Examples of GOP Leadership

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
it'll turn out that he's a Lithuanian lesbian druid librarian....those seem to be the only things (s?)he hasn't claimed to be yet...


Well-Known Member
well, he died of lung cancer, so it actually has little to do with hydroxychloroquine, but you're right, it was just another stupid straw for trump to offer for suckers to grasp at...
He didn't see the forest for the trees, too busy conning people..(Siri voice) Karma initiated complete.

It's all part of the whole in simulation.


Well-Known Member
damn, for a party that rails nonstop about election fraud, they seem to be responsible for at least 90% of it...
That's because dear Roger, their MO is to always accuse your enemy of the same crimes you are committing..think about it..sometimes people post things here that you have to say WTF is in their mind..all we have are minds no coverings..we see the GOP members in person coming up with things 'let loose the Kraken'..who thinks of this shite?

It's juvenile 'you did it too'..to muddy waters, to purposely confuse, causing (here it is again) fear and chaos.


Well-Known Member
The projection is...not funny because of the subject matter, but pretty telling. Hilarious in a very dark way one could say. It prompts me to want to know wtf is wrong with the pizza places they frequent (that's the funny part) and it's a good indicator of who should never be allowed around kids in an unsupervised setting (not funny). On a mediocre note, it's also pretty solid as an indicator of who will be cheating during an election or committing various other crimes.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
that's....Tommy...Tommy Flanagan...yeah, that's the ticket, he and his wife Heather L...Morgan Fairchild...yeah, Morgan Fairchild taught the republican party everything they know about morals and ethics...yeah...
Life imitates art, even the onion from back then reads like republican fact today. Donald led them down faster than even gravity would allow.


Well-Known Member
Feel like CNN should hire me as a consultant LOL, last winter I commented on this forum about the fall of Rudy Guliani,and don't you know 1 year later here we have a CNN special "The fall of Rudy",premiering Jan8. Here is a man who in 2001 stood as a symbol of New York's grit and determination,calmly reassuring the nation as he walked through the detrious of Osama's wrath. Now a tragic figure and a national punchline after captaining the boat that trolled the muck for conspiracy theories in support of Mr. Orange. Rudy,who took down the 5 family mafia commission in New York with glee turned 180 and supported someone who damaged the country levels of magnitude worse than the mob. At least the mob had some standards and their criminality aside loved the country,something that can't be said for the Orange man. How's the view down there Rudy?,man what a dive of the cliff you took.


Well-Known Member
As I sit down w/a pair of scissors trimming my summer's work HLN network is running a West Wing marathon. I know it is fictional but it is acclaimed and I believe that if anything it captures the pace, chaos,and complete unpredictability of the day to day operation of the Whitehouse accurately. As I watch these people pivot on a dime to put out fires that pop up out of nowhere it terrifies me that we actually had someone as unhinged and incompetent as Mr. Orange at the helm.Seeing episodes concurrently has vividly made clear to me how fortunate we are as a nation to have survived 4 years w/"that guy" as commander in chief. I feel like the country was floating on a piece of debris in the middle of the ocean,sharks circling, and luckily got picked up by a passing cargo ship.


Well-Known Member
Feel like CNN should hire me as a consultant LOL, last winter I commented on this forum about the fall of Rudy Guliani,and don't you know 1 year later here we have a CNN special "The fall of Rudy",premiering Jan8. Here is a man who in 2001 stood as a symbol of New York's grit and determination,calmly reassuring the nation as he walked through the detrious of Osama's wrath. Now a tragic figure and a national punchline after captaining the boat that trolled the muck for conspiracy theories in support of Mr. Orange. Rudy,who took down the 5 family mafia commission in New York with glee turned 180 and supported someone who damaged the country levels of magnitude worse than the mob. At least the mob had some standards and their criminality aside loved the country,something that can't be said for the Orange man. How's the view down there Rudy?,man what a dive of the cliff you took.
Rudy got the trump bump.

From different accounts I’ve read, Rudy did very little to take down the 5 families. He more or less swept in at the end and took all of the credit.