Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

Had to raid dads wild turkey / johnny walker / seagrams / old crow back then.
Lol, I remember my dad throwing a party and all the liquor bottles had in them were colored water. I got my ass beat but don’t regret it a minute. My parents didn’t drink a ton so couldn’t depend on them for a reliable source.
My ex-wife loved Strawberry Hill. We actually went to 7-11 on the way from our wedding to the reception to get a couple bottles for later that night. There were a group of guys at the limo when I came back trying to get her to go with them.
Y'all liked the country quencher
We used everclear ,you poser
We used everclear a lot as well, but a bit later than the 80’s. We’d fill trash cans with Kool-Aid, fruit pieces and fruit juice, then everclear. Sometimes we’d dose it with acid, depended on the group. Lots of the real MDMA then too. I remember in Austin you could go down to 6th st and get free tabs during happy hour before they outlawed it.