States and Abortion

Htf is killing gradad over dementia even comparable to terminating a pregnancy, that's lame af.

Roger mentioned his opinion was when a being begins to have thoughts, they are a person. So, when a person ceases having thoughts, I'm curious whether he thinks they cease to be a person and if it would be okay to terminate them.

I accept your gracious apology in advance.
Incest, rape, health of the mother. There should be no restrictions on abortion for those circumstances in any state. I don't believe in abortion as a form of birth control. There are ways to avoid getting pregnant and those should be used. That's just my opinion and ultimately it should be the woman's choice what she does with her body.

I don't understand how this single issue has such control over so many people's lives. Her body her choice regardless of anyone else's beliefs. That's how it should be.
Uncle Charlie has dementia and his thoughts are all messed up. Kill him?

I'm counting on someone pulling my plug when and if that happens. Here in Canada we have MAID, Medical Assistance In Dying, but you have to be of sound mind to sign off again when the time comes to exit stage left. The Alzheimers society is working to have that removed so while you are still cognizant enough to prepare for it you can designate someone someone to tell them to go ahead at a prearranged point in your slide into oblivion. I found out about 5 years ago that my birth mother was diagnosed with dementia when she was 65 and died of it at 75 so I may need such a service. I'm 68 in Oct and seem to have most of my cards in the deck yet so I'm hoping I dodged that bullet.

Much better than my plan. Eat my shotgun while I can still remember how to load it. :)
Htf is killing gradad over dementia even comparable to terminating a pregnancy.

Think of it as retroactive abortion. If they ever discover an in-utero test for dementia then a baby with that defective gene can be aborted and save the person that would have resulted a grisly end to life. Won't be long and they'll be able to correct defective genes in the womb and all babies will be born healthy. But when I started smoking at 13 I was certain they would have a cure for cancer by the time I got it but that hasn't happened yet. Big Pharma won't let it happen.

Incest, rape, health of the mother. There should be no restrictions on abortion for those circumstances in any state. I don't believe in abortion as a form of birth control. There are ways to avoid getting pregnant and those should be used. That's just my opinion and ultimately it should be the woman's choice what she does with her body.

I don't understand how this single issue has such control over so many people's lives. Her body her choice regardless of anyone else's beliefs. That's how it should be.
it is her choice. what we do not allow is for her to waltz up in some hospital i help pay for and just demand we kill a living being. That is not a right.
Roe vs. Wade, you have the right to an abortion, you don't have the right to demand we do the thing.
The supreme court finally figured that the fk out, and now we're just gonna have to go through the growing pains of being a progressive society that is trying to marry such polarizing ideals. Yes we want to help in times of crisis, but we aren't your personal crew of minions here to kill cherubs at your beckon call.
That's what that document said. You have the right to walk into an establishment and kill a living human. and we as a society must accommodate you. That's your "right".... Are you mental? have you all lost your moral compass? You think that's progressive?
I'm counting on someone pulling my plug when and if that happens. Here in Canada we have MAID, Medical Assistance In Dying, but you have to be of sound mind to sign off again when the time comes to exit stage left. The Alzheimers society is working to have that removed so while you are still cognizant enough to prepare for it you can designate someone someone to tell them to go ahead at a prearranged point in your slide into oblivion. I found out about 5 years ago that my birth mother was diagnosed with dementia when she was 65 and died of it at 75 so I may need such a service. I'm 68 in Oct and seem to have most of my cards in the deck yet so I'm hoping I dodged that bullet.

Much better than my plan. Eat my shotgun while I can still remember how to load it. :)

Shotgun could get messy.

I hope to be shot by a jealous husband when I'm 95! :bigjoint:
Incest, rape, health of the mother. There should be no restrictions on abortion for those circumstances in any state. I don't believe in abortion as a form of birth control. There are ways to avoid getting pregnant and those should be used. That's just my opinion and ultimately it should be the woman's choice what she does with her body.

I don't understand how this single issue has such control over so many people's lives. Her body her choice regardless of anyone else's beliefs. That's how it should be.
it's not just a single issue, it's the keystone that supports lgbtq rights, reproductive rights including ivf, even birth control...
and it is a medical privacy issue, this invites states to be invasive, how are they supposed to protect those fetus lives if they aren't aware of them? so of course we monitor all womens reproductive cycles now, how else can we protect those future votes?
it is her choice. what we do not allow is for her to waltz up in some hospital i help pay for and just demand we kill a living being. That is not a right.
Roe vs. Wade, you have the right to an abortion, you don't have the right to demand we do the thing.
The supreme court finally figured that the fk out, and now we're just gonna have to go through the growing pains of being a progressive society that is trying to marry such polarizing ideals. Yes we want to help in times of crisis, but we aren't your personal crew of minions here to kill cherubs at your beckon call.
That's what that document said. You have the right to walk into an establishment and kill a living human. and we as a society must accommodate you. That's your "right".... Are you mental? have you all lost your moral compass? You think that's progressive?
who the fuck are you to tell anyone what their rights are? you have neither the power to grant or remove rights.
you keep saying "we" and "us" think everyone in the medical field has a problem providing abortions? you seem to be co opting ownership of the entire medical profession...
many people in the medical field not only don't have a problem with it, they're happy to help.
so if a facility doesn't want to provide abortions, no one is going to force them. so why is it so important to force them all NOT to? you and those like you are the ones making unreasonable demands that you have no fucking business making. no RIGHT to make...