Eating a small amount of earthworm castings!!! BENEFICAL PROBIOTICS? PARASITIC JUNGLE?

I'm sorry AddictiveBrainDullingPharmaBiscuitYoungster, but I generally tend to choose my own work assignments. When I do depart from that I like the pleadings to sound more like a polite request and less like an obnoxious demand. In the case of someone such as yourself, seeking to bash my u/n about a bit, with or without malice, is a pretty useless endeavor considering the tepid unexciting nature of the moniker you've saddled yourself with.

My own firstly displays a delightful economy of words, an economy I do not carry over into my posts as you may have noticed. Just 4 simple words, and at that 3 of them only 3 letters. All enrobed in multi-layered mystery. Is the bag moving ? If not, are they dead or asleep ? If so, what are they doing in there ? Contesting food, or perhaps fornicating ? What is the bag made of ? Is it wool, is it burlap, or perhaps fancy silk ? So many possibilities from the understated misunderstood Bus Stop Rat Bag.

And then there's yours, uninspiring and easily forgettable. But I'm not here to judge and I came in peace seeking canna related discourse, so if it makes you happy then I'm happy for you.
You remind me of someone :confused:
And his moniker is about hydroponics,, lol..@hydrokid239 .. not hydrocodone...
You remind me of someone :confused:
And his moniker is about hydroponics,, lol..@hydrokid239 .. not hydrocodone...
You don't say ? :roll: Sounds like an assumption you've made, with no certainty to it. If you're not well acquainted with him in meat world, then you wouldn't really know. He's suggested that my choice of u/n was a bad one, and I am just trying to demonstrate that based on the one he picked, he hasn't positioned himself real well to be fucking with anybody over their u/n, or even to suggest their choice was a poor one.

I realize Floyd is a geezer band and the reference is dated, but jfc most people understand a persons u/n is not always a reflection of who they are or what they do :lol:
You don't say ? :roll: Sounds like an assumption you've made, with no certainty to it. If you're not well acquainted with him in meat world, then you wouldn't really know. He's suggested that my choice of u/n was a bad one, and I am just trying to demonstrate that based on the one he picked, he hasn't positioned himself real well to be fucking with anybody over their u/n, or even to suggest their choice was a poor one.

I realize Floyd is a geezer band and the reference is dated, but jfc most people understand a persons u/n is not always a reflection of who they are or what they do :lol:
Good to know harry..
Watching you board hens squawk bockbockbockhe'sanaaaalt is so fuckin funny I'm not even irritated with PowerGenerationMethodToddler anymore. If you're fucking with me, you're leaving someone else alone so have at it bunnies.
Syntax..preferred antagonists..pffft. self deluded yet mutually supportive bockabockabockbooooock
Watching you board hens squawk bockbockbockhe'sanaaaalt is so fuckin funny I'm not even irritated with PowerGenerationMethodToddler anymore. If you're fucking with me, you're leaving someone else alone so have at it bunnies.
Syntax..preferred antagonists..pffft. self deluded yet mutually supportive bockabockabockbooooock
And is this your intended goal?? Taste like citrus. Enjoy.

He who consumes the feces of worms spats upon Bipeds.

Eat some more fungi in those rotted bins. I hope you live and regain your ability to convey English.

Be safe.
I'm walking out of yesterday's shit thread prison and going back to the rest of RIU. There isn't one of you fancy lads that has any growing knowledge or other knowledge for that matter, that I can't get by very well without, making you clucking fucks worse than useless to me. Similarly, the tactics you employ re your board conduct are tired old shit, nothing new there seen your kind and your ways a million times. 920,000 motherfuckers on this board and you stoned ass geniuses think you're smart enough to ID an alt by syntax and "preferred antagonists." Antagonists is 4 fucking syllables man, well done I bet that warmed your wee cranial CPU up using it. :lol: Pah thetic. You're like the Official Alex Jones Fan Club of RIU. Wack jobs.

I'm not an alt, you've been wrong on that all along. I'll be around for you to fuck with if you wish maybe until I've harvested, maybe not. I'm already tired of seeing nothing but Is This Ready ? which is partly what landed me in this shit thread to begin with. Once in a while I've picked up a pearl of wisdom, none of those came from any of you. In any case the weather will turn before long and I'll bail to spend the winter emptying jars and playing Hearts of Iron III. Great game, waaay in the fuck over all your heads, don't even bother looking into it.

