
Intention is some but not all. The road to Hell testifies.
There's mental illness or delusion, greed and malice too. What do you think were the intentions of that Q Trumper in Michigan who murdered his family and then himself with suicide by cop. He had the murderous intention of someone who lost complete emotional control, in his age group he might have been a bit bi polar or obsessive compulsive. What about the intentions of those who programmed him to self destruct?
in the case of that man, we were spared the finding out. It is plausible that he would have done as you suggest, but not before consolidating power well beyond constitutional limits.
They never act alone, but find allies and lackeys and as time goes on they become the government. Trump said he would clean out the federal government if he got in again and have a mass firing leading to mass chaos.
There's mental illness or delusion, greed and malice too. What do you think were the intentions of that Q Trumper in Michigan who murdered his family and then himself with suicide by cop. He had the murderous intention of someone who lost complete emotional control, in his age group he might have been a bit bi polar or obsessive compulsive. What about the intentions of those who programmed him to self destruct?
To focus my point more tightly, I think that outcome stands equally beside intention.

I have learned not to delve into the intentions of the deluded. I am not strong enough to avoid getting somewhat entrained.

Back to artillery etc. I agree that for now we use the tools at hand. However what I am perceiving is that you are not adding the corollary:
now that there are better things, we use the bad old stuff as little as possible. In terms of the ethics of warfare, the future is now and not in the indefinite later. That is where I sense jesuitry (a term that applies beyond its organization of origin).
To focus my point more tightly, I think that outcome stands equally beside intention.

I have learned not to delve into the intentions of the deluded. I am not strong enough to avoid getting somewhat entrained.

Back to artillery etc. I agree that for now we use the tools at hand. However what I am perceiving is that you are not adding the corollary:
now that there are better things, we use the bad old stuff as little as possible. In terms of the ethics of warfare, the future is now and not in the indefinite later. That is where I sense jesuitry (a term that applies beyond its organization of origin).
I don't disagree with what you are saying in principle, but we are not calling the shots, I was speculating of the future possibilities that this windfall of mostly soviet weapons represents. There is going to be a shortage of modern arms for quiet some time as depleted stock piles are made up for and current systems are replaced with the next generation. There are many ways to help however and the USA is currently replacing 12,000 heavy military trucks and I figure some will end up in Ukraine.

As for the ethics of war that depends on the military organizations and cultures involved, the values of the people. The Ukrainians appear to be striving for higher moral ground with their society and their military, a professional attitude and example are important. Compare them to the disorganize, ill disciplined, ignorant and savage mob that the Russian army has degraded to, they are angels. This is not tribalism speaking either, we follow the war from many sources and view points and have a realistic picture of the situation. It's no different than in America, we know the differences between the sides and their intentions.
Sounds like they are screwed and it meshes with other information about the state of their army and morale. The Ukrainians killed off a lot of their officers, fucked badly with their logistics and they wore their gun barrels out and spent their ammo bombarding Ukrainian cities and plowing fields. The officers don't care about the men and the men don't care to fight for them, there is no NCO corps, the master tradesmen of war and no leadership worth a damn. These guys are gonna end up donating an army's worth of equipment to Ukraine, far more than Germany gave, or even Uncle Sam!
Meanwhile American fascists are Putin's ally and no better than he is, hopefully they are on the wrong side of history, in America and in Ukraine. Here is a ready made 5th column of potential traitors, wave a few grand in front of Bobo and she would blow ya, not to mention sell out America to the Russians. I guess fucking Ted Cruz has it's advantages, provided she could keep from vomiting. The republicans could have run a dog in her district, they are that far gone.

Here comes the nuclear saber rattling while Vlad hides out at his Black sea villa in shock and the country grows increasingly uneasy about his leadership and judgement. Further dramatic victories over the next month could make his situation even more untenable, if the Ukrainians capture tens of thousands of troops and thousands of pieces of equipment in the south near Kherson. Meanwhile they continue to expand control in the north east and could attack the Russians at many points.

Yeah, using nukes on Lviv, right next to the Polish border or a full sized one on Kyiv, now full of civilians and foreign diplomats including Americans, along with a steady stream of world leaders and foreign dignitaries, sounds like a plan to me alright! :o
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