The problem with libs/dems


Well-Known Member
8 months ago they’re out there preaching kill the unvaxxed, get your shot do as I and your government say, your bodily autonomy does not matter!!!
As of Friday… the government has no right to take away your bodily autonomy!! They’re taking us back to the dark ages!!! Women aren’t smart enough to use contraceptives and we rely one telling our girlfriends to get abortions so we can remove all sense of responsibility from our own neglect!!

Modern libs and dems are the most hypocritical Neanderthals the world has ever seen.
I commented in a thread today about the roe v wade that women as well as men need to act responsibly and practise safe sex if they don’t want conception, simple, concise, accurate. Not a single lib said yeah, makes sense. Instead it was women like sex how you gonna stop it, your daughters gonna get plowed, condoms break and pills fail. Honestly, why are libs/dems so fucking idiotic?? If you are one, please, for the love of everything and everything, drink turpentine by the gallon.
Well...good luck with selling people on not fucking grandpa.

Some folks like to have sex and not have kids all the time. Weird prudish shit on the weed website, wtf.
Lol dude no one was ever trying to sell people on not fucking, all I ever said was chicks can act responsibly and use one of the many forms of birth control available to them if they don’t wanna get pregnant. I’m all for people getting their jollies, just made the point women gotta take responsible actions too
Women don't have Constitutionally protected rights, unlike white men. What rights women have came from the right to "privacy" which is the same for virtually every achievement of the Civil Rights movement. They have now been stripped of those rights. This decision has less to do with abortion, than it has to do with equal rights. People are still focused on the abortion aspect, but soon they will realize that the Supreme Court just returned the USA to the status of an Apartheid state. We are now the only developed nation without Constitutionally guaranteed equal rights. I just hope it's enough of shock to push the states into adopting a fresh Equal Rights Amendment or else this country is done. The mullahs on the Supreme Sharia Court have spoken, the choice is either to follow the Republicans into creating their Megachurch Afghanistan or to fix the glaring flaws that the Founders had to compromise on in order to keep the Southern slave-owning states onboard with the new "country."
8 months ago they’re out there preaching kill the unvaxxed, get your shot do as I and your government say, your bodily autonomy does not matter!!!
As of Friday… the government has no right to take away your bodily autonomy!! They’re taking us back to the dark ages!!! Women aren’t smart enough to use contraceptives and we rely one telling our girlfriends to get abortions so we can remove all sense of responsibility from our own neglect!!

Modern libs and dems are the most hypocritical Neanderthals the world has ever seen.
I commented in a thread today about the roe v wade that women as well as men need to act responsibly and practise safe sex if they don’t want conception, simple, concise, accurate. Not a single lib said yeah, makes sense. Instead it was women like sex how you gonna stop it, your daughters gonna get plowed, condoms break and pills fail. Honestly, why are libs/dems so fucking idiotic?? If you are one, please, for the love of everything and everything, drink turpentine by the gallon.
Women love sex m8. Learn it now and accept it as true and you will die a very happy man. Your a man you have control over your body. So should they.

Stay in school and be good to your mother At least you know who that is.
Lol dude no one was ever trying to sell people on not fucking, all I ever said was chicks can act responsibly and use one of the many forms of birth control available to them if they don’t wanna get pregnant. I’m all for people getting their jollies, just made the point women gotta take responsible actions too
so you have had a vasectomy and wear protection?
Women don't have Constitutionally protected rights, unlike white men. What rights women have came from the right to "privacy" which is the same for virtually every achievement of the Civil Rights movement. They have now been stripped of those rights. This decision has less to do with abortion, than it has to do with equal rights. People are still focused on the abortion aspect, but soon they will realize that the Supreme Court just returned the USA to the status of an Apartheid state. We are now the only developed nation without Constitutionally guaranteed equal rights. I just hope it's enough of shock to push the states into adopting a fresh Equal Rights Amendment or else this country is done. The mullahs on the Supreme Sharia Court have spoken, the choice is either to follow the Republicans into creating their Megachurch Afghanistan or to fix the glaring flaws that the Founders had to compromise on in order to keep the Southern slave-owning states onboard with the new "country."
Nah, they haven’t in the least. That’s a far cry by any means. The court has removed itself from an issue that divides nearly half the country and said we’re not going to aid in your whoops i fucked up better vacuum it out solution. All they did was basically say look, there are tons of ways not to get pregnant and still enjoy sex so it’s on you to be responsible doing so. It’s time women actually understand that. Men have been screwed over for such a long time when it comes to not having a say about being a dad or not, I’m sure some wanted to have that child and raise them alone but the woman went 9 months of discomfort fuck you im having an abortion. It’s finally a bit of a taste of their own medicine and forced them to act responsibly instead of putting it all on a man like it has been since everyone alive can remember. If they aren’t ready to be mothers they can take the pill, get the shot, iud, sponge, spermicide, condom, female condom, and any other ones I’ve missed. Options readily available, time they responsibly use them and ditch the “he should have worn a condom” if anything it further equalizes the playing field instead of the equal but with benefits they currently receive
so you have had a vasectomy and wear protection?
Yeah I’m all done, I’ve got my little one and that was enough for me so I went under the knife. The old lady was cool with it and all is good. But before we had her I used domes and she was on the pill and there were never any close calls. It’s that simple, act responsibly and you don’t have worries.
Yeah I’m all done, I’ve got my little one and that was enough for me so I went under the knife. The old lady was cool with it and all is good. But before we had her I used domes and she was on the pill and there were never any close calls. It’s that simple, act responsibly and you don’t have worries.
then your whole post just makes you look stupid.
Not really, the whole aspect of the post is libs are retarded for thinking all the rights are stripped away when all they did was force people to be responsible adults. Also to point out they are the same people telling unvaxxed they should have no bodily autonomy and just get the vax then half a year later be outraged that the govt says hey this option of bodily autonomy is going off the table because you should be more responsible if you don’t wanna be preggers
Stay in school and be good to your mother.
Sounds to me like you just wanna tell your next lay to get an abortion rather than man up and be a dad when you have a whoops moment
Im a grand dad young fella. Just trying to teach a young fella like your self four things.
1: You have control over your own body
2: Everybody else should to. Yep and that includes horney women.
3. Women of all ages love sex. They like sex more than men. Why would't they when they can have mulitple orgasm's and easily go all night. Its not like they cum and go to sleep is it? They spend all their teenage and adult life with men trying to sleep with them. if a women wants sex they can have it pretty much whenever they want.
4. Stay in school and be good to your mum.
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Im a grand day young fella. Just trying to teach a young fella like your self four things.
1: You have control over your own body
2: Everybody else should to. Yep and that includes horney women.
3. Women of all ages love sex. They like sex more than men. Why would't they when they can have mulitple orgasm's and easily go all night. Its not like they cum and go to sleep is it? They spend all their teenage and adult life with men trying to sleep with them. if a women wants sex they can have it pretty much whenever they want.
4. Stay in school and be good to your mum.
At no point have I said don’t have sex, said pick one of their 7 some odd options and go to town. Being smart and getting laid vs being an idiot and getting laid and having an unplanned pregnancy are two very different things. If you have the means to avoid getting knocked up when you don’t want it and still getting your rocks off then use those options. All it’s done is put responsibility on women to be proactive instead of reactive which isn’t a bad thing. It’s been a one sided blame game against men for as long as any of us can remember and when there’s two options for us and three to four times as many for women it’s time they bare their share of responsibility as well. If you don’t understand that then you should take your own advice and go back to the books