Then, the weather will turn yet again, heralding the reappearance of Bus Stop Rat Bag, eager to glean growing knowledge and occasionally mix it up with you deviant dill-holes. And if I don't reappear be assured I've met with some misfortune or another, a stroke perhaps, or maybe inadvertently defenestrating myself when I went to sling your gramma out the window after drilling the piss out of what had been her one good eye socket.

"Hoping to grow a shining silver mountain before I die." Me compliments of DIO and the eighties.
Man On The Silver Mountain was released in 1975, not the 80's. RJD was not a solo act at that time, he was with Rainbow. Here's hoping you get your shining silver mountain, only to see it rot in the jar. :hump: mlm
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I'm walking out of yesterday's shit thread prison and going back to the rest of RIU. There isn't one of you fancy lads that has any growing knowledge or other knowledge for that matter, that I can't get by very well without, making you clucking fucks worse than useless to me. Similarly, the tactics you employ re your board conduct are tired old shit, nothing new there seen your kind and your ways a million times. 920,000 motherfuckers on this board and you stoned ass geniuses think you're smart enough to ID an alt by syntax and "preferred antagonists." Antagonists is 4 fucking syllables man, well done I bet that warmed your wee cranial CPU up using it. :lol: Pah thetic. You're like the Official Alex Jones Fan Club of RIU. Wack jobs.

I'm not an alt, you've been wrong on that all along. I'll be around for you to fuck with if you wish maybe until I've harvested, maybe not. I'm already tired of seeing nothing but Is This Ready ? which is partly what landed me in this shit thread to begin with. Once in a while I've picked up a pearl of wisdom, none of those came from any of you. In any case the weather will turn before long and I'll bail to spend the winter emptying jars and playing Hearts of Iron III. Great game, waaay in the fuck over all your heads, don't even bother looking into it.

Then, the weather will turn yet again, heralding the reappearance of Bus Stop Rat Bag, eager to glean growing knowledge and occasionally mix it up with you deviant dill-holes. And if I don't reappear be assured I've met with some misfortune or another, a stroke perhaps, or maybe inadvertently defenestrating myself when I went to sling your gramma out the window after drilling the piss out of what had been her one good eye socket.

I'm walking out of yesterday's shit thread prison and going back to the rest of RIU. There isn't one of you fancy lads that has any growing knowledge or other knowledge for that matter, that I can't get by very well without, making you clucking fucks worse than useless to me. Similarly, the tactics you employ re your board conduct are tired old shit, nothing new there seen your kind and your ways a million times. 920,000 motherfuckers on this board and you stoned ass geniuses think you're smart enough to ID an alt by syntax and "preferred antagonists." Antagonists is 4 fucking syllables man, well done I bet that warmed your wee cranial CPU up using it. :lol: Pah thetic. You're like the Official Alex Jones Fan Club of RIU. Wack jobs.

I'm not an alt, you've been wrong on that all along. I'll be around for you to fuck with if you wish maybe until I've harvested, maybe not. I'm already tired of seeing nothing but Is This Ready ? which is partly what landed me in this shit thread to begin with. Once in a while I've picked up a pearl of wisdom, none of those came from any of you. In any case the weather will turn before long and I'll bail to spend the winter emptying jars and playing Hearts of Iron III. Great game, waaay in the fuck over all your heads, don't even bother looking into it.

Then, the weather will turn yet again, heralding the reappearance of Bus Stop Rat Bag, eager to glean growing knowledge and occasionally mix it up with you deviant dill-holes. And if I don't reappear be assured I've met with some misfortune or another, a stroke perhaps, or maybe inadvertently defenestrating myself when I went to sling your gramma out the window after drilling the piss out of what had been her one good eye socket.

"Hoping to grow a shining silver mountain before I die." Me compliments of DIO and the eighties.
Man On The Silver Mountain was released in 1975, not the 80's. RJD was not a solo act at that time, he was with Rainbow. Here's hoping you get your shining silver mountain, only to see it rot in the jar. :hump: mlm
