The problem with libs/dems

I always say the problem with all this is simply this the republicans have one set group of people to make happy wealthy established Christian white menu and woman the dems on the other hand have to make everybody else happy gays, minorities the whites , veterans immigrants Muslims basically anybody that isn’t a white male Christian. So being stuck in that positions means you’ll never make all those groups happy and as far as I’m concerned a woman should feel as free as a man does sexually and be able to experience it without having to birth a child every time do I agree with abortion not necessarily do I understand it’s need and place in our society totally do I feel any man should have a day in a woman’s rights to it no not at all neither should the government
Word soup and a fine example of blithering lunacy. Congratulations.
I always say the problem with all this is simply this the republicans have one set group of people to make happy wealthy established Christian white menu and woman the dems on the other hand have to make everybody else happy gays, minorities the whites , veterans immigrants Muslims basically anybody that isn’t a white male Christian. So being stuck in that positions means you’ll never make all those groups happy and as far as I’m concerned a woman should feel as free as a man does sexually and be able to experience it without having to birth a child every time do I agree with abortion not necessarily do I understand it’s need and place in our society totally do I feel any man should have a day in a woman’s rights to it no not at all neither should the government
I don’t necessarily disagree with what you’ve said, the only point I want to interject with is that she should act responsibly with her sex life to prevent that pregnancy from happening because she has the tools available to her. Abortion should be the last option on the table if all others fail and they do not have a high failure rate especially when she uses hers and requests him to use his. If he declines she can find any other guy in a heartbeat to throw one on and take the ride
Word soup and a fine example of blithering lunacy. Congratulations.
I guess. I’m just saying as a man it’s not our place to make judgement about abortions or a woman’s rights towards sex and contraception it’s like how white people always have something to say about what’s racist when really they don’t have any place too because they’re points are invalid in the publics eyes
I don’t necessarily disagree with what you’ve said, the only point I want to interject with is that she should act responsibly with her sex life to prevent that pregnancy from happening because she has the tools available to her. Abortion should be the last option on the table if all others fail and they do not have a high failure rate especially when she uses hers and requests him to use his. If he declines she can find any other guy in a heartbeat to throw one on and take the ride
men have all the tools necessary to prevent unwanted pregnancy.....a zipper. If they chose to not use safety measures like a simple zipper, they are responsible..
I don’t necessarily disagree with what you’ve said, the only point I want to interject with is that she should act responsibly with her sex life to prevent that pregnancy from happening because she has the tools available to her. Abortion should be the last option on the table if all others fail and they do not have a high failure rate especially when she uses hers and requests him to use his. If he declines she can find any other guy in a heartbeat to throw one on and take the ride
I agree she should act safe in her sexual exploits as we all should but it doesn’t mean you can’t end up pregnant mistakes and accidents happen. I have a friend that had her tubes tied and burned and she got pregnant 8 yrs later even though she took precautions should she have to deal with that responsibility just because or should it be her choice
Sounds like you’re not actually a lib or a con but just a person that sees politics are shit on both sides. At least with cons though there’s logical communication even if it’s disagreed with. Libs just whine until people get in
I consider myself a liberal, in the fact that I'm open minded to the opinions and lifestyles of others, and that I support social services. I also believe in the right of personal autonamy, regardless of what the centerpoint of the specific issue is. I agree that politics are sit on both sides, but being liberal is different than being a democrat. I know plenty of democrats who think that they are liberal, but they are not.
I agree she should act safe in her sexual exploits as we all should but it doesn’t mean you can’t end up pregnant mistakes and accidents happen. I have a friend that had her tubes tied and burned and she got pregnant 8 yrs later even though she took precautions should she have to deal with that responsibility just because or should it be her choice
That’s a completely different scenario to what I’m referring to she took every precaution possible to prevent having another child her instance I agree with that right to choose all I’m saying is abortion should not be an option for those who are just acting irresponsibly and not performing their due diligence
Equating driving drunk with consensual sex? Only a leftist would do that.

You can look at it the same as drunk drivers who hit a pedestrian or another car and seriously injure or kill them, we don’t give them a free pass for doing something idiotic, why should we give irresponsible women a free pass to kill an innocent life because they wanted to get off

Interesting conflict of ideology.
That’s a completely different scenario to what I’m referring to she took every precaution possible to prevent having another child her instance I agree with that right to choose all I’m saying is abortion should not be an option for those who are just acting irresponsibly and not performing their due diligence
How do you monitor something like that for instance how would you know that she use the diaphragm he used a condom with spermicide he pulled out she made him pull out and they took all other precautions that could possibly be taken as well did they use spermicidal lubricant was she ovulating was she not ovulating what time of day did they have sex what position did they have sex in all of that stuff comes in to play when getting pregnant so all of that stuff should come in to play to keep from getting pregnant there’s no logical way without invading everybody’s human rights to monitor That if that was the case we might as well throw our constitution out the window do artificial insemination and make every man infertile
Lol dude no one was ever trying to sell people on not fucking, all I ever said was chicks can act responsibly and use one of the many forms of birth control available to them if they don’t wanna get pregnant. I’m all for people getting their jollies, just made the point women gotta take responsible actions too

LOL at what age did you become "responsible"?
That’s a completely different scenario to what I’m referring to she took every precaution possible to prevent having another child her instance I agree with that right to choose all I’m saying is abortion should not be an option for those who are just acting irresponsibly and not performing their due diligence
How do you monitor something like that for instance how would you know that she use the diaphragm he used a condom with spermicide he pulled out she made him pull out and they took all other precautions that could possibly be taken as well did they use spermicidal lubricant was she ovulating was she not ovulating what time of day did they have sex what position did they have sex in all of that stuff comes in to play when getting pregnant so all of that stuff should come in to play to keep from getting pregnant there’s no logical way without invading everybody’s human rights to monitor That if that was the case we might as well throw our constitution out the window do artificial insemination and make every man infertile
Once again the far reach and justifying everything on the off chance of something happening. So why not have and raise the child? Kids are pretty neat actually. What is it with you leftists and making men infertile? Some sort of sickness?
Once again the far reach and justifying everything on the off chance of something happening. So why not have and raise the child? Kids are pretty neat actually. What is it with you leftists and making men infertile? Some sort of sickness?
What is it with you and the word leftist comrade?
I don’t know a soul in real life who uses that word
I consider myself a liberal, in the fact that I'm open minded to the opinions and lifestyles of others, and that I support social services. I also believe in the right of personal autonamy, regardless of what the centerpoint of the specific issue is. I agree that politics are sit on both sides, but being liberal is different than being a democrat. I know plenty of democrats who think that they are liberal, but they are not.
An actual Classical liberal or the common distortion by the left of calling leftist scum liberals? This is classic liberalism.

Classical liberalism
Classical liberalism is a political ideology and a branch of liberalism that advocates free market and laissez-faire economics; civil liberties under the rule of law with an emphasis on limited government, economic freedom, and political freedom.Wikipedia