New outdoor grower any input please

Be the best you can be I have been told that I was to nice that being said the Community came together and shocked the s*** out of me so don't let anybody tell you not to be a nice guy just my two cents
It's just not in me to be mean...I use to mad and want seek revenge but you said it perfectly "be the best you can be"
OP will log back In and see 100 notifications lol
He will learn though.. lol..
Its a win in my book.. he'll have a little knowledge about a couple of things.. as well that easly answerd questions will get cross talk.. ( for that, my bad)
Ive been in a anominous group once and cross talk is not
Hhhmmm, not sure how to take that. You said you also have a stash yourself, so that would make you a...what did you call it ?

Your plant looks cool, it probably will be female, fingers crossed. Yield wise I wouldnt expect too much. Growers do alsorts to up their yeilds like topping, or opening the plant up so more light gets to the inside. WWith it being your first one I would worry more about keeping it healthy an it will reward you its self. Normally a single plant can get any were from half a once upto 4-5 once so seeing as its late in the season an a small plant expect on the lower side of that estimate. When your tallking pounds of weight your talking way bigger plants an that takes experience. So just build your skills up slowly over time. Main thing have fun an enjoy your hoby. Hope that helps.
I was joking mateeee I’m a huge stoner sir