Rob Roy
Well-Known Member
being an anarchist isn't stupid have to throw that libertarian cherry on top of the sundae of stupidity to achieve perfect moronicness...."we want a political party that eats itself, embodies all the bad parts of fascism, and none of the good parts of fucking anything..."
That's a good reason to identify the things we as individuals are for and those things we aren't for and to afffix words to consistent meanings.
For instance, I'm against coercion as a primary ingredient for human relationships and / or systems of human interaction which aren't a political "system".
You, being a champion of statism, are by definition not opposed to coercion as the basis of your "system".
You argue FOR rapist tactics, literally, so that we can prevent things like rape. Which is nonsensical and self cancelling, to the point it is an impossibility. Utopian to believe that only by having a coerccion based system can we prevent coercion.
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