States and Abortion

I'm curious how forcing a 10 year old pregnant rape victim in South Dakota to have her rapists child isn't slavery? I believe we decided once that issues related to the inherent equal rights of all people is a federal issue, rather than something a state can decide.
that was called "The Civil War"....
It's forcing us or another human to do what they don't agree with.
"Hey you! Doctor! I demand you kill this human inside me!"
" I dont think i want to participate in killing a living human, sorry"
"You horrible human It's my body! I do what i want!"

"Ok, but i dont wanna kill it, and you cant force me to kill it"
It's forcing us or another human to do what they don't agree with.
"Hey you! Doctor! I demand you kill this human inside me!"
" I dont think i want to participate in killing a living human,

That’s why a lot of doctors don’t specialize obstetrics.
There should be something in place for women...if you make that decision then fine, but its gotta be by your own hand. Via pill, or physical manipulation we must remain bystanders. Only then does she retain her inalienable right without treading on another humans rights
It's forcing us or another human to do what they don't agree with.
"Hey you! Doctor! I demand you kill this human inside me!"
" I dont think i want to participate in killing a living human, sorry"
"You horrible human It's my body! I do what i want!"

"Ok, but i dont wanna kill it, and you cant force me to kill it"
If a doctor doesn't want to perform an abortion, they probably shouldn't specialize in that procedure. Duh.
behold what occurs when religion cries “stop the steal!” to reality.

Embryos are not living humans yet, the black robe club notwithstanding. It is the cynical propagation of that lie by the priests that (inter alia) mark religious doctrine (take yer pick) as presapience.
There should be something in place for women...if you make that decision then fine, but its gotta be by your own hand. Via pill, or physical manipulation we must remain bystanders. Only then does she retain her inalienable right without treading on another humans rights
Following this logic to its necessary conclusion, all acts requiring more than one person should be outlawed. Sucks if you’re no good at playing football solo.

(addendum) in a way the quoted opinion parallels the broken dogmatic individualism of our local anarcho-primate, and is just as impracticable.