
Curious: *what* exactly did he donate? Even if he “gave” Ukraine 6 months free rent - he’s still charging rent…and acting like Comcast, it seems
Too his credit, he did donate the Starlinks but a 100% tax write-off wasn't enough apparently. He complains now the Ukaranians are using too much bandwidth and SpaceX wants payments going forward. Not entirely unreasonable, but I doubt it's amounts to a rounding error for him.

I don't think it was sheer coincidence that he demanded payment shortly after being lambasted for his chat with Putler and subsequent proposal to end the conflict on decidedly pro-Russian terms.
Too his credit, he did donate the Starlinks but a 100% tax write-off wasn't enough apparently. He complains now the Ukaranians are using too much bandwidth and SpaceX wants payments going forward. Not entirely unreasonable, but I doubt it's amounts to a rounding error for him.

I don't think it was sheer coincidence that he demanded payment shortly after being lambasted for his chat with Putler and subsequent proposal to end the conflict on decidedly pro-Russian terms.
Tesla Stock Sinks 50%
His customer base for Tesla and starlink probably are pro Ukrainian and Uncle Sam and other in the national security community might be curious to know if he's more than just a fucking idiot with money and his company is vital to national security interest and he has to be "reliable". He's been pretty badly burned by this, and people are questioning his control of Twitter.

His customer base for Tesla and starlink probably are pro Ukrainian and Uncle Sam and other in the national security community might be curious to know if he's more than just a fucking idiot with money and his company is vital to national security interest and he has to be "reliable". He's been pretty badly burned by this, and people are questioning his control of Twitter.

Like Billy said this amounts to a rounding error in cost to him.
He's still a douchebag and seems to have a short memory as far as taxpayer $$$ goes. Tesla & Space X have both received billions
Tesla paid $0 in federal taxes last year as well btw - typical coprporate shell game: All profits were overseas (no taxes), US operations lost money (no taxes)

He's still a douchebag and seems to have a short memory as far as taxpayer $$$ goes. Tesla & Space X have both received billions
Tesla paid $0 in federal taxes last year as well btw - typical coprporate shell game: All profits were overseas (no taxes), US operations lost money (no taxes)

Goes to show, shine a bright light on a douchebag and even the richest of them all can have second thoughts.
I think the guy said he was Canadian. Between that dude and Alanis morrisette, you got a lot to answer for canada!

It is something where I'm like "dude...what does that say about the content of your character" when these people come in and say that the Ukrainians should have just shown their belly and hoped for the best.
Hey! So we have a few bad trees in the old sugar bush :o!
Curious: *what* exactly did he donate? Even if he “gave” Ukraine 6 months free rent - he’s still charging rent…and acting like Comcast, it seems
he's given them 80 million in hardware and services...and it's a private company. i don't like musk, but i will give a person credit if they're due any. it doesn't seem unfair to me for them to want the government to at least partially foot the bill, as musk has no actual responsibility to provide them anything, even well wishes.

MOSCOW (AP) — Two men fired at soldiers on a Russian military firing range near Ukraine on Saturday, killing 11 and wounding 15 before being slain themselves, the Russian Defense Ministry said.

The ministry said in a statement that the shooting took place in the Belgorod region in southwestern Russia that borders Ukraine. It said two men from an unnamed former Soviet republic fired on volunteer soldiers during target practice and were killed by return fire.

The ministry called the incident a terrorist attack.

The shooting comes amid a hasty mobilization ordered by President Vladimir Putin to beef up Russian forces in Ukraine — a move that triggered protests and caused hundreds of thousands to flee Russia.

Putin said Friday that over 220,000 reservists already had been called up as part of an effort to recruit 300,000. He promised the mobilization would be wrapped up in two weeks.

The mobilization was troubled from the start, with authorities issuing confusing signals about who should be called up for service in a country where almost all men under age 65 are listed as reservists.

Even though the Russian leader declared that only people who had recently served in the military would be subject to the call-up, activists and rights groups reported military conscription offices rounding up people without any army experience — some of whom were also unfit for service for medical reasons.

Some of the freshly called-up reservists posted videos of themselves being forced to sleep on the floor or even outside and given rusty weapons before being sent to the front lines.

Russian media reports said some of those who were mobilized were sent to combat without receiving proper training and were quickly killed.

Authorities have acknowledged the mobilization was often poorly organized and promised to improve the situation.
he's given them 80 million in hardware and services...and it's a private company. i don't like musk, but i will give a person credit if they're due any. it doesn't seem unfair to me for them to want the government to at least partially foot the bill, as musk has no actual responsibility to provide them anything, even well wishes.
$80M by Musk's accounting is a little like a DEA seizure giving the warehouse seizure values in $/grams.

Most of the hardware was paid for by Uncle Sam & others, Elon was magnanimous enough to waive the monthly service fee which he claims is $20M/month

He absolutely has no obligation to continue to provide free service but he shouldn't be bitching about his poor company losing money while others are getting free stuff. The hypocrisy is amazing.
$80M by Musk's accounting is a little like a DEA seizure giving the warehouse seizure values in $/grams.

Most of the hardware was paid for by Uncle Sam & others, Elon was magnanimous enough to waive the monthly service fee which he claims is $20M/month

He absolutely has no obligation to continue to provide free service but he shouldn't be bitching about his poor company losing money while others are getting free stuff. The hypocrisy is amazing.
But what would Trump do? :rolleyes:
His customer base for Tesla and starlink probably are pro Ukrainian and Uncle Sam and other in the national security community might be curious to know if he's more than just a fucking idiot with money and his company is vital to national security interest and he has to be "reliable". He's been pretty badly burned by this, and people are questioning his control of Twitter.

Just another social Darwinist billionaire who’s figured out Fudd’s first law (“if you push anything hard enough, it *will* fall over” (especially if you’re pushing with money))…for them, “survival of the fittest” IS survival of the wealthiest - bless their royalist souls, the believe they’re THEY are SUPPOSED to be in charge (if they can pull it off)by right of being the most successful at surviving. I doubt there’s much distance ‘philosophically’ between him & Paypal partner Peter Thiel.

The very model of a modern super-genius

I’m very glad his ability to play the new Thomas Edison is as cheap & shallow as it is…he is really NOT ready for prime time, the way he’s staggering thru his current moment. I don’t love the way his oxen snuffle his word droppings into revelations that…no one ever quite thinks thru, but wow, isn’t Elon COOL??? It was funny for a while but now it’s boring