

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Dunno what his issue is, but he's getting lots of domestic heat over it. If the east Germans are anything like the Poles and others who lived under Russia's thumb, they should be going nuts over it. The Germans have been sending lots of help and are now training troops for them, but no heavy iron yet, lots of AA defense though. The hospitals of the EU are full of Ukrainian seriously wounded getting first class care and they are getting medical supplies by the ton. The Russians have shit and a 50% mortality rate for seriously wounded, shocking to western experts. It puts their KIA numbers closer to the high-end estimates for sure.


Well-Known Member
Question - What is the purpose of Wagner line other than highlighting their positions ?
Looks more like Druid stones or Russian Nazca lines …..

Seems like those medieval barriers that ukraine made are somewhat superior. Are they mined or something ?
In WW2 they were called dragon's teeth and the GI's just bulldozed earth over them (those were set into the ground) and drove over them, simple and quick! These things can be picked up like parking barriers and will probably end up as erosion protection on the Black Sea coast or filling in a swamp one day. Dumb idea and an utter waste of resources, the Russians are fucked and this is just another sign. The Ukrainians are on a roll and have more western and Russia equipment, ammo and arms pouring in along with fresh well-trained troops. Most of all they have motivation, high morale, excellent leadership and organization that gives them lots of confidence. Considering most of the Russian's trained and professional soldiers are gone along with their equipment. What they have left facing them has been dragged kicking and screaming off the streets of Moscow. They are completely untrained or even equipped and their morale is rock bottom, I can see why Vlad might be concerned!


Ursus marijanus
In WW2 they were called dragon's teeth and the GI's just bulldozed earth over them (those were set into the ground) and drove over them, simple and quick! These things can be picked up like parking barriers and will probably end up as erosion protection on the Black Sea coast or filling in a swamp one day. Dumb idea and an utter waste of resources, the Russians are fucked and this is just another sign. The Ukrainians are on a roll and have more western and Russia equipment, ammo and arms pouring in along with fresh well-trained troops. Most of all they have motivation, high morale, excellent leadership and organization that gives them lots of confidence. Considering most of the Russian's trained and professional soldiers are gone along with their equipment. What they have left facing them has been dragged kicking and screaming off the streets of Moscow. They are completely untrained or even equipped and their morale is rock bottom, I can see why Vlad might be concerned!
They’re a bit small for stopping armor. Hedgehogs as shown here typically have beams two meters long.



Well-Known Member
Dunno what his issue is, but he's getting lots of domestic heat over it. If the east Germans are anything like the Poles and others who lived under Russia's thumb, they should be going nuts over it. The Germans have been sending lots of help and are now training troops for them, but no heavy iron yet, lots of AA defense though. The hospitals of the EU are full of Ukrainian seriously wounded getting first class care and they are getting medical supplies by the ton. The Russians have shit and a 50% mortality rate for seriously wounded, shocking to western experts. It puts their KIA numbers closer to the high-end estimates for sure.
Well with a little interweb sleuthing , the German “ Panther “ KF51 is one of the most advanced piece of armor available. I was literally shocked on its capabilities - 3 layer ( passive / reactive / active ) armor - ATGM detection- Auto loading main gun - remote coaxial machine at rear - water cooled v12 . Some estimates push costs over 8 million apiece. Computerized and AI fire control.

Definitely light years ahead of Russian armor - like a lambo to a Yugo. I probably could see why they are kept close. However they do have capable Leopard class tanks.

Side Note : ( I used to be model making geek and this little gem might be something to hunt for. ) Cuz its cool as shit.



Ursus marijanus
Well with a little interweb sleuthing , the German “ Panther “ KF51 is one of the most advanced piece of armor available. I was literally shocked on its capabilities - 3 layer ( passive / reactive / active ) armor - ATGM detection- Auto loading main gun - remote coaxial machine at rear - water cooled v12 . Some estimates push costs over 8 million apiece. Computerized and AI fire control.

Definitely light years ahead of Russian armor - like a lambo to a Yugo. I probably could see why they are kept close. However they do have capable Leopard class tanks.

Side Note : ( I used to be model making geek and this little gem might be something to hunt for. ) Cuz its cool as shit.

View attachment 5216366View attachment 5216367
that is a lot of gun!


Well-Known Member
In WW2 they were called dragon's teeth and the GI's just bulldozed earth over them (those were set into the ground) and drove over them, simple and quick! These things can be picked up like parking barriers and will probably end up as erosion protection on the Black Sea coast or filling in a swamp one day. Dumb idea and an utter waste of resources, the Russians are fucked and this is just another sign. The Ukrainians are on a roll and have more western and Russia equipment, ammo and arms pouring in along with fresh well-trained troops. Most of all they have motivation, high morale, excellent leadership and organization that gives them lots of confidence. Considering most of the Russian's trained and professional soldiers are gone along with their equipment. What they have left facing them has been dragged kicking and screaming off the streets of Moscow. They are completely untrained or even equipped and their morale is rock bottom, I can see why Vlad might be concerned!
These look like they are designed to stop those lightning raids by fast moving smaller vehicles that the Ukrainians have been using successfully. A modern tank could blast right thru these.


Well-Known Member
Well with a little interweb sleuthing , the German “ Panther “ KF51 is one of the most advanced piece of armor available. I was literally shocked on its capabilities - 3 layer ( passive / reactive / active ) armor - ATGM detection- Auto loading main gun - remote coaxial machine at rear - water cooled v12 . Some estimates push costs over 8 million apiece. Computerized and AI fire control.

Definitely light years ahead of Russian armor - like a lambo to a Yugo. I probably could see why they are kept close. However they do have capable Leopard class tanks.

Side Note : ( I used to be model making geek and this little gem might be something to hunt for. ) Cuz its cool as shit.

View attachment 5216366View attachment 5216367
Leopards are what they want and need the M1 is too heavy and too high tech, maintenance is simpler and so are logistics. Other countries have them but need Germany's permission to ship them to Ukraine. Canada uses Leopard's and has no fear of Russian attack, so do many European allies and the Russian threat has been reduced for them too.

As a for instance, Finland has around 700 towed artillery pieces and huge ammo reserves, and it might now feel more comfortable parting with some of it. The Russian threat has been reduced enough for the Europeans to loosen up on more arms to Ukraine. Now that it's become clear they beat the shit out of the Russians with one hand tied behind their backs and will soon drive them from their land. Nobody is afraid of the big bad bear since his teeth and claws have been removed, he been chained down and is now being beaten with a stick.


Well-Known Member
That should cover the damages, compensate the victims, rebuild the economy and create a first-class military. Then there would be the future oil and gas revenue from Europe. So far, they estimate damages in Ukraine at around $150 billion, say $200 billion by the time it's done and there is a lot more than $300 billion to be had, so paying back loans and aid with Russian money is also on the table. Make them pay for the bullets used to kill them too.
