I dont think I can say I have ever experienced the Medical effects of Different Strains

Was just reading some other threads where someone was asking about specific strains for pain.

I have smoked a shit ton of weed in my life.

I have also ALWAYS been in pain from either training or injuries (most of the time both)

I don't recall my pain ever subsiding due to smoking any amount of weed.

My mental anguish subsides but in no way does my physical pain.

I also don't really experience any difference between indica and sativa. Both make me sleepy.

Is there anyone else who doesn't get these benefits or differences from strain to strain?

Pain relief works best ime from having a break. If I smoke it everyday the medicinal benefits aren’t as strong.

Tbh I only need a couple of days to get super high again.

It’s also interesting to note how individuals react differently to certain strains. Some find them more buzzy or sleepy. My bro just gets sleepy stoned no matter what he smokes lol
Then why are you still using pot? You're not . . . one of those stoner people are you? lol

I used pot for 34 years just for the buzz then switched to medicinal use 20 years ago. It's about the only drug I've ever used that I like the side effects. :)

I think the side effects might be a clue as to why pot is so popular. ;)


I will say that weed renders you in a state where you no longer give a fuck. The irony is that my oncologist told me that my cancer was most likely caused by smoking.
I've never experienced pain relief smoking but have had excellent results from topicals for muscle pain.
That's most likely the placebo (which is very strong for pain and shouldnt be discounted at all) combined with the massaging of the hurt muscle. THC cant penetrate the skin in sufficient amounts to have an effect.

For me I get more pain from smoking (dose dependent). I think it's related to muscles relaxing and my joints being fucked.
I suffer from constant headaches and sometimes the pain lasts for days but I have to tell the truth...smoking increases my headaches and I don't understand why. Many people say they use pot to fight headaches but it's not the same for me....
Anyway I read a lot about indica and sativa and the conclusion is that the difference is just that they are two different variants with their respective ways of development but stop. The "curative" effect or at any rate the active high or narcotic high is due (obviously besides the timing of flower maturation) to the terpenes.
I could be wrong but by now as far as I understand the differences are there and that is why many people are stopping using Indica or Sativa as a description of the effect
I suffer from constant headaches and sometimes the pain lasts for days but I have to tell the truth...smoking increases my headaches and I don't understand why. Many people say they use pot to fight headaches but it's not the same for me....
Anyway I read a lot about indica and sativa and the conclusion is that the difference is just that they are two different variants with their respective ways of development but stop. The "curative" effect or at any rate the active high or narcotic high is due (obviously besides the timing of flower maturation) to the terpenes.
I could be wrong but by now as far as I understand the differences are there and that is why many people are stopping using Indica or Sativa as a description of the effect
Do you have titanium teeth implants? If you do, might be source of headaches.
Was just reading some other threads where someone was asking about specific strains for pain.

I have smoked a shit ton of weed in my life.

I have also ALWAYS been in pain from either training or injuries (most of the time both)

I don't recall my pain ever subsiding due to smoking any amount of weed.

My mental anguish subsides but in no way does my physical pain.

I also don't really experience any difference between indica and sativa. Both make me sleepy.

Is there anyone else who doesn't get these benefits or differences from strain to strain?
Placebo is a helluva drug.
Every chronic toker I ever met is toking for underlying issues even if they don't know it. Better that than a bottle or needle.

You got that right, man. I stopped drinking in 2004 and took 1 month off from smoking in the beginning of the "drying out" phase. I never went the AA route but had a counselor for 3 months or so. This past September marked my 18th year without a DROP of alcohol and can honestly say that greenbud has been one of the factors keeping me alcohol free (more importantly is a fantastic woman who stuck by even at my worst) I actually dont miss it one bit and try to avoid drunk people when I can. Not because I'm afraid of slipping, but because they're annoying. I dont mind people drinking, I live in a lobstering community where all my friends drink so it's unavoidable. Being around drinkers has become a lot easier over time and it just reinforces what a cost it is. Financially and also the pain it can bring to families of alcoholics.
Do you have titanium teeth implants? If you do, might be source of headaches.
Fortunately not, I honestly don't know what to think anymore.... I've had nerve-related neurological problems (I lost touch sensitivity in my left leg) and ,since my mother has multiple sclerosis, I've had test after test without coming to terms with it.. Since I started having problems I have noticed a definite reduction in vision and these constant headaches. I've had MRIs and CT scans and the only thing that has come up is a malformation of the concha bullosa (behind the nose) that would lead me to continually have headaches but neither cannabis nor medication relieves my pain. I really tried them all.
Maybe I need to try amphetamines :lol:
He didn't. He blamed smoking. Smoking Marijuana is just as bad for you as smoking tobacco. Cannabis smoke is just as carcinogenic as tobacco smoke. Also, it isn't legal here. Our health service didn't fall for the medical marijuana crap.
Smoking what? I disagree with weed being just as bad. Unless you're comparing it to some tobacoo you've grown yourself without all tge nasty additives.

You dont think marijauna should be available medicinally?
Smoking what? I disagree with weed being just as bad. Unless you're comparing it to some tobacoo you've grown yourself without all tge nasty additives.

You dont think marijauna should be available medicinally?
Correct me if I am wrong here but weed was on a no research list for any medicinal purpose until about 5-6 years ago.

I dont think that is enough time to define if it has true medical purpose or not.

So at this point I don't know if it should be offered under the assumption of medicinal.
I have had chronic migraines with nausea and extreme light sensitivity for years caused by TBI.

Smoking a joint will give slight temporary relief but dabbing some bubble hash will take it down to almost nothing.

Edibles seem to be the best pain relief I've found for my arthritis and joint issues. I get a muscle relaxation more than pain killing, there is some numbness possibly nerve related. Have not done enough trial and error to find a suitable strain for this yet.

As far as the crazy thoughts and hyper vigilance associated with the PTSD and depression have found a kwaZulu plant that has helped me more than any pharmaceutical has so far. I'd say smoking bud is probably best suited to relieve mental issues if used conservatively.

There is a strong correlation between depression and some chronic pain. So it stands to reason that if there is mental relief from smoking, then for certain people the pain relief effect may come from that.

Everyone seems to be affected different, hope those that are looking for medical benefits can find what they are searching for.
I have had chronic migraines with nausea and extreme light sensitivity for years caused by TBI.

Smoking a joint will give slight temporary relief but dabbing some bubble hash will take it down to almost nothing.

Edibles seem to be the best pain relief I've found for my arthritis and joint issues. I get a muscle relaxation more than pain killing, there is some numbness possibly nerve related. Have not done enough trial and error to find a suitable strain for this yet.

As far as the crazy thoughts and hyper vigilance associated with the PTSD and depression have found a kwaZulu plant that has helped me more than any pharmaceutical has so far. I'd say smoking bud is probably best suited to relieve mental issues if used conservatively.

There is a strong correlation between depression and some chronic pain. So it stands to reason that if there is mental relief from smoking, then for certain people the pain relief effect may come from that.

Everyone seems to be affected different, hope those that are looking for medical benefits can find what they are searching for.
The edibles that you like. What strain? If they are from a dispensary, what terpines are dominant?
The edibles that you like. What strain? If they are from a dispensary, what terpines are dominant?
They have been made from various plant trim and I never took the time to keep track because most of them would make me sleepy. Then one time I ate one that kept me up all night doing chores with out the severe joint pains. That made me think about segregating and keeping track. It all could have been coincidence. Have not got back into it yet but have plans to this winter.
Smoking what? I disagree with weed being just as bad. Unless you're comparing it to some tobacoo you've grown yourself without all tge nasty additives.

You dont think marijauna should be available medicinally?

If you burn organic matter it will produce tar and all sorts of other toxins, most of which are carcinogenic, this is a fact. Be it cannabis or tobacco. I have smoked cannabis for over 30 years and got smoking related cancer.

The medical marijuana industry was a con to get the US medical industry a foot hold in another industry. I am one of the dozens of people in the world that doesn't live in america. In the UK we don't have private healthcare trying to sell us products and services for the good of our health, we have a National Health Service that is free for all.

I am not in favour of legalised cannabis at all. It isn't legal in the UK. If they legalised it here they would tax the shit out of it and regulate it's supply. I would rather see the Dutch model where it is simply not criminal to posses, grow or use.
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If you burn organic matter it will produce tar and all sorts of other toxins, most of which are carcinogenic, this is a fact. Be it cannabis or tobacco. I have smoked cannabis for over 30 years and got smoking related cancer.

The medical marijuana industry was a con to get the US medical industry a foot hold in another industry. I am one of the dozens of people in the world that doesn't live in america. In the UK we don't have private healthcare trying to sell us products and services for the good of our health, we have a National Health Service that is free for all.

I am not in favour of legalised cannabis at all. It isn't legal in the UK. If they legalised it here they would tax the shit out of it and regulate it's supply. I would rather see the Dutch model where it is simply not criminal to posses, grow or use.
Strange I can grow an use legally here in the USA no one is forced to go to shops an pay tax.Trust me that so called free health care you think your getting LOL your paying . How much you pay for petrol, heat an elec for the home? your paying just not to ya Doctor
My buddy had his hip replaced a few years ago . Going through the the pre op phase a nurse was asking questions and one was "do you use any drugs" . He told her he smokes two large joints a day and she asked if it helps with the pain .

He said he thought for a minute and said "well , it certainly takes my mind off it" . He said she just smiled and scribbled something down .

He has a few stains he made on his own over the past 40 years that would be best described as narcotic , very sedating , dick in the dirt weed . I'd love to send some for testing .
Like many prescription drugs- cannabis helps distract your mind from the pain, it doesn’t cure it. Neither does percocet- it is a temporary mask, however we all know the deadend to taking opiods. You build a tolerance- you need more and more until it just stops helping at all. Cannabis is a safer option- not perfectly safe- but safer than alcohol and opioids.
3 spinal surgeries- 1 huge cyst removed from spine- too many screws, rods and metal shims in my back to think about-horrible radiculopathy-cannabis helps distract from serious chronic pain. Yes it does.