I know because you leftists bastardize the word Liberal to cover for what you are, leftists. Cultural Marxists.What is it with you and the word leftist comrade?
I don’t know a soul in real life who uses that word
I know because you leftists bastardize the word Liberal to cover for what you are, leftists. Cultural Marxists.What is it with you and the word leftist comrade?
I don’t know a soul in real life who uses that word
Clutch your pearls!All this banter and not even one mention of what will happen when/if Griswold vs Connecticut gets overturned as well. All the stupid "hur dur use protection!" comments when States will be able to ban protection.
Classical but also social.An actual Classical liberal or the common distortion by the left of calling leftist scum liberals? This is classic liberalism.
Classical liberalism
Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism that advocates free market and laissez-faire economics; civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on limited government, economic freedom, and political freedom.Wikipedia
An actual Classical liberal or the common distortion by the left of calling leftist scum liberals? This is classic liberalism.
Classical liberalism
Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism that advocates free market and laissez-faire economics; civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on limited government, economic freedom, and political freedom.Wikipedia
Bless your heartClutch your pearls!
Obviously you just want to argue I didn’t say to make them infertile I said if you invade peoples rights like that and monitor them like that you might as well do away with our constitution just do a.i. and make men infertile not saying we should do that but if it came to them stripping peoples rights away to monitor sexual contact they might as well go all the way. Also I do have children and cherish them we are arguing points and perspective not our lives as they are.Once again the far reach and justifying everything on the off chance of something happening. So why not have and raise the child? Kids are pretty neat actually. What is it with you leftists and making men infertile? Some sort of sickness?
As per political analysts, the right-wingers are conservatives, right-libertarians, neoconservatives, imperialists, monarchists, fascists, reactionaries and traditionalists.An actual Classical liberal or the common distortion by the left of calling leftist scum liberals? This is classic liberalism.
Classical liberalism
Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism that advocates free market and laissez-faire economics; civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on limited government, economic freedom, and political freedom.Wikipedia
Since day one of having sex until I was in a position where I was ready to be a father. It’s not hard to see how having a kid when you’re not ready will throw your whole life for a loop. Not to mention I’ve always made sure the women I dated were on the pill until I met the old lady and we decided we were in a good position to bring my daughter into the world. My apologies for being level headed and collected, I guess I’m light years ahead of the rest of you who don’t know how to use the big headLOL at what age did you become "responsible"?
Yeah I am sure discussing birth control and abortion were common topics on your datesSince day one of having sex until I was in a position where I was ready to be a father. It’s not hard to see how having a kid when you’re not ready will throw your whole life for a loop. Not to mention I’ve always made sure the women I dated were on the pill until I met the old lady and we decided we were in a good position to bring my daughter into the world. My apologies for being level headed and collected, I guess I’m light years ahead of the rest of you who don’t know how to use the big head
2% are probably Nick Cannonmans sperm has caused 100% of all unwanted pregnancies...
Nobody is ever truly ready to have a child when they do no matter what you tell yourself. I had two a boy and girl three years apart am financially stable short and long term have a busy career and a woman who loves me and helps in every way and we had our kids as planned but still not ready for what life throws at you with kids. They are older now not so much babies but older still my babies though and they still throw curve balls at me every day. I want my daughter to have a right to choose what’s right for her and her body I do and will teach about safe sex and how to properly enjoy life but to be cautious and careful. This argument is dumb. We as humans have no right to dictate what rights another law abiding citizen should have.Since day one of having sex until I was in a position where I was ready to be a father. It’s not hard to see how having a kid when you’re not ready will throw your whole life for a loop. Not to mention I’ve always made sure the women I dated were on the pill until I met the old lady and we decided we were in a good position to bring my daughter into the world. My apologies for being level headed and collected, I guess I’m light years ahead of the rest of you who don’t know how to use the big head
I see the correlation is between a leftist couple having consensual sex and drunk driving. I stand corrected.
By your own logic, Repubs are equally hypocritical, in that they don't support a woman's right to choose, but they do support a person's right to personal choice when it comes to vaccines.8 months ago they’re out there preaching kill the unvaxxed, get your shot do as I and your government say, your bodily autonomy does not matter!!!
As of Friday… the government has no right to take away your bodily autonomy!! They’re taking us back to the dark ages!!! Women aren’t smart enough to use contraceptives and we rely one telling our girlfriends to get abortions so we can remove all sense of responsibility from our own neglect!!
Modern libs and dems are the most hypocritical Neanderthals the world has ever seen.
Well if you teach her right she’ll never have the need to get an abortion because she has all the knowledge and tools at her disposal to have the fun human experience and prevent pregnancy until she thinks it’s the right time. And yes they do throw you curveballs and you’re making it up as you go along but you made the conscious choice to enter into that life. If parents actually sit down with their kids and prepare them for life so they don’t fuck up then there’s no need to even make that choice unless there’s serious life threatening complications arising from it. The problem is normalizing it like it’s okay it’s a procedure and you go about your life, there are women out there that just do what they please cause it’s a quick fix. It’s a lack of ethics and complete disregard for responsibility and that’s my quarrel with it. Under certain circumstances it’s a necessary but for the most part it’s avoidable by so many measures that it can be practically off the table instead of being a serviceNobody is ever truly ready to have a child when they do no matter what you tell yourself. I had two a boy and girl three years apart am financially stable short and long term have a busy career and a woman who loves me and helps in every way and we had our kids as planned but still not ready for what life throws at you with kids. They are older now not so much babies but older still my babies though and they still throw curve balls at me every day. I want my daughter to have a right to choose what’s right for her and her body I do and will teach about safe sex and how to properly enjoy life but to be cautious and careful. This argument is dumb. We as humans have no right to dictate what rights another law abiding citizen should have.
Here you go, here is some self awareness for you.Explain to me what a "Leftist" is and then let me know how the word got into your response to my post please. Are you saying that Grandpa is a Leftist? Or are you calling me a Leftist?
For you also, learn some introspection.DRINK!!!!!!
So it’s a racist dog whistleHere you go, here is some self awareness for you.