side and from sucking Vlad's ass for gas. Destroys more of the Russian army and economy, ya don't want peace and them building tanks with a hard on for the west, while being supplied with high tech components by useful idiots. It's hard on Ukrainians, but is best for them most of all and I figure the smart ones know it, or will come to realize it as their particular price for freedom and future prosperity. It's also why they will be building their own weapons, if they end up as an energy supplier making really big bucks, the bucks the Russians used to make, only with a lot smaller country and a much better government.
if that is true, i see it as more than enough provocation to take the fucking war to him, boots on the fucking ground....

Lmao @ this shit, okay your coward ass lead the charge please.

As for the ruble, with so many sanctions it's clearly impossible for it to be used everywhere. Does not change the fact that sanctions haven't "crushed" shit parrot heads. Russia is still winning this war, and Trump is still not in prison.
that would constitue Article 5...if they hit that...
Ukraine building their own cruise missiles that could take out rail bridges anywhere in Russia right out to the east coast would also insure their security from conventional warfare and missile attack from inside Russia. They could cripple whatever is left of Russia's economy and communications in a week and paralyze all military movements in the country. They have the ability to design and produce the turbo jet engines and a lot could be bought from abroad. They could also have a partner county like Poland and share the missiles and technology. If they want to develop oil and gas in peace, this is a way to do it and not worry about the interests of allies restricting your freedom of action. Making them dependent on your resources is best of all, then their national interests align with yours, as we have seen with Russia and certain Europeans. Still having your own weapons that can reach out and touch Vlad at his villa in Sochi will get his attention and put his pink little ass on the line anywhere inside Russia.
Ukraine building their own cruise missiles that could take out rail bridges anywhere in Russia right out to the east coast would also insure their security from conventional warfare and missile attack from inside Russia. They could cripple whatever is left of Russia's economy and communications in a week and paralyze all military movements in the country. They have the ability to design and produce the turbo jet engines and a lot could be bought from abroad. They could also have a partner county like Poland and share the missiles and technology. If they want to develop oil and gas in peace, this is a way to do it and not worry about the interests of allies restricting your freedom of action. Making them dependent on your resources is best of all, then their national interests align with yours, as we have seen with Russia and certain Europeans. Still having your own weapons that can reach out and touch Vlad at his villa in Sochi will get his attention and put his pink little ass on the line anywhere inside Russia.

that would work, or them developing they're own anti air and missile defense systems as well.....that might even go along with maritime systems development as well...
AA defense is not as big an issue because they are defensive weapons, offensive ones with a long reach, a 1000 KG warhead and high accuracy is what they want and have trouble getting.

true, but a strong defense sometimes over loads an offence most of the time....imo i would thing they would be up to the take of building they're own after this......
that would work, or them developing they're own anti air and missile defense systems as well.....that might even go along with maritime systems development as well...
In 5 years Ukraine could have a stealth cruise missile developed with Poland and then could, with intelligence help, have every Russian nuclear weapons site targeted with conventional precision weapons. Starlink equipped ones could loiter along with other drones and take out mobile launchers. All done by an independent power with conventional weapons, if Ukraine makes a couple of billion a day off energy, how many such stealth missiles could they build? How much of the Russian nuclear capability could they take out almost instantly without warning? How many missiles could rain down on the Kremlin with one ton conventional warheads?
true, but a strong defense sometimes over loads an offence most of the time....imo i would thing they would be up to the take of building they're own after this......
If they have oil and gas people will sell them AA defense! If they don't, partner with an eastern European ally or allies and make your own, then compete with those who won't sell them to you. It's easy to get parts and hard to get complete systems, most components can be bought abroad, so rolling your own has advantages.
If they have oil and gas people will sell them AA defense! If they don't, partner with an eastern European ally or allies and make your own, then compete with those who won't sell them to you. It's easy to get parts and hard to get complete systems, most components can be bought abroad, so rolling your own has advantages.

that it does.....
“The famine will start now and they will lift the sanctions and be friends with us, because they will realise that it’s impossible not to be friends with us,” Simonyan told the St Petersburg Economic Forum.
fuck her, fuck putin, and fuck russia....when the fuck is NATO (of which we are a part) going to man the fuck up and bitch slap putin like the cunt he is?...how many people have to starve to death for this fucking homicidal megalomaniac to be brought to heel like the misbehaving mongrel he is?