The problem with libs/dems

Arguing with idiots, I had no idea so many were utterly stupid. They go nuts at the mere mention of personal responsibility and get even worse if you expect a woman to have it. Equality has never meant anything to the average leftist.
Yup. Not one will agree to the facts of the modern age that women have exuberant amounts of options to prevent unwanted pregnancy and that if they are not ready for parenthood it’s their responsibility to use them just as it’s a man’s responsibility to dome up if he doesn’t want to be a dad yet. Libs will never admit it though because then they aren’t pro feminism and self hating misandrists
This doesn’t have anything to do with this but I wish the government would give me food stamps I’m going broke try to eat like I actually have some taste and can afford the finer things
This doesn’t have anything to do with this but I wish the government would give me food stamps I’m going broke try to eat like I actually have some taste and can afford the finer things
The government under Tepublican blockade has reduced food stamps to almost impossible to qualify conditions
Unless you are willing to work for a poverty wage you can’t qualify
You can’t remove a woman’s responsibility from the equation, there are tons of products specifically for her to prevent her from even having to consider an abortion. They are responsible to do their part as well and that’s called equality
Equality?...Woman have been held responsible for getting pregnant for centuries. Lets hold the man responsible for the next 2000 years and call it even. = Equality
Yup. Not one will agree to the facts of the modern age that women have exuberant amounts of options to prevent unwanted pregnancy and that if they are not ready for parenthood it’s their responsibility to use them just as it’s a man’s responsibility to dome up if he doesn’t want to be a dad yet. Libs will never admit it though because then they aren’t pro feminism and self hating misandrists
Why not just give em all hysterectomys.. Problem solved!!
Equality?...Woman have been held responsible for getting pregnant for centuries. Lets hold the man responsible for the next 2000 years and call it even. = Equality
Men have no say in whether a child’s born or not, if they don’t want the kid they are financially responsible, lose their homes, pay support and alimony, even the most involved fathers are subjected to seeing their kids every other weekend all due to a woman’s scorn. Some equality
I always say the problem with all this is simply this the republicans have one set group of people to make happy wealthy established Christian white menu and woman the dems on the other hand have to make everybody else happy gays, minorities the whites , veterans immigrants Muslims basically anybody that isn’t a white male Christian. So being stuck in that positions means you’ll never make all those groups happy and as far as I’m concerned a woman should feel as free as a man does sexually and be able to experience it without having to birth a child every time do I agree with abortion not necessarily do I understand it’s need and place in our society totally do I feel any man should have a day in a woman’s rights to it no not at all neither should the government
Men have no say in whether a child’s born or not, if they don’t want the kid they are financially responsible, lose their homes, pay support and alimony, even the most involved fathers are subjected to seeing their kids every other weekend all due to a woman’s scorn. Some equality
zip it up.....problem solved
The government under Tepublican blockade has reduced food stamps to almost impossible to qualify conditions
Unless you are willing to work for a poverty wage you can’t qualify
I know it’s just crazy how the people who work hardest and pay all these taxes ie the middle class we can’t get any help ever we just get rode until we die