Libertarianism makes you stupid

being an anarchist isn't stupid have to throw that libertarian cherry on top of the sundae of stupidity to achieve perfect moronicness...."we want a political party that eats itself, embodies all the bad parts of fascism, and none of the good parts of fucking anything..."

That's a good reason to identify the things we as individuals are for and those things we aren't for and to afffix words to consistent meanings.

For instance, I'm against coercion as a primary ingredient for human relationships and / or systems of human interaction which aren't a political "system".

You, being a champion of statism, are by definition not opposed to coercion as the basis of your "system".

You argue FOR rapist tactics, literally, so that we can prevent things like rape. Which is nonsensical and self cancelling, to the point it is an impossibility. Utopian to believe that only by having a coerccion based system can we prevent coercion.
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His whole premise assumes that everyone will act like a libertarian instead of a warlord.

No, it doesn't. It assumes those who act like a warlord are doing it wrong. Whether they are free lance criminals or government criminals.

You have much to learn.
No, it doesn't. It assumes those who act like a warlord are doing it wrong. Whether they are free lance criminals or government criminals.

You have much to learn.

Thanks for paying your taxes. That the federal government (conceptual warlord) makes you. See? Warlord wins, stupid loses.
Thanks for paying your taxes. That the federal government (conceptual warlord) makes you. See? Warlord wins, stupid loses.

I've already established they aren't "my" taxes. I don't advocate for offering "services" at the point of a gun, I advocate for customers to have choice and to maintain the ability to peacefully decline offers, seek alternatives or not.

If you remove choice and customer feedback from the equation, you get a "warlord". Hence, why a real free market is essential to protecting liberty etc.
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I dont think human nature, as it exists now with the real world modern influences, allows it. You would have to assume all people acting ethically and that they all have the same definition/etc for those ethics.
being an anarchist isn't stupid enough..

The defining characteristic of the actual meaning of the word "anarchist", is, it doesn't include a ruler or ruling class.

It doesn't mean "chaos" it just means no kings, no masters, no master posing as "elected leaders that other people can assign over you", etc.

If there are no masters, you won't have to be a slave anymore. As far as how that might work or not work, those are different topics.
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I dont think human nature, as it exists now with the real world modern influences, allows it. You would have to assume all people acting ethically and that they all have the same definition/etc for those ethics.

No you would not, you are wrong. You would be able to cease doing business with people who aren't ethical. In the present you are glued to government, whether you want to be or not.

No "system" or way of living with other people can assure their won't be bad actors. Let's not have a system which embodies bad actor policy (removal of consent) as a default of it's business model, like government does.

Speaking of acting "ethically", aren't polticians also people ? How ethical have they been throughout history ?
Aka cowboys and Indians only the strong survive

Nope. If there are more ethical people and we can "fire" the unethical ones by having the choice of not giving them our business, that serves as a feedback mechanism to REDUCE bad actors.

When you CAN'T fire them in favor of better actors, we have what exists today. You are told you can vote and that will fire the bad are a fool to believe that though. Meaning, I don't necessarily mean the individual actors only, I mean the whole part too. Government as a whole system is based in the idea it's okay to violate consent. A free market as a "system" is the opposite, it allows you to vote with your conscience and know you will be left out of others choices if you want to be and remain peaceful.

When you vote, you vote to perpetuate a coercion based system. Different master maybe, but same plantation.

If there aren't more ethical people, let's just fall in line behind the guy or the group that says they don't give a shit about your individual consent, they'll tell you what goes and what doesn't. That's what we have now. That is wrong if you or I do it...and it's wrong if anyone else does it right?

I don't say this to insult, but I think a better grasp on what a free market is and isn't would help some of the naysayers.
A direct consequence of free-market thinking.

You conveniently ignore the regulation and licensure and punishment the government will mete out to anybody who tries to open a real free market competitive business without first getting "government permission". That's intellectual sloth on your part, sorry.

What do you think differentiates a real free market versus the one most indoctrinated people think of, or are told is "free market" when it really isn't ?

Your example above might be an example of the failure of government, rather than the failure of an actual free market. Your feet are bleeding. stop shooting yourself there.
You conveniently ignore the regulation and licensure and punishment the government will mete out to anybody who tries to open a real free market competitive business without first getting "government permission". That's intellectual sloth on your part, sorry.

What do you think differentiates a real free market versus the one most indoctrinated people think of, or are told is "free market" when it really isn't ?

Your example above might be an example of the failure of government, rather than the failure of an actual free market. Your feet are bleeding. stop shooting yourself there.
You conveniently ignore reality. You reliably weasel when your logic is flensed down to bones of incessantly repeated delusion. It is tiresome. Someone said something that you’ve distorted into a perceived vindication, and your spam is in afterburner. It is tiresome.
You conveniently ignore reality. You reliably weasel when your logic is flensed down to bones of incessantly repeated delusion. It is tiresome. Someone said something that you’ve distorted into a perceived vindication, and your spam is in afterburner. It is tiresome.

Speaking of weasel and delusion... You are or are not admitting that we don't really have a free market now and that we have a government regulated market which spawns unintended consequences like the one in your example above ?

If you're tired, it might come from all the blood loss when you shoot your argument in the foot so many times.
This dude (rob) wants to create a power vacuum without understanding the implications of that, or by ignoring them completely if he does which is evil. Bad all around.

You conveniently ignore reality. You reliably weasel when your logic is flensed down to bones of incessantly repeated delusion. It is tiresome. Someone said something that you’ve distorted into a perceived vindication, and your spam is in afterburner. It is tiresome.
This dude wants to create a power vacuum without understanding the implications of that, or by ignoring them completely if he does which is evil. Bad all around.
It is the unrelenting, Day-Glo garish, rail-to-rail intellectual dishonesty served with a double side order of arclit smug that is the reliable backbone of a post from the anarcho-hominid.
I dont think human nature, as it exists now with the real world modern influences, allows it. You would have to assume all people acting ethically and that they all have the same definition/etc for those ethics.
Same for communism, it hardly works on the family level much less on a grand scale. Some ideas are great but only as ideas. That’s why I’m like screw politics lol.

Power over others isn't a good idea when the people wielding the power are also the sole arbiters of how much power they can have. You end up with the kind of thing you hope to prevent.

Which is why you need to know more about how the free market mechanism of customer feedback is an important ingredient to a more peaceful world.