

Ursus marijanus
a country that had already been fighting since 2014, against a country with the largest stockpile of nukes on the planet, that has three times their population, that was supposed to be one of the best armed forces in the world, that has absolutely no problem bombing civilians...
A country that now has to worry about fascist fucks like elon muck cutting off their communications, who have to worry about fascist fucks in several governments throwing monkey wrenches into multiple plans...A country that has had to fight a defensive fight, when they've had a lot of opportunities to take the fighting to the russians, because we and the rest of nato are shamelessly using them, and restraining them because we fear putin's reaction..A country that has had to beg for effective weapons to fight the fight we're too fucking cowardly to fight ourselves?
what makes you think they might be nearing a snapping point? while some asshats keep crowing about bleeding putin dry, the fucking Ukrainians are the ones doing the bleeding...
dunno. Call it a hunch.


Well-Known Member
what I read between the lines is that Ukraine is stretched to the limit. I hope I’m wrong.
This the issue; you can't expect people to be robots..they're running on empty.

POLITICO: “Sometimes abandonment of positions becomes the only way to save personnel from senseless death. If they cannot deliver ammunition or [relieve troops], when you sit in the trenches for several days without sleep or rest, your combat value goes to zero.”

The officer added that many discipline problems are rooted in ineffective or careless command, as well as the strain placed on Kyiv’s forces battling a far larger army of invaders, meaning they are not rotated as often as they ought to be.

“Fatigue and trauma lead to mental disorders, and bring chaos, negligence and even depravity into a soldier’s life. This strongly affects fighting qualities and obedience,” the officer said.

Because it turns service in the army from an honorable duty into a punishment.”


Well-Known Member
a country that had already been fighting since 2014, against a country with the largest stockpile of nukes on the planet, that has three times their population, that was supposed to be one of the best armed forces in the world, that has absolutely no problem bombing civilians...
A country that now has to worry about fascist fucks like elon muck cutting off their communications, who have to worry about fascist fucks in several governments throwing monkey wrenches into multiple plans...A country that has had to fight a defensive fight, when they've had a lot of opportunities to take the fighting to the russians, because we and the rest of nato are shamelessly using them, and restraining them because we fear putin's reaction..A country that has had to beg for effective weapons to fight the fight we're too fucking cowardly to fight ourselves?
what makes you think they might be nearing a snapping point? while some asshats keep crowing about bleeding putin dry, the fucking Ukrainians are the ones doing the bleeding...
They have a plan I figure and bleeding Putin dry is the only path to peace and getting rid of the fuck, if not the war will go on. They must be driven from Ukraine and they are deciding on both sides to bled themselves white, one side to defend against an existential threat and the other to extend an empire. We don't control the flow of arms and supplies to Ukraine, but in this case it put Vlad in a box strategically speaking, he must attack now before the new arms arrive and are deployed. He must do it piecemeal and largely during mud season. That is my take on it.


Well-Known Member
They have a plan I figure and bleeding Putin dry is the only path to peace and getting rid of the fuck, if not the war will go on. They must be driven from Ukraine and they are deciding on both sides to bled themselves white, one side to defend against an existential threat and the other to extend an empire. We don't control the flow of arms and supplies to Ukraine, but in this case it put Vlad in a box strategically speaking, he must attack now before the new arms arrive and are deployed. He must do it piecemeal and largely during mud season. That is my take on it.
I agree..good take:clap:


Well-Known Member
a country that had already been fighting since 2014, against a country with the largest stockpile of nukes on the planet, that has three times their population, that was supposed to be one of the best armed forces in the world, that has absolutely no problem bombing civilians...
A country that now has to worry about fascist fucks like elon muck cutting off their communications, who have to worry about fascist fucks in several governments throwing monkey wrenches into multiple plans...A country that has had to fight a defensive fight, when they've had a lot of opportunities to take the fighting to the russians, because we and the rest of nato are shamelessly using them, and restraining them because we fear putin's reaction..A country that has had to beg for effective weapons to fight the fight we're too fucking cowardly to fight ourselves?
what makes you think they might be nearing a snapping point? while some asshats keep crowing about bleeding putin dry, the fucking Ukrainians are the ones doing the bleeding...
We won't know the final military casualty figures until after the war is over, but it would be my guess based on a number of factors, that it will be far in excess of 3:1 for the Ukrainians.


Well-Known Member
based on what? I am unaware of an independent audit. Are you basing this on numbers from the combatants?
I said we won't know until the war is over, but my opinion is based on the contents of this thread. The Ukrainians are better equipped, lead and trained and have a better military organization with such things as NCO's. The Ukrainians have been conducting mostly defense and offense is more costly. In the two most recent offensives the Ukrainians have conducted in the east and south they have apparently gained more equipment than they lost during the operations. Aside from the fact the Russians have poor medical treatment and a very high mortality rate. They are heaped up like cordwood on the battlefield after being slaughtered in unsupported human wave attacks. They can't do combined arms, their best troops have been killed while not passing knowledge down to replacements.

All this leads me to believe the Russians have a much higher military casualty rate than the Ukrainians, especially mortality when wounded. As I said, it is an opinion, but I have good grounds to hold it, even with the fog of war, some facts are obvious.
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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I have been curious about our old vertical-grow friend, Sedan, who was 30 km from Russia's border. He tried to convince me to watch Fox News and was certain Putin would not invade. His last post was 6 days before the war started.
yeah, i remember his cage of death vertical tower...he spent a little too much time with some subversive elements around here...hope he's ok, though.


Well-Known Member
Such attacks are easily foiled by a simple boom and net strung across the entrance.

Zatoka Bridge Near Odesa Hit by Unmanned Marine Drone