Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

he could start a band, "sweet tater and the traitor tots"...their number one hit? "Vlad makes my peepee glad" with the B side "you don't need kompromat tapes of peepee to make a fool of me-me"...that's right folks, it's a double peepee single!
i'm not sure exactly how ridiculous i would have to be to match the truth...
Not sure, but this is an unprecedented situation, so new law might have to be made from the bench! There might be a point, if not there already, where she is obstructing justice by abusing her office.
I think we are past that point. I am curious if this aiding-and-abetting can be hung around her neck in a consequential and timely manner. The idea that she could climb the appellate ladder with this malpractice on her record does not strengthen my confidence in the continued rule of law.

Why Is Judge Cannon Giving T**** Special Treatment? | Biden Delivers Anti-MAGA Warning
1,400,126 views Sep 7, 2022 The judge presiding over the Florida jurisdiction that includes Mar-a-Lago was hand-picked by the former president, while the current president is hitting the campaign trail with a message about the threat America faces from fascists in the GOP.
he could start a band, "sweet tater and the traitor tots"...their number one hit? "Vlad makes my peepee glad" with the B side "you don't need kompromat tapes of peepee to make a fool of me-me"...that's right folks, it's a double peepee single!
i'm not sure exactly how ridiculous i would have to be to match the truth...
I was thinking the journalists should start giving out the Trumpy Award for the best elected liar in Washington, also an award for the most prolific, make it an annual event perhaps part of the WH correspondents dinner and give out a trophy of Trump. Best political con artist could be another prize.

MAGA Meltdown: Bill Barr Thinks DOJ 'Getting Very Close' To Having Evidence To Indict Trump
164,294 views Sep 7, 2022 Intelligence experts are stunned reacting to The Washington Post report that Trump hoarded documents on foreign nuclear capabilities. Former Attorney General Bill Barr saying the DOJ is “getting very close” to make out a “technical case” – meaning it would have enough evidence to criminally charge Trump. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber reports on Barr’s comment and the ongoing legal probe surrounding the documents.

Turning On Trump: Barr Suggests DOJ 'Very Close' To Indicting Trump
76,064 views Sep 7, 2022 Former Attorney General Bill Barr saying the DOJ is “getting very close” to make out a “technical case” – meaning it would have enough evidence to criminally charge Trump. Former SDNY chief David Kelley and former FBI official Frank Figliuzzi join MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber on the Barr comment and The Washington Post report that Trump hoarded documents on foreign nuclear capabilities.
“ Master List “ leaked from Oath Keepers naming members .

The Anti-Defamation League Center on Extremism pored over more than 38,000 names on leaked Oath Keepers membership lists and identified more than 370 people it believes currently work in law enforcement agencies — including as police chiefs and sheriffs — and more than 100 people who are currently members of the military.

It also identified more than 80 people who were running for or served in public office as of early August. The membership information was compiled into a database published by the transparency collective Distributed Denial of Secrets.
The ice-water bath will appear when they check to see how many of those 38,000 served in the military AND were dishonorably discharged. The “patriot” movement went through an extended period of “militia” associates enlisting to learn weapon & survival skills, gain explosives experience, small-unit tactics…and many of them were discharged for cause: drunkenness, insubordination, inability to adapt to the military, disrespect for authority, racism, crimes of violence against fellow service members and/or civilians in the communities where they were posted.

More-or-less contemporaneous w/ the end of Desert Storm, when every podunk 4-way stop in the country (it seemed) wanted to hire COMBAT VETERANS for police jobs, deputy sheriffs, security guards, etc. began to surge back during the Posse Commitatus /Aryan Nation period, increased after Oklahoma City, Waco, Ruby Ridge. “Joshua’s Army” the Promise-keepers, Watchers on the Walls, and the Quiver-full “ministry” were born or grew considerably in the same general time frame
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This is a JOKE, right?

”…absolutely perfect physical specimen….”

He‘s either much more delusional than I thought, or…no, I think that’s it. If past is prologue, then we may be seeing ‘culminate’ in an ongoing series of very public disasters - not some fiendish plan, not some n-dimensional chess, not even grasping at straws while hoping for a miracle…but so utterly hooked on his own delusions that once they start spilling out (assuming that twerk is somehow ‘legit’, for example), he’ll continue to melt down more & more obviously - and more & more PUBLICLY - until there’s nothing left but a pointy hat and a wet spot.

I was speaking a while back about that icy river of desolation we feel when the truth sinks in spite our best efforts to keep it out.

THIS would do it. I wonder what Choker’s show will be like if it happens
I think we are past that point. I am curious if this aiding-and-abetting can be hung around her neck in a consequential and timely manner. The idea that she could climb the appellate ladder with this malpractice on her record does not strengthen my confidence in the continued rule of law.
There’s GOT to be some kind of “hot pursuit” consideration to allow the removal of an “accessory on the scene” from the scene. - and removed from the ability to continue aiding and abetting the crime in progress.
There’s GOT to be some kind of “hot pursuit” consideration to allow the removal of an “accessory on the scene” from the scene. - and removed from the ability to continue aiding and abetting the crime in progress.
The vid DIY posted intrigued me. Moving the case to a DC court would be an elegant solution — and would incidentally spike Loose’s guns.
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This is a JOKE, right?

”…absolutely perfect physical specimen….”

He‘s either much more delusional than I thought, or…no, I think that’s it. If past is prologue, then we may be seeing ‘culminate’ in an ongoing series of very public disasters - not some fiendish plan, not some n-dimensional chess, not even grasping at straws while hoping for a miracle…but so utterly hooked on his own delusions that once they start spilling out (assuming that twerk is somehow ‘legit’, for example), he’ll continue to melt down more & more obviously - and more & more PUBLICLY - until there’s nothing left but a pointy hat and a wet spot.

I was speaking a while back about that icy river of desolation we feel when the truth sinks in spite our best efforts to keep it out.

THIS would do it. I wonder what Choker’s show will be like if it happens
I think the reduction in this instance is a bit more simple and direct: a slight adaptation of the tale of the Emperor’s new clothes. That man is so secure in his sociopathy, he believes his own bullshit.
