

Well-Known Member
I don't think they will take over any former Russian territory in a political sense, such empires often break up along administrative lines and the autonomous republics and regions will end up as new countries economically tied to China. Before that though they will/are in central Asia and have already given security assurances to Kazakhstan which stretches from their eastern border and the Caspian sea, with it's oil and gas. Several Stans lie to the south of it and it cuts Russia off from access there. The US and EU are coming to the Caspian from the west, promoting peace and pipelines in Georgia now that the Russians are busy elsewhere.
I've talking 50 years down the road. China will continue to get stronger, and Russia has shot it's wad. Most current lines were drawn in 1920's after the first world war. A hundred years is a long time for the map to stay the same.


Well-Known Member
I've talking 50 years down the road. China will continue to get stronger, and Russia has shot it's wad. Most current lines were drawn in 1920's after the first world war. A hundred years is a long time for the map to stay the same.
i see it working like this, when the federation is made into a Pariah, and then China will act....keep in mind most of North Korea is China overall, little miss penis hands is just install and he's even being a dick now


Ursus marijanus
China is a lot like a sailor I served with on the Saipan. His name was Pace, but we all called him Bulkhead. He was a big fuck, and would use pain to bully those below him into doing his work, and suck up to anyone above him in rank.

An example from him trying it on me. . . . we used to be able to do assembly in the powershop when there was too much rain to do it on the flightdeck. [I was an electrician's mate, and the powershop was our biggest space] If you got there early you could sit on the counters. Otherwise you had to stand. I was sitting on a counter when Bulkhead came in late and wanted my spot. He grabbed me by both kneecaps and was pulling me off. I grabbed a wrench and tried to knock him in the head. I missed but it hit the oven we baked motors in with a pretty loud bang. The Electrical Officer {who was Filipino} said, "Lawwe, leave Bulkhead alone," but otherwise didn't miss a beat in his remarks.

China is doing the same thing. They will use the threat pain to make the weaker countries in their neighborhood do what they want. But they will keep sucking up to the west because we buy all their shit.
I do so wish Amazon weren’t the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. I’ve grown fond of Norton flap wheels, and (Chinese brand so weirdly named* they aren’t even trying), which is all Amazon sells, and at prices not far from the good stuff, isn’t up to snuff.

*from a current search: Tonmp and Sackorange

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

sounds like someone might have a problem...hmmm...still hope he drops dead
me too...but who the fuck knows? he is literally shrouded in disinformation, he has the entire nations broadcasting system to push whatever narrative he feels like. with any luck at all, he has highly painful inoperative cancer that will kill him relatively quickly, after a week or so of blazing agony.
but fucks like him seem to live till old age drags them under the dirt...


Well-Known Member

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
nice little article from the Times

Just get rid of the motherfuckers as enemies of the state. Once the war is over, people can worship however they want. While people are dying, subversive elements of any kind cannot and should not be tolerated.


Well-Known Member
me too...but who the fuck knows? he is literally shrouded in disinformation, he has the entire nations broadcasting system to push whatever narrative he feels like. with any luck at all, he has highly painful inoperative cancer that will kill him relatively quickly, after a week or so of blazing agony.
but fucks like him seem to live till old age drags them under the dirt...
true....who the fuck really knows.....here is the speech, you can clearly see him clear his throat, and cough....

know the fucking russian they'll prolly wax him like Stalin or Lenin....put him in state somewhere....smh


Well-Known Member
Just get rid of the motherfuckers as enemies of the state. Once the war is over, people can worship however they want. While people are dying, subversive elements of any kind cannot and should not be tolerated.
that's what UA is doing and the actual orthodox church has actually label them heretics too.....the problem is they've turned it around...basically saying Zelensky is closing the church...aka propaganda at it's best


Well-Known Member

Ukraine claims hundreds of Russian soldiers killed by missile attack - BBC News

146,802 views Jan 2, 2023 #Ukraine #Russia #BBCNews
Ukraine says about 400 Russian soldiers have died in a missile attack on the occupied Donetsk region.

Russian officials contested the figure, admitting only to 63 of their troops being killed. Neither claim has been verified.

The attack hit a building in the city of Makiivka, where Russian forces were stationed.

Hours after the strike, capital city Kyiv came under fire. A drone and missile attack targeted critical infrastructure, governor Oleksiy Kuleba said.


Well-Known Member

Ukraine claims hundreds of Russian soldiers killed by missile attack - BBC News

146,802 views Jan 2, 2023 #Ukraine #Russia #BBCNews
Ukraine says about 400 Russian soldiers have died in a missile attack on the occupied Donetsk region.

Russian officials contested the figure, admitting only to 63 of their troops being killed. Neither claim has been verified.

The attack hit a building in the city of Makiivka, where Russian forces were stationed.

Hours after the strike, capital city Kyiv came under fire. A drone and missile attack targeted critical infrastructure, governor Oleksiy Kuleba said.
that number is a hell of a lot higher.....more like 400 dead, 300 wounded.......and what's funny Girkin even acknowledged the numbers too......they got screwed hard......never have a new years party on the top of the Ammunition storage area.......


Well-Known Member

While Ukraine has not taken responsibility for the attack, its armed forces posted a cryptic message on Telegram: “While Ukraine has not taken responsibility for the attack, … “As a result of 'careless handling of heating devices,' neglecting security measures, and smoking in an unspecified place, Santa packed about 400 corpses of Russian servicemen in bags.”