Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

it's just gone beyond any sane limits. there is no way trump should be walking around free. they should detain the whole damn lot of them, search EVERY property he owns with a fine tooth comb, and if they find ONE, just ONE more more classified document, they should slap a fucking treason charge on his fat orange ass. precedent is one thing, but fucking high treason is another.
it's just gone beyond any sane limits. there is no way trump should be walking around free. they should detain the whole damn lot of them, search EVERY property he owns with a fine tooth comb, and if they find ONE, just ONE more more classified document, they should slap a fucking treason charge on his fat orange ass. precedent is one thing, but fucking high treason is another.
You know the real reason for the delay and Donald is completely predictable, it is no accident all this shit is happening at just the right time to get maximum leverage for the midterms. The SCOTUS abortion ruling and the lunatic red states were an unexpected and unintended gift to the democrats 100 days before. People underestimated it's impact in the midterms until people saw it's implications and women got pissed. Donald can grab them by the pussy and get away with it, the GOP not so much.

It's stacking up on Donald and is minions are going down or appearing before grand juries by the dozen. He's judge fucked up bigly, to no real effect since Garland didn't really want to indict Trump until after the election. Meanwhile the walls closing in are causing Donald to hit the stump freaking out and hanging himself with his mouth and stupidity. Garland is a patient and meticulous man and Donald is guilty as sin on several state and federal indictments that are slam dunks. Meanwhile he has his uses and one of them is to give Mitch and Karl Rove nightmares as he walks all over their election plans.

The only thing the democrats could legitimately do and the only control they had was over the timing of the various investigations starting with the J6 committee taking it's time getting going and all those missed opportunities in NY to do Donald over business crimes. Even the investigation in Georgia was kinda slow and instead of a simple case of election interference she is investigating a larger conspiracy, but she could indict Donald for the election interference and conspiracy later along with the rest of the clowns.
Judge Traitor got schooled …. EPIC

I think she fucked herself, Garland wants to wait until after the election anyway. Let's see if she runs out the deadline on the DOJ time limit for a decision, this ain't hard to figure out and she should be back to them today, taking until the 15th means she's both stupid and corrupt. I wonder who's been calling her, before and during this shit, I can see her being on the DOJ's shit list of corrupt judges and if the democrats win the house there might be an impeachment inquiry in her future. I doubt this is the result of incompetence, it's just too dumb for that and there is too much correct advice around. Even on TV the experts are giving the rest of us a better legal education than she appears to have, so she knows better.
In an adjacent matter re: disgraced XPREZ & failed Shogun of New York, Auric Littelfinger:

it's just gone beyond any sane limits. there is no way trump should be walking around free. they should detain the whole damn lot of them, search EVERY property he owns with a fine tooth comb, and if they find ONE, just ONE more more classified document, they should slap a fucking treason charge on his fat orange ass. precedent is one thing, but fucking high treason is another.
The whole gop is afraid of trumps minions. I believe our quality educational system over the last 40 years has helped.