States and Abortion

actually, yeah, it seems to be a mistake that fucks up the entire electoral process...and just another way to enforce tribalism as the right wing radicalizes more fucking morons...
so we should do away with states. you're an American, we're all Americans, we should start fucking acting like it...

I was being facetious

the republicans still think they're going to win a majority in either house?...after pissing off well over half the women in the country, and every LGBTQ person alive on earth? after kicking the EPA in the nuts and allowing big oil and other major polluters to accelerate the death of us all? after handing mass murderers a big win with even laxer gun laws?...
know what? if they do win a majority, then the entire country deserves what ever it gets...if people don't get the fuck out and vote for good candidates with sane platforms, then the country is effectively dead in the water, waiting to rot down to the water line...
This constant and systematic labelling of "otherthinkers" as trolls and thereby trying to deprive them of legitimacy reeks of fascistic totalitarian stench.
This poster ignores the fact that the regulars here are concerned with a specific sort of “otherthinking”. It’s the far-right trolls who show up to shout one of the dushonesties that collectively become the MAGA mindset.

To suggest that shutting down obvious lying propagandists is narrow-minded bigotry … is not only inappropriate, it impugns anything else posted by this one. It has that totalitarian stench about it.
I'm counting on someone pulling my plug when and if that happens. Here in Canada we have MAID, Medical Assistance In Dying, but you have to be of sound mind to sign off again when the time comes to exit stage left. The Alzheimers society is working to have that removed so while you are still cognizant enough to prepare for it you can designate someone someone to tell them to go ahead at a prearranged point in your slide into oblivion. I found out about 5 years ago that my birth mother was diagnosed with dementia when she was 65 and died of it at 75 so I may need such a service. I'm 68 in Oct and seem to have most of my cards in the deck yet so I'm hoping I dodged that bullet.

Much better than my plan. Eat my shotgun while I can still remember how to load it. :)
Self-diagnosis of dementia is uncommon. That is what makes dementia the stuff of horror: you do not know, detect, believe that your mind is going.

Self-diagnosis of dementia is uncommon. That is what makes dementia the stuff of horror: you do not know, detect, believe that your mind is going.


Like the insane don't really notice they are going insane. I get that and would like to have some cognizant testing happen to set a baseline so I could be retested say 5 years down the line to see if there is noticeable deterioration of my mental facilities. I did suffer a minor stroke about 7 years or so ago not long after having an emergency appendectomy and passing a kidney stone shortly after the operation. MRI showed that I'd had about 5 previous tho they could be from head injuries and I'd suffered over the years. Nothing as noble as sports but MVAs and in my early 20s I was near beaten to death by a large man with luckily a fairly small hammer. Standard 160z claw hammer was what he used. Severe concussion and 40+ years of chronic depression which I seem to have beaten back in the last year by micro-dosing magic mushrooms. Haven't had any in almost a year and teh dark clouds are staying away tho there are a few overcast days here and there. More recently so may do another run of 'shrooms soon.

After the stroke I had serious brain fog and problems saying words I knew I knew well. That has faded since but a bit still hanging around.

Saw a doc, nurse practitioner, recently and she suspects I may have MS due to numbness in my left foot and right thigh along with various other symptoms that come and go. Hoping not but we'll see. I take no pharma meds and other than an enlarged prostate don't have any other issues. Mainly went to see her so she could contact our previous doc about renewing our medpot permits. Wife gets 6g/day and I had mine lowered from 12 - the original 8 I got about 7 years ago. Hellth Canaduh is clamping down on larger g/day allowances finally and I'd like to finally get grow permits for me and the wife. I have 12 plants growing outside this summer and really only legal for 4 rec plants until I get the OK from HC and it's too late for this year. We'll file the wife for outdoor only which is good for 6 plants and mine for indoor which is good for 40.

I used to think burning to death in a fire was the worst way to go but after seeing what dementia patients are like I got a new #1. :(

Im so sorry, i knew you were angry, i like you and wanted to try to give my side as soft as possible in this difficult subject.
PJ, he looked angry but again i like you, i tried to bare his whirlwind and give an accounting.
Ru, we have a right to not be involved dont we? So just need to get that worked out. Im so sorry those tragic events occur forcing such decisions upon others.
Im so sorry, i knew you were angry, i like you and wanted to try to give my side as soft as possible in this difficult subject.
PJ, he looked angry but again i like you, i tried to bare his whirlwind and give an accounting.
Ru, we have a right to not be involved dont we? So just need to get that worked out. Im so sorry those tragic events occur forcing such decisions upon others.
I wasn't angry. LOL at Rollie for saying "That's because we allow idiotic rednecks to post their ideas here, too". I'm not a redneck, I'm far-left, but I can't count the number of threads he's banned me from posting in for showing an alternate viewpoint.
I wasn't angry. LOL at Rollie for saying "That's because we allow idiotic rednecks to post their ideas here, too". I'm not a redneck, I'm far-left, but I can't count the number of threads he's banned me from posting in for showing an alternate viewpoint.
Roughest topic there is man, for real. Cant believe i hung in there