Is Biden really that bad?

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does it really take a Dr to tell you you aren't a Dr?
Why would i ask a Dr if i was a Dr or not?
How would a Dr know if I'm a Dr or not?
What if i just told a Dr that i was a Dr. Would that make me a Dr?

“There must be no regrets, no tears, no anxieties. Just go forward in all your beliefs, and prove to me that I am not mistaken in mine.”.
-Dr Who.
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You do realize that we actually don't have a major political party as far right as the Democrats?
We are introducing laws to protect whistle-blower's.
We didn't take guns off everybody.
We value a Free press.
Our women have rights.
We have universal healthcare.
We are not like America. You guys are so, so, so conservative and slave like to the gov.

No, that meme is America and Americans. You guys invented Fake news and alternative facts- which Hannimal seems to be a huge believer of.
I think Biden is doing a decent job. Solid B- inflation was already ticking up a bit under Trump from his failed policies and deals. Biden is also play damage control. We basically had a foreign spy in the white house with Trump. Trump set this country back 20-30 years. Getting out of this whole won't be easy.
You do realize that we actually don't have a major political party as far right as the Democrats?
We are introducing laws to protect whistle-blower's.
We didn't take guns off everybody.
We value a Free press.
Our women have rights.
We have universal healthcare.
We are not like America. You guys are so, so, so conservative and slave like to the gov.

No, that meme is America and Americans. You guys invented Fake news and alternative facts- which Hannimal seems to be a huge believer of.
can i ask you a question? why the fuck do you care what America is like? is your sole problem that we're persecuting your espionage heartthrob? or do you have some deeper issue? does it allow you to feel superior while still living in a country full of racist?
if AU is so great, why aren't you busy enjoying more of it, instead of trying to make everyone in america feel ashamed that we aren't as enlightened as AU?

tell you what, let's make a deal, when you clear all of that shit up, we can talk about how much America sucks, you fucking hypocritical cunt
can i ask you a question? why the fuck do you care what America is like? is your sole problem that we're persecuting your espionage heartthrob? or do you have some deeper issue? does it allow you to feel superior while still living in a country full of racist?
if AU is so great, why aren't you busy enjoying more of it, instead of trying to make everyone in america feel ashamed that we aren't as enlightened as AU?

tell you what, let's make a deal, when you clear all of that shit up, we can talk about how much America sucks, you fucking hypocritical cunt
He thinks cunt is a term of endearment
In his land down under
Where all the women act like men
Everybody enjoying life? Making Friends? I love cannabis and Nature. Have a Blessed day. When Judgment Day arrives and your asked why you spent your precious time hating on Life itself...
No excuse will be accepted.
Everybody enjoying life? Making Friends? I love cannabis and Nature. Have a Blessed day. When Judgment Day arrives and your asked why you spent your precious time hating on Life itself...
No excuse will be accepted.
i'm not a christian...i'm sort of a buddhist-reincarnationist.
when i die, if i haven't done better this time around than last, i'll just be reborn into someone of the same level of enlightenment (very low :cry: ) and have another try...if i have been better this time around than last, i'll come back in a slightly better place, and start again...until i reach a high enough level of enlightenment to not annoy the others who have achieved the god realm
Everybody enjoying life? Making Friends? I love cannabis and Nature. Have a Blessed day. When Judgment Day arrives and your asked why you spent your precious time hating on Life itself...
No excuse will be accepted.
Yep, those who voted for Trump will have a bit of trouble at the pearly gates, the Lord don't like those who have been seduced by an agent of the Devil. They will be doing the breast stroke in the ole lake of fire. There are no luggage racks on hearses and they don't allow the baggage of bigotry or bullshit into heaven, really, would it be heaven then? Finding Jesus and having an imaginary friend won't get you there, attaining a state of grace will, cause you are judged on your thoughts, words and deeds, just like here.

Passing through RIU on the road to heaven is a good idea, we can steer ya right and save yer miserable, sinful soul.
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