MCT and everclear question?


Well-Known Member
So i want to make tincture. Is it better to decarb then use everclear to extract, let all the alcohol evaporate then add mct as a carrier or should i infuse mct with the decarbed flower, then strain the flower?

going to use 1/2 oz of flower and 1/2 oz of trim. Trying to get 12 potent 30ml bottles That are mct because they don’t burn like the alcohol.
Here's my experience. I usually start with about 1/2 lb of ground up buds in a small food processor. Cover in Everclear and mix around for a few min. Then strain into another container with a clean (but ready to trash) T shirt. Then take that mix and strain again through a coffee filter. Then take that mix and put it into a rice cooker to boil off all the Everclear. Be careful towards the end of the burn!, start turning it down as it starts to get boiled off. When it gets a little thicker, Ill just put it on warm for a couple of hours while stirring it around occasionally till there are no more bubbles. This will yield about 15 ml of pure RSO. I like to cut it with MCT at 3:1 ... so I'll add 35 ml of MCT and keep it warm and stirred up for a few min. This will get me about 3.5 15 ml dropper bottles. Total of 50ml.

Edited for correction of my math.
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Here's my experience. I usually start with about 1/2 lb of ground up buds in a small food processor. Cover in Everclear and mix around for a few min. Then strain into another container with a clean (but ready to trash) T shirt. Then take that mix and strain again through a coffee filter. Then take that mix and put it into a rice cooker to boil off all the Everclear. Be careful towards the end of the burn!, start turning it down as it starts to get boiled off. When it gets a little thicker, Ill just put it on warm for a couple of hours while stirring it around occasionally till there are no more bubbles. This will yield about 15 ml of pure RSO. I like to cut it with MCT at 3:1 ... so I'll add 35 ml of MCT and keep it warm and stirred up for a few min. This will get me about 3.5 15 ml dropper bottles. Total of 50ml.

Edited for correction of my math.

so your somewhere around 500mg of thc per ml? Holy crap.
Thanks for the reply, now you got me thinking….. at first i was going for a ml dose, but why not strengthen it to a few drops for a dose.
Always done it that way. I've done 8:1 when introducing my dad to it for pain and sleep, but he got a tolerance built up, so now he's doing 3:1 and 8 drops per night. He's 76.
If you are only getting a 6% return on making RSO something is off unless you are growing super weak flower
It varies by what I use. I guess I should have clarified that. I do get better yields with A,B buds , but most of the time I use our lower C buds , trim, because it’s not worth testing anymore. It world cost me more to test it than sell it. This was our last round commercially, so I’m taking a little off the top for the next batch. This business has gone in the shitter. I could be off on my starting material as well... I just kinda eyeball it. I'll weigh it next time.
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So i want to make tincture. Is it better to decarb then use everclear to extract, let all the alcohol evaporate then add mct as a carrier or should i infuse mct with the decarbed flower, then strain the flower?

going to use 1/2 oz of flower and 1/2 oz of trim. Trying to get 12 potent 30ml bottles That are mct because they don’t burn like the alcohol.
It will work either way, but the concentration can be higher with the alcohol extraction subsequently mixed with MCT oil.