Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

This is a JOKE, right?

”…absolutely perfect physical specimen….”

He‘s either much more delusional than I thought, or…no, I think that’s it. If past is prologue, then we may be seeing ‘culminate’ in an ongoing series of very public disasters - not some fiendish plan, not some n-dimensional chess, not even grasping at straws while hoping for a miracle…but so utterly hooked on his own delusions that once they start spilling out (assuming that twerk is somehow ‘legit’, for example), he’ll continue to melt down more & more obviously - and more & more PUBLICLY - until there’s nothing left but a pointy hat and a wet spot.

I was speaking a while back about that icy river of desolation we feel when the truth sinks in spite our best efforts to keep it out.

THIS would do it. I wonder what Choker’s show will be like if it happens

Hey, Trump's White House doc said in a press release that he thinks Trump would live to be 200 years old if he had ate healthier over the last 20 years. On the other hand, this is the same doc that the inspector general of the DoD said was drinking on the job. Go figure...

‘Lawlessness’: Tribe Condemns ‘Courts Faithful To Trump’
105,936 views Sep 8, 2022 MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell speaks to Harvard Law Professor Laurence Tribe about the ruling by Trump-appointed Judge Aileen Cannon naming a special master to review government documents seized from Trump’s Florida home and the unique legal challenges Trump’s influence on the Judiciary system presents to the Justice Department’s investigations.
The republicans desperately want Donald indicted and out of the way and are using Bill Barr and others to push for his indictment using national security to do it. I think this judge's decision took everybody aback, including Barr, now he can't put heat on Garland because of the judge. He should have just shut up until after the election, now Donald figures him, Mitch and others in the GOP establishment are out to get him. It motivates Donald to get out more and hold more rallies to try and shore up his base and stay in the public eye, aside from trying to counter and obfuscate the DOJ and democrats narrative. Hopefully he will be in full swing with his rallies and stepping on candidates stages when the J6 hearings start back up. Then the focus will be all about Donald and how all those witnesses under oath were lying and all the video tape was fake, etc... Forget about inflation, abortion or even the border, it will be Donald and the big lie all the time and of course attacking other republicans who are with Mitch or who don't spout the big lie. Donald will come to their campaign events and bully his way onto the stage or his fans will disrupt them.

Meanwhile the democrats will be campaigning on securing democracy, maintaining abortion rights and touting their economic and foreign affairs accomplishments. Others will be doing Donald and perhaps Obama and Clinton might be assigned to troll him over the secret documents, but the media and court cases are doing that. The J6 committee will be active with hearings during the election campaign and will issue one of several October surprises with an interim report before the election and a final one before the end of the year, if they lose the house in November.

Abortion and Trump fascism might just put the democrats over the top in November, much depends on what the ladies think about having their basic human rights fucked with. So far they seem to be pissed and are registering to vote in record numbers, that's where the most votes appear to be, family planning rights. Women have sympathetic boyfriends, husbands, fathers, brothers and male friends too, so do LBGTQ folks and the fascist war is on them as well.

Heilemann: A Precedent In Either Case If Trump Is Or Isn't Indicted
18,236 views Sep 8, 2022 Former Attorney General William Barr said in a recent interview that he believes the DOJ is close to having enough evidence to indict former President Trump. The Morning Joe panel discusses the precedent potentially set if the DOJ indicts Trump and the precedent set if the DOJ does not indict Trump.

Trump Lashes Out at the FBI, Nuclear Secrets Stashed at Mar-a-Lago & Don Jr’s Saddest Video Yet
628,949 views Sep 7, 2022 Los Angeles is currently under an excessive heat warning so we have been doing our part at the show to be energy efficient, the Washington Post reported that among the classified documents the FBI recovered at Mar-a-Lago was a top secret file about foreign nuclear capabilities, Trump lashed out at the FBI for taking his highly confidential medical files and history, his least favorite son Eric has been making the rounds praising the Florida Judge who ruled in Daddy's favor, Don Jr. posted what might be his saddest video yet, the Obamas were back at the White House for the unveiling of their official portraits, Joe Biden has a message for Californians suffering from the heat, and Guillermo goes out on Hollywood Blvd to help give people some relief.

'I Don't Understand It': Clinton On How Documents Ended Up At Mar-a-Lago
27,497 views Sep 8, 2022 Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Wednesday described the protocol for handling sensitive information, and she expressed concern about nuclear-related documents found at Mar-a-Lago. The Morning Joe panel discusses.
Doesn’t understand? I get it. When she spoke about a “vast right-wing conspiracy”, I laughed in derision…because I didn’t understand yet, either.

