
Paul Drake

Well-Known Member
In war the only justice is retribution, make them pay and take large numbers of prisoners to trade. Vlad only understands a punch in the face or a kick in the nuts and he's been getting both.
He doesn’t understand that either.
I’ve got a degree in history. I know what I’m talking about.
Aren’t you Canadian? Why don’t you get your countrymen together to do something?
He needs to stopped now. Do you want to arrest him?


Well-Known Member
We, as in America, are good at toppling governments and regime change. Definitely need to spread some democracy over there. Use our evil super powers for good.
From what I can understand that is the Biden doctrine, support liberal democracies, not strongmen and it make perfect sense. Ukraine offers an example of its power, it even worked for the Russians in Vietnam, which was a war of independence to them, in their view the Americans just replaced their French imperial masters. So, betting on nations united by external threats and determined to defend themselves with large popular support, is a pretty good bet. Ukraine is the best bet Uncle Sam ever had in terms of bang for the buck. Think about it, just a minuscule portion of the US total arsenal was sent to Ukraine, a tiny amount of aid compared to the annual military budget. Look at the payoff though, America's main military adversary destroyed on the battlefield both in reality and myth by a highly motivated NATO trained and structured force. The used mainly old soviet weapons on par with the Russians to do a lot of it too. Vlad is on the ropes and now in an existential struggle, so Sammy also got retribution for Russia fucking with the elections and helping to impose Trump on America. Sam should dance on Vlad's corpse for inflicting Trump on ya! :lol:

Paul Drake

Well-Known Member
From what I can understand that is the Biden doctrine, support liberal democracies, not strongmen and it make perfect sense. Ukraine offers an example of its power, it even worked for the Russians in Vietnam, which was a war of independence to them, in their view the Americans just replaced their French imperial masters. So, betting on nations united by external threats and determined to defend themselves with large popular support, is a pretty good bet. Ukraine is the best bet Uncle Sam ever had in terms of bang for the buck. Think about it, just a minuscule portion of the US total arsenal was sent to Ukraine, a tiny amount of aid compared to the annual military budget. Look at the payoff though, America's main military adversary destroyed on the battlefield both in reality and myth by a highly motivated NATO trained and structured force. The used mainly old soviet weapons on par with the Russians to do a lot of it too. Vlad is on the ropes and now in an existential struggle, so Sammy also got retribution for Russia fucking with the elections and helping to impose Trump on America. Sam should dance on Vlad's corpse for inflicting Trump on ya! :lol:
Jesus Harold Christ
This is bigger than trumpie.
On ignore.


Well-Known Member
He doesn’t understand that either.
I’ve got a degree in history. I know what I’m talking about.
Aren’t you Canadian? Why don’t you get your countrymen together to do something?
He needs to stopped now. Do you want to arrest him?
I figure the Russians will eventually take care of Vlad, one way or another. Canada is helping out in proportion to our size and has been since before the war, eastern European countries are doing even more, we are around third or 4th in donor nations, depending on how it is measured.

A lot of history can happen in a decade these days as the pace of events accelerates along with technology. History echoes, but seldom repeats, but is nonetheless a very useful thing to know.


Well-Known Member
In the meantime more and more Ukrainians die and the children they can grab go to Russia.
Nothing to me more sinister than killing and using children.
It's Putin's fault and almost he alone is responsible for this war and its aftermath, it is one man's war, but not one man's crime(s).


Well-Known Member
As far as I can understand from reporting, Putin was under no presure to start this war, he was the initiator and driving force. He has near total power in Russia and is surrounded by old KGB cronies and sycophants and has been remote and not a hands-on leader and problem solver. Yes, there are hawks in Russia and imperialism is embedded in the culture, but it is obvious that vast portions of Russian society don't agree with it enough to want to fight for it. This is particularly true of those under 40 who have access to more outside information and news via the internet, most of those Vlad wants to draft and they are voting with their feet in massive numbers.

Russian society still carries the scars of Stalin and Soviet totalitarianism, the ethos of liberal democracy never took hold there among the majority of the population. The mass exodus we see is a result of them losing their vote and power, most of the male population is in a panic. Why should Vlad care what they think, they have no power, he has it through a rigged election and Duma. The Soviet regime and system collapsed, but the sword and shield of the party, the KGB or its remnants were still around, and Vlad was among them.


Well-Known Member
time for Russia to lose it's veto power and out of the security council.....

Time for some restructuring of it or get rid of it and a vote for those not meeting the minimum requirements for a democratic society, as set out previously by the UN itself, the dictators and strongmen can sit as observers. You cannot have a rules based global system with such people involved in enforcing the rules. Only those who have the rule of law and democracy can do that, only those who are actually accountable to the people and nations they represent, whether we agree with them or not.


Well-Known Member
aaaaaaand when will they stop him?
He's being stopped the old-fashioned way, but that takes time, unless you wanna see nukes involved and NATO troops on the ground there. They are not just fighting to stop the current atrocities; they are fighting for their future too and that means their children.