

Well-Known Member
Belarus is nowhere near Moldova. The only not-entirely-ridiculous plan would be amphibious via the Dniester estuary. It’ll be happy Harpoon time in SW Ukraine if the Russians try.
that's what's weird about the build up there........especially if ukraine has the border pretty much sealed off.......hmm


Well-Known Member
i had a thought they were gonna try to use Belarus to connect to Moldova so that way those fighter can start another problem there....
If Russia attacks Ukraine through Belarus and they are expecting it, they will be lucky to get 5 miles and that will be because it will be through a prepared killing zone. The Ukrainians would use combat hardened, well trained, prepared and equipped territorials with a regular army reseve in the rear just in case. Kyiv has large numbers of reservists too and if the Russians try it again they had better use a better plan and troops, this time the Ukrainians will be ready for them. They won't take many regular army guys to defend the northern border, territorials can do it and there are plenty of them in the Kyiv area. The younger guys in the regular army will be on the move on offensive operations when the ground freezes. I don't think the northern distraction will work and it will cost Russia many mobiks and equipment, they are short on both apparently.

This time they might go into Belarus if attacked from there, after offering their army to clear the Russians from their country for them. Who knows they might be lead by Belarussian rebels and coup leaders who are sanctioned by their government in exile.


Well-Known Member

Why Russia's key ally could turn on Putin | General Breedlove

"Russia very much wants Belarus completely under their control. Russia has wanted to put military forces forward into Belarus for some time, which was resisted."

Russia's touted second Kyiv offensive could crack Putin's alliance with Belarus, General Br


Well-Known Member
Zel could be coming to DC for Christmas, like Churchill did in WW2! That will trigger a response from Vlad! Another missile attack probably, or it might trigger a northern invasion before they are ready. :lol: He needs a break and a bit of a vacation in Florida for a day at the beach and a beer. Send Vlad a postcard, or a social media post, first break in nearly year, he earned.

Last chance for a joint session of congress before the traitors take over and perhaps a medal, which they will object to because they and Trump support Putin, not democracy. He could be stopping by Ottawa to pay Justin a visit too, or he will go to DC.

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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Belarus is nowhere near Moldova. The only not-entirely-ridiculous plan would be amphibious via the Dniester estuary. It’ll be happy Harpoon time in SW Ukraine if the Russians try.
i was thinking more along the lines of what they did in crimea in 2014...hold a fake referendum, annex it, and try to claim it...doomed to failure, but so has everything else the russians have tried so far.


Ursus marijanus
i was thinking more along the lines of what they did in crimea in 2014...hold a fake referendum, annex it, and try to claim it...doomed to failure, but so has everything else the russians have tried so far.
Without physical access, they couldn’t exploit it. The danger then is that a new referendum is held by the government still in place, wasting the effort of fixing the first one. That’s how I think it would be most likely to play.

There is also a nonzero chance that the puppet regime in Belarus might be replaced by one less willing to dance to the Kremlin’s tune. This would strand a considerable chunk of remaining Russian power in a now noncompliant neighbor state. Putin might threaten them, and the response might just be “you and what army?”


Well-Known Member
i was thinking more along the lines of what they did in crimea in 2014...hold a fake referendum, annex it, and try to claim it...doomed to failure, but so has everything else the russians have tried so far.
The Russians have about 1 BTG in Transnistria and some local separatist militia. Not enough for anything, they are cut off the EU just equipped and financed the Moldovan army. The Ukrainians will probably swat them after they are done with Crimea, or maybe before, it will be done in conjunction with the government of Moldova and EU blessing, maybe. They are not a factor in this war and are probably shitting their pants in fear of ending up in Ukraine as cannon fodder.

"The force is now around 1,200 strong, and according to Kommersant-Vlast in 2005, consisted of the 8th Guards Motor Rifle Brigade, the 1162nd Anti-Aircraft Rocket Regiment, 15th Signals Regiment, and other support units".

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Without physical access, they couldn’t exploit it. The danger then is that a new referendum is held by the government still in place, wasting the effort of fixing the first one. That’s how I think it would be most likely to play.

There is also a nonzero chance that the puppet regime in Belarus might be replaced by one less willing to dance to the Kremlin’s tune. This would strand a considerable chunk of remaining Russian power in a now noncompliant neighbor state. Putin might threaten them, and the response might just be “you and what army?”
they have transnistria or wtfe it's name is, i'm guessing they have moved a lot of very russo sympathetic people into the area over the last few years, and maybe have some militia type groups on the ground...perhaps enough to start some shit...perhaps not.


Ursus marijanus
they have transnistria or wtfe it's name is, i'm guessing they have moved a lot of very russo sympathetic people into the area over the last few years, and maybe have some militia type groups on the ground...perhaps enough to start some shit...perhaps not.
I know there is a separatist movement there, but I simply don’t think Russia can project the political or military power to give those guys the upper hand. Had they not fought Ukraine and ended up like that swordfighting torso in Monty Python, then maybe.



Well-Known Member
Zel could be coming to DC for Christmas, like Churchill did in WW2! That will trigger a response from Vlad! Another missile attack probably, or it might trigger a northern invasion before they are ready. :lol: He needs a break and a bit of a vacation in Florida for a day at the beach and a beer. Send Vlad a postcard, or a social media post, first break in nearly year, he earned.

Last chance for a joint session of congress before the traitors take over and perhaps a medal, which they will object to because they and Trump support Putin, not democracy. He could be stopping by Ottawa to pay Justin a visit too, or he will go to DC.

I really wish that had not leaked until he was on the ground. Some things don't need knowing ahead of time.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I know there is a separatist movement there, but I simply don’t think Russia can project the political or military power to give those guys the upper hand. Had they not fought Ukraine and ended up like that swordfighting torso in Monty Python, then maybe.
i hope not. i hope it's just more of putin's blustering. it would help the situation immensely if Lukashenko would kick the russians out, while simultaneously asking for NATO aid to keep them out...