I spent YEARS digging into Jim Crow, segregation, & related historical matters, and I couldn’t make sense of HOW things went the way they did, or WHY. The fault, in short, was mine…because I kept looking for an explanation of how ‘good-faith politics’ drove it.

Even after years of living in the old confederacy, I kept making real efforts to see it all as ‘honest failures’, ‘conservatives’ as well-meaning but wrong-headed/misguided patriots, and Birch Society fantasies as the cringiest part of the fringe. Once I discovered the intentional rebellious response to desegregation - the timeline that led from Brown v Board through the red scare & the civil-rights movement, through the ginned-up hysteria over Roe & the continual demonization of ‘liberals’ as “fundamentally unAmerican”, through the Reagan “revolution” the rise of militias & the ‘tea’ party, through Gingrich’s contract on America - to the establishment of DHS, “Patriot Act”, *active*, wholesale internet surveillance, Bush’s wars, the rise of Paul Ryan and the anti-public “public choice” economists to the all-in GOP support for the tools and loopholes and useful idiots that crystallized around president Napoleon XIV - it became abundantly clear that the so-called ‘right’ had been gaslighting the world, the nation, and their own base of support, weaponizing the machinery of national government.

In short, that it was NEVER an honest, good-faith participation in government or in governance. It has been - continuously - an effort to return the nation to the era of Dred Scott…and to the Articles of Confederation: to steal the nation through deceit, deception, and a frankly Leninist imposition of Karl Rove’s “permanent Republican majority”…’the will of the people’ be damned.

TL;DR = we didn’t get here by way of a malfunction re: national security, or “carelessness” in handling NatSec documents, but by deliberate weakening of public understanding on the one hand, and weaponization of party and machinery for use against the nation.

IOW we didn’t fail - we were pushed, hard, intentionally, and continuously

Even though a President has immunity..they don't have immunity for crimes- I'm coming for him, Andrew Saul and the SSA with civil suit and will bankroll via non-profits who would love to get in on the action..501(c)(3)s and others who've been fucked by Donald.

The word 'truthing' is the most fucked up freaky thing he's come up with..when is he going to realize that he's bare naked?

Even in jail he'll run scams if that ever happens.
Doesn’t understand? I get it. When she spoke about a “vast right-wing conspiracy”, I laughed in derision…because I didn’t understand yet, either.

I spent YEARS digging into Jim Crow, segregation, & related historical matters, and I couldn’t make sense of HOW things went the way they did, or WHY. The fault, in short, was mine…because I kept looking for an explanation of how ‘good-faith politics’ drove it.

Even after years of living in the old confederacy, I kept making real efforts to see it all as ‘honest failures’, ‘conservatives’ as well-meaning but wrong-headed/misguided patriots, and Birch Society fantasies as the cringiest part of the fringe. Once I discovered the intentional rebellious response to desegregation - the timeline that led from Brown v Board through the red scare & the civil-rights movement, through the ginned-up hysteria over Roe & the continual demonization of ‘liberals’ as “fundamentally unAmerican”, through the Reagan “revolution” the rise of militias & the ‘tea’ party, through Gingrich’s contract on America - to the establishment of DHS, “Patriot Act”, *active*, wholesale internet surveillance, Bush’s wars, the rise of Paul Ryan and the anti-public “public choice” economists to the all-in GOP support for the tools and loopholes and useful idiots that crystallized around president Napoleon XIV - it became abundantly clear that the so-called ‘right’ had been gaslighting the world, the nation, and their own base of support, weaponizing the machinery of national government.

In short, that it was NEVER an honest, good-faith participation in government or in governance. It has been - continuously - an effort to return the nation to the era of Dred Scott…and to the Articles of Confederation: to steal the nation through deceit, deception, and a frankly Leninist imposition of Karl Rove’s “permanent Republican majority”…’the will of the people’ be damned.

TL;DR = we didn’t get here by way of a malfunction re: national security, or “carelessness” in handling NatSec documents, but by deliberate weakening of public understanding on the one hand, and weaponization of party and machinery for use against the nation.

IOW we didn’t fail - we were pushed, hard, intentionally, and continuously
I think it is time to designate the Federalist Society as seditionist in principle.

The Department of Homeland Security is a Repug creature. Set it upon the corrupt legislators and jurists, in whatever variant of martial law is legitimate.

I too refused to acknowledge the existential threat pseudolibertarian fascists are proving to be.

Hindsight sucks, but we can pay it forward.

The appeal arrived three days after Judge Aileen M. Cannon ruled in favor of Trump and said she would appoint a special master, slowing — at least temporarily — an investigation into the possible mishandling of extremely sensitive classified information, as well as possible hiding, tampering or destruction of government records.

The Justice Department wrote in a brief filing that it would be appealing the decision to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals.