
People are overestimating China just like they did with Russia. It doesn't matter how many ships they crank out if they're junk. China is rife with corruption just like Russia. For all we know some contractor used cardboard instead of metal in part of the construction and pocketed the money. Their weapons systems are not proven and the training and capability of their military forces is poor.

China is overrated. They will never surpass the United States. The United States military is and will continue to be the most lethal force on the planet.

CJCS General Milley knows what he's talking about:

Right now, the United States military is -- without question, despite whatever criticisms people have, the United States military is the most lethal warfighting machine on Earth, bar none. The United States military is number one and we intend to stay number one.

And our task -- militaries only have two tasks. We have a single purpose, really, which is to -- either to prepare for war or to fight a war, and we are laser-focused on that. And we intend to stay number one.

China is not going to be a better military than the United States military is but they're going to try but they're not going to get there. We will be number one five years from now, 10 years from now, and 50 years from now. We are not going to let China take number one.

The United States of America will always be number one.

Then there is the fact that the Taiwanese people are ready to defend their island and way of life while the Chinese soldier is not going to be as motivated to invade the island and fight just like what's happening in Ukraine.

I'm also patriotic and I generally agree w/your points,experience matters as does motivation and a just cause,but what were once huge gaps are shrinking quickly. China is extremely motivated by past humiliations by the West(mostly British) and seems hellbent on correcting these past haunts.Looking objectively at our forces DOES force a bite of humble pie, many of our gen4 aircraft have very old airframes,are Tichonderoga class cruisers are really getting long in the tooth,we are just now getting ready to begin deploying a new frigate after our littoral combat ship fiasco,and I sure as hell hope that quality and technology has made industrial might a non-factor. War-gaming a conflict over Taiwan usually includes the loss of at least 2 aircraft carriers, that is a loss in human life and national treasure that is hard to swallow,matter of fact One carrier sent to the bottom probably has the President considering a nuclear response and who in their right mind wants to go there. I have no doubts at all that our military will inflict incredible damage but I still see conflict over Taiwan as a shit sandwich as I've previously stated.
I think with the fall of Russia Joe gave Xi the green light in central Asia where there is oil, gas and everything China needs. The Russian empire might break up in the near future and there are time zones of virgin forest there and weak links to Europe. China can use its position and soft power to control a good chuck of eastern Asia, if they play by the rules and do it with soft economic power. They get all the economic benefits and none of the political trouble by using soft economic power and owning the mines and factories in these new countries. Going west and north for them is the path of least resistance and most profit, going east to Tawain they would be going up against a wall of resistance and their own doom. We are ok with them cutting deals with central Asia for oil and gas and taking advantage of Russia's collapse in Asia. There is opportunity west and north, doom heading east and south by trying to control the south China sea.
Cool,I'm more than OK w/Xi picking Vlad's bones and turning his rock hard johnson in that direction,have at it.
Cool,I'm more than OK w/Xi picking Vlad's bones and turning his rock hard johnson in that direction,have at it.
It would be wise and work out for everybody, China can build rail roads and offer an alternative to Russia, they can dramatically lift the quality of life for people in that region. Kazakhstan borders on China, stretches all the way to the Caspian Sea where there is plenty of oil and gas, China recently gave them security assurances and the other oil rich stans are south of them. If they have oil and gas, China has consumer goods and infrastructure to sell as well, as trade routes to the world, win, win and it keeps them in their corner.
I'm also patriotic and I generally agree w/your points,experience matters as does motivation and a just cause,but what were once huge gaps are shrinking quickly. China is extremely motivated by past humiliations by the West(mostly British) and seems hellbent on correcting these past haunts.Looking objectively at our forces DOES force a bite of humble pie, many of our gen4 aircraft have very old airframes,are Tichonderoga class cruisers are really getting long in the tooth,we are just now getting ready to begin deploying a new frigate after our littoral combat ship fiasco,and I sure as hell hope that quality and technology has made industrial might a non-factor. War-gaming a conflict over Taiwan usually includes the loss of at least 2 aircraft carriers, that is a loss in human life and national treasure that is hard to swallow,matter of fact One carrier sent to the bottom probably has the President considering a nuclear response and who in their right mind wants to go there. I have no doubts at all that our military will inflict incredible damage but I still see conflict over Taiwan as a shit sandwich as I've previously stated.

