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'This Is About Putting Russia In The Dark': Ukraine Aims For February Peace Talks With Russia

26,075 views Dec 27, 2022
The Associated Press reports that Ukraine's Foreign Minister wants to hold a peace summit by the end of February in an effort to end the war with Russia. Ukraine is hoping for a UN-led mediation but says Russia will only be invited if Moscow is first prosecuted for war crimes in our international court. Richard Haass, President of the Council on Foreign Relations, and William Taylor, Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine, weigh into the conversation.


Well-Known Member
I’m sure you can be a bit more descriptive without issue. C’mon.
Anti Biden shit, calling people here names and child porn themes in memes, pure disgusting shit and of no value. Dunno if it originated from Russia or with magats, and truthfully it doesn't matter much at this point, they both sing the same song. It would just piss people off and it was suppose to be a "trigger the libs" troll.
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Ursus marijanus
Anti Biden shit, calling people here names and child porn themes in memes, pure disgusting shit and of no value. Dunno it originated from Russia or with magats, and truthfully it doesn't matter much at this point, they both sing the same song. It would just piss people off and it was suppose to be a "trigger the libs" troll.
That helps, thanks

I miss the days when we could play idiot polo.


Well-Known Member
I could be totally out of touch here, I dunno. But I sure like how you frame it. I just don't believe it.
It's all to do with GOP control of Congress, i think.

How can anybody be indicted or the J6 committee even continue after swear-in on 1-20-23?
Inauguration day, all progress stops, no more hearings, referrals, nothing. End of story. . . . .
While it's true the J6 committee has wrapped up it's work with the end of this congress, the DOJ will still be on the job for the next two years. The J6 committee was all about getting the info out there for the public and for history to judge. They did a great job of that. Now it's all in the hands of the DOJ.


Well-Known Member
This is a DIY suicide drone, an FPV racing quad with a bomb on board, it's shortens the range a lot, but it's a one way trip. It only costs around 3 or 4 hundred bucks though. Looks like the guy fired at it during the last moments. With no bomb on board it will do over 100 MPH easy and go from 0 to 100MPH in about 2 seconds.



Well-Known Member

Ukraine Converts $21.9 Billion In U.S. Military Surplus Into Fearsome Force

The list of American security assistance to Ukraine since the beginning of Russia’s “unprovoked and brutal invasion” is impressive. What is more impressive is that $21.9 billion in U.S. military aid has been dominated by largely second-string gear, comprised of unpopular or lower-tech systems that were, in many cases, on the way to the scrapyard.

As Congress gears up to constrain the Biden Administration’s relative largesse, it is worth emphasizing that the aid, to date, is neither excessive nor threatening to U.S. national security.

In fact, U.S. military support to Ukraine has cost less than what Congress is paying to procure two Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) class nuclear-powered aircraft carriers. In total, taxpayers will put some $26 billion into the USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78) and the USS John F. Kennedy (CVN 79). In comparison to these troubled flattops, the $21.9 billion for Ukraine appears to be a far more effective return on investment.

Aid to Ukraine has, in effect, shattered the Russian military, exposing it as little more than a paper tiger. The war has helped destroy Russia’s once-burgeoning arms bazaar, ruining Russian efforts to destabilize strategic regions. Enabling the fight has bolstered Ukraine’s commitment to their nation, critical for advancing society-building and anti-corruption efforts there. Facilitating Ukraine’s resistance may even end the kleptocratic reign of Vladimir Putin, paving the way for a more just—if not more democratic—society in Russia itself.

The war served a good proving ground for modern conflict, forcing the U.S. to recognize old “big war” conflict models it had eschewed for decades. The war has also reinforced the value of basic, boring old consumables, items the U.S. often ignores in the constant pursuit of the newest and shiniest technology—like the pricey FordClass carrier.

In all, the $21.9 billion has been very well spent. Had America held back the support, and just let Russia roll over Ukraine, America would have spent far more in keeping Russia from suborning the rest of Europe.

Helping Ukraine stand against overt aggression has already offered a great return on investment. America has frittered away far more for far less strategic benefit. The second Iraq War of 2003 cost the United States over a trillion dollars. Afghanistan cost another trillion in 2022 dollars. Those two conflicts—which offered little strategic advantage the U.S.— make the $21 billion in Ukraine security aid look like chump change.

Second-String U.S. Gear Has Rarely Been Used So Effectively
While the numbers and lists of gear are impressive, America hasn’t given very much that might impact America’s security in any substantial way. We’ve handed over a lot of former Russian or otherwise obsolete equipment, including 45 Russian-built T-72B main battle tanks and 20 Mi-17 helicopters. Much of the gear sent to Ukraine was headed for either the scrapheap or to other allies.

To a general audience, armored personnel carriers sound impressive. The fact that America gave Ukraine some 200 M113 Armored Personnel Carriers sounds like a big deal. But military experts know that America stopped building these tracked utility vehicles about 25 years ago and is busy stripping them from the U.S. force.

Other surplus gear has gone to Ukraine. During America’s counterinsurgency conflicts, the Army procured lots of M1117 Armored Security Vehicles—a wheeled armored car—between 1999 and 2014. More appropriate for military constabulary duties than full-scale conflict, the U.S. has already been drawing down the vehicle inventory, so the 250 sent to Ukraine won’t be missed. To give an idea of where Ukraine sits in terms of donations, the U.S. gave 200 of these vehicles to Columbia in 2020. Over 700 were produced for the Afghanistan Army and 400 went to the Iraqi armed forces. At least, in Ukraine, these vehicles are directly supporting U.S. goals.

Some fancy militarized-sounding gifts have centered around mobility. A grant of almost 300-400 “Tactical Vehicles” may impress a general audience, but they’re all just military trucks built to carry between 2.5 or 5 tons.

American taxpayers gave Ukraine 477 Mine Resistant Ambush Protected Vehicles (MRAPs). Built for a grinding counterinsurgency, the U.S. military has been so eager to shed the heavy, hard-to-maintain vehicles it has handed them out to police departments all over the United States.

America also provided some 1,200 “High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles.” Better known as Humvees, the U.S. is busy replacing this modern retake of the old military jeep with a newer version called the “Joint Light Tactical Vehicle.”

Even the newly popular tube artillery systems—when donated, the future of much of the 142 155mm and 36 105mm howitzers, the 10 120mm, 10 82 mm and 10 60mm mortar systems donated to Ukraine were in doubt. The Marine Corps was aiming to cut their M777 howitzer batteries from 21 to five, but the importance of artillery on the Ukraine battlefield may have changed a few opinions.

In air defense, all the focus has been on the yet-to-be-delivered Patriot air defense battery and the eight National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile Systems (NSAMS). But the bigger story is in the old HAWK missiles the U.S. is supplying. The U.S. hasn’t used HAWK missiles since 2002, and, given that we made thousands of them, it would be very interesting to know more about how these old missiles are doing in the field.