All war is a shit sandwich. In a China/Taiwan conflict it will be the Chinese with the biggest mouthful of shit.
I'm also patriotic and I generally agree w/your points,experience matters as does motivation and a just cause,but what were once huge gaps are shrinking quickly. China is extremely motivated by past humiliations by the West(mostly British) and seems hellbent on correcting these past haunts.Looking objectively at our forces DOES force a bite of humble pie, many of our gen4 aircraft have very old airframes,are Tichonderoga class cruisers are really getting long in the tooth,we are just now getting ready to begin deploying a new frigate after our littoral combat ship fiasco,and I sure as hell hope that quality and technology has made industrial might a non-factor. War-gaming a conflict over Taiwan usually includes the loss of at least 2 aircraft carriers, that is a loss in human life and national treasure that is hard to swallow,matter of fact One carrier sent to the bottom probably has the President considering a nuclear response and who in their right mind wants to go there. I have no doubts at all that our military will inflict incredible damage but I still see conflict over Taiwan as a shit sandwich as I've previously stated.
When I was young, achievement in space was a stand-in indicator for military might. Kennedy’s brave moon speech concealed the perception of an existential threat from the bell-bottomed boosters.
In the eighties, we had the Shuttle, warts and all, while the Russians were quietly learning how to spend long time in orbit.

Now the Chinese are giving notice, assembling the hardware for the next people to walk on the moon, which goaded us into building a very expensive follow-on to the magnificent hydrazine-and-clockwork ships we used fifty years ago (fifty years ago today, the last Apollo was entering lunar space) to do it first.

Last night I watched Tiangong make a local pass. The Chinese are letting us know that they can take us on head to head, should the need arise. I hope it doesn’t.
When I was young, achievement in space was a stand-in indicator for military might. Kennedy’s brave moon speech concealed the perception of an existential threat from the bell-bottomed boosters.
In the eighties, we had the Shuttle, warts and all, while the Russians were quietly learning how to spend long time in orbit.

Now the Chinese are giving notice, assembling the hardware for the next people to walk on the moon, which goaded us into building a very expensive follow-on to the magnificent hydrazine-and-clockwork ships we used fifty years ago (fifty years ago today, the last Apollo was entering lunar space) to do it first.

Last night I watched Tiangong make a local pass. The Chinese are letting us know that they can take us on head to head, should the need arise. I hope it doesn’t.
Competition is good and pissing off America led to science and math education in schools being boosted considerably, in fact Uncle Sam was so pissed off the USSR got the jump on them with Sputnik, they went to the fucking moon over it! :lol:
look at our education system now. It didn’t take.
Back in the Eisenhower days when Sputnik shocked America, there was a drive on about science and math education at all levels, even in the south. Many of those NASA engineers who sent those rockets to the moon were from the region and so was much of the government part of the program. This was federal and local policy back then and the path led to the moon. The education system was and is a victim of racism turned into and broadened into culture wars. They conducted a war not just on science, but on civics and history education too, because they believe bullshit and brown folks were getting some too, so teaching them civics was dangerous!
Back in the Eisenhower days when Sputnik shocked America, there was a drive on about science and math education at all levels, even in the south. Many of those NASA engineers who sent those rockets to the moon were from the region and so was much of the government part of the program. This was federal and local policy back then and the path led to the moon. The education system was and is a victim of racism turned into and broadened into culture wars. They conducted a war not just on science, but on civics and history education too, because they believe bullshit and brown folks were getting some too, so teaching them civics was dangerous!
there is more to it than racism. The white males are faring almost as badly under the assault on public education.
there is more to it than racism. The white males are faring almost as badly under the assault on public education.
Cut yer nose off to spite yer face, closed pool politics after school integration can into play, Reagan ran on eliminating the federal department of education.
Now this is the kind of YouTube video that would get a lot of hits in Russia these days, I'm sure there are Russian versions! I think the Ukrainians should alcohol bomb the Russians in their rear with 1liter plastic bottles of strong vodka floating down on little parachutes. It could be the weapon that changes the war! Just think, flood a section of the line and the Russian rear with bottles of alcohol the day before the attack! :lol:

How To Make Potato Vodka
When I was young, achievement in space was a stand-in indicator for military might. Kennedy’s brave moon speech concealed the perception of an existential threat from the bell-bottomed boosters.
In the eighties, we had the Shuttle, warts and all, while the Russians were quietly learning how to spend long time in orbit.

Now the Chinese are giving notice, assembling the hardware for the next people to walk on the moon, which goaded us into building a very expensive follow-on to the magnificent hydrazine-and-clockwork ships we used fifty years ago (fifty years ago today, the last Apollo was entering lunar space) to do it first.

Last night I watched Tiangong make a local pass. The Chinese are letting us know that they can take us on head to head, should the need arise. I hope it doesn’t.
I've also witnessed China's space program progress at a meteoric rate,we American's are a bit condescending and dismissive of the Chinese.They do have some glaring weaknesses(especially the lack of experience in any modern warfare). That said, I fear our arrogance is leading us to underestimate them(how quickly we forget history's lessons). I don't know what the average Chinese citizen is thinking but Mr.Xi and the more than million strong Communist party are fixated on avenging China's past humiliations. The English colonial period,having to back down when Pres. Clinton sent 2 carrier battle groups through the Taiwan Straits during a flair up in tensions in the 90's, and the bombing of the Chinese Embassy in the Yugoslavian conflict. Wonder if they'd have the same reaction to my last 2 examples were they to occur presently? They have persisted and played the long game for more than 30 yrs.and are rapidly reaching the point in their timeline to avenge their perceived humiliations.
All war is a shit sandwich. In a China/Taiwan conflict it will be the Chinese with the biggest mouthful of shit.
I certainly hope your proposed outcome would be the result,and I don't like being a contrarian,But the advantages China holds in this arena are sobering to say the least. Consider the geography,trying to establish any semblance of air superiority over Taiwan is virtually implausible with the staggering number of Chinese air bases in that region.Our carrier aviation lacks the range to have a large impact considering the aircrafts ranges when launched from the distances considered safe from the anti-ship missile threat(that continues to grow w/every new long range carrier killing ballistic missile that they deploy).Bases in Guam,Japan, and even Australia will be hit w/missile attacks,hell I've seen scenarios where they hit Pearl Harbor also. Basically what I'm trying to point out are the many disturbing variables that exist right now that didn't warrant consideration 10-15 yrs. ago.
Here is one that uses the cell network, RC pilots were experimenting with this for a while, FPV flying using a 4G cell data dongle, unlimited range and low altitude flight capabilities, though latency might be an issue. New battery technology could give this thing hours of endurance and many more miles of range, these days cell networks are ubiquitous.

Closer look at the new Ghost Drone being trialled by the RAF & US Army

402,345 views Dec 5, 2022
Gunners from 15 Squadron of the RAF Regiment have been experimenting with a new type of drone.

The Ghost Drone, so called because of its ability to remain undetected, uses artificial intelligence to work out how noisy it sounds and what it looks like – from the target's point of view.

Flight Sergeant David Shaw showed Forces News how the drone works and explained what makes it different from other remotely piloted aircraft systems.
Now this is the kind of YouTube video that would get a lot of hits in Russia these days, I'm sure there are Russian versions! I think the Ukrainians should alcohol bomb the Russians in their rear with 1liter plastic bottles of strong vodka floating down on little parachutes. It could be the weapon that changes the war! Just think, flood a section of the line and the Russian rear with bottles of alcohol the day before the attack! :lol:

How To Make Potato Vodka

Vodka and Food Trucks ftw...
fucking Russian Orthodox Church...bunch of (FSB/KGB) croonies.....can't believe they corrupted the church like that......the true Orthodox Church is actually beautiful....but when the Russians Corrupted it and turned it to what it is....i'll stand with Zelensky on his raids and what's they have uncovered there...
fucking Russian Orthodox Church...bunch of (FSB/KGB) croonies.....can't believe they corrupted the church like that......the true Orthodox Church is actually beautiful....but when the Russians Corrupted it and turned it to what it is....i'll stand with Zelensky on his raids and what's they have uncovered there...
They did not corrupt it, just clarified how the Russian people are the chosen ones. Might piss off a few Baptists though.
i know a few catholics that might not like it either.......one especially being the Pope....a church should not openly say genocide of another people....

since your canadian

Communism destroyed the church and Stalin cynically used and corrupted it for his own purposes and finally broke it. I wasn't hard for Vlad to find the Russian version of American con artist fundamentalist fascist preachers. The Orthodox church in Ukraine threw off the influence of the state, returned to its roots but are reforming their beliefs too and modernizing. Democracy and civil society influence religion too and the war increased the schism between the two churches, in Ukraine younger clerics and monks can speak out and be heard and thus evolve the church to meet more modern needs. In Europe many places have state religions or state supported religions, it seems to kill them off faster than anything else!