

Well-Known Member
Marjorie Taylor Greene Vows to Impeach Joe Biden for Supporting Ukraine
One wonders how far the voters of her district would go to cut their own throats out of fear and hate. The only purpose in electing a moron like that is to stick their thumb in Uncle Sam's eye and grind it in really good. What do they think she, Gatez and Jordan will accomplish in Washington? Brink back Trump? Give them responsible government?


Well-Known Member
It only makes sense, but apparently Blinken has Intel. He doesn't ruffle his feathers easily; I can see his discomfort. So that bothers me.
Somethings are fine as far as China trading with Russia, weapons not so much and they will suffer for it from more than America. America controls about 25% of the global economy these days, however it's 50 liberal democratic allies control a lot too, enough to screw China.


Well-Known Member
Somethings are fine as far as China trading with Russia, weapons not so much and they will suffer for it from more than America. America controls about 25% of the global economy these days, however it's 50 liberal democratic allies control a lot too, enough to screw China.
A bevy of new sanctions will be released today. Whoops.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
The best reaction from Russia ever.

When the fuck are we going to just finish this shit? Are we seriously going to wait for china to resupply them so even more Ukrainians die before we find our testicles?


Well-Known Member
One wonders how far the voters of her district would go to cut their own throats out of fear and hate. The only purpose in electing a moron like that is to stick their thumb in Uncle Sam's eye and grind it in really good. What do they think she, Gatez and Jordan will accomplish in Washington? Brink back Trump? Give them responsible government?
Don't know but I've had it up to my eyeballs w/this bitch's publicity stunts,what a sad commentary that this vile,revolting woman represents the face of America in ANY way, trying to find one positive quality in her is like searching a black hole, fellow Americans in her Georgia district please put her out to pasture next time she has to run. We may have different political views but she is tarnishing the country's views of your people and state, I know you don't want to be portrayed in the light that she exudes. Southern manners?, a brash,loudmouth,conspiracy slinging,lying, manner less pig , dressed like a prostitute while trying to steal the show at the State of the Union. Wake up Georgia,she doesn't do y'all proud,she's all about her and is staining your state and people.


Well-Known Member
When the fuck are we going to just finish this shit? Are we seriously going to wait for china to resupply them so even more Ukrainians die before we find our testicles?
Look at it like this, China is seeking allies and Russia and Iran are about the only two autocratic countries that Xi can snuggle up too. Alternately they could use Russia as a proxy against the west in Ukraine and weaken them even more, making them dependent on China. When the Russian federation dissolves all those autonomous republics in the east of the federation might be up for grabs, as Kazakhstan is today. So, China supports Russia with small arms and ammo to bleed them white, as we are doing by supporting the Ukrainians, only more fully. They will stay under the sanctions radar, but supply enough to keep the Russians going, the longer they continue the war, the more of their military and economy is destroyed, the weaker they become and the more dependent on China. China would be backing losers who would put it on the wrong side of most of their major trading partners and would be aligning with a country committing crimes against humanity and war crimes. I think the Chinese are a bit more pragmatic than to go down that path, at least many of them are, maybe not emperor Xi though.


Well-Known Member
Somethings are fine as far as China trading with Russia, weapons not so much and they will suffer for it from more than America. America controls about 25% of the global economy these days, however it's 50 liberal democratic allies control a lot too, enough to screw China.
If the Chinese get into the game supplying lethal aid equipping Russia it will darken the outlook of this conflict and the current state of USA/China relations immensely.It will have a tremendous effect on the war and ratchet up intensity as well as escalation potential in ways not yet seen,a very bad turn in events that the world REALLY doesn't need.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
If the Chinese get into the game supplying lethal aid equipping Russia it will darken the outlook of this conflict and the current state of USA/China relations immensely.It will have a tremendous effect on the war and ratchet up intensity as well as escalation potential in ways not yet seen,a very bad turn in events that the world REALLY doesn't need.
We've made the public statement that we will not allow Ukraine to lose this war...If china starts supplying them with weapons, i don't see any alternative to NATO finally getting involved, and just obliterating their rail lines, supply depots, production facilities and air fields. we'd also have to establish and enforce a no fly zone at least temporarily.
It would also lead to MASSIVE sanctions against china, when their economy isn't doing that great.
I hope they see the light and mind their own fucking business, or things could get very ugly, very quickly.


Well-Known Member
If the Chinese get into the game supplying lethal aid equipping Russia it will darken the outlook of this conflict and the current state of USA/China relations immensely.It will have a tremendous effect on the war and ratchet up intensity as well as escalation potential in ways not yet seen,a very bad turn in events that the world REALLY doesn't need.
Their aid to Russia might not mean we are the ultimate target, let's say small arms and ammo. The Chinese idea here would be to stay under the sanctions radar, while making Russia dependent on them and weakening it militarily and economically using Ukraine to do it. The weaker Russia is, the more China will be able to take advantage of it and the more dependent on China they will become. Russia might break up and there are vast time zones of forests and resources in autonomous republics just to their north and they could take advantage of Russia's dissolution. I don't mean invade these places but use soft economic power with newly independent countries looking for a fast way out from under sanctions. They might want to blead Russia white too for their own purposes and in their own way. The Chinese are really good at building railways and highways and have had lots of recent practice.


Well-Known Member
If the Chinese get into the game supplying lethal aid equipping Russia it will darken the outlook of this conflict and the current state of USA/China relations immensely.It will have a tremendous effect on the war and ratchet up intensity as well as escalation potential in ways not yet seen,a very bad turn in events that the world REALLY doesn't need.
Another sobering aspect of this conflict is the light that has been shed on the USA as well as allies lack of weapons stores. As for the US we are struggling to produce 155mm artillery shells, already low on javellin a-tank missiles(2yrs. to produce).This is very alarming and a sobering reminder of America's hollowed out mfg. capacity which first came to light during the pandemic concerning med. supplies. I've already mentioned how China has attained a ship building capacity that is now far superior to the US Navy's ability to procure new vessels and now struggling to keep up supplying what is essentially a regional war lasting 1yr.(admittedly an intense artillery based one). I know the nature of war has changed and that we are now also pivoting back to a potential near peer conflict after a 20 yr. war on terror phase but it is still merits serious concern. I remember Adm. Yamammoto being in awe of America's industrial capacity in a somber quote after his fellow officers were celebrating the Pearl Harbor attack, it's pretty ironic that I now look at our #1 potential adversary and bemoan the fact that they are NOW what we were THEN.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Their aid to Russia might not mean we are the ultimate target, let's say small arms and ammo. The Chinese idea here would be to stay under the sanctions radar, while making Russia dependent on them and weakening it militarily and economically using Ukraine to do it. The weaker Russia is, the more China will be able to take advantage of it and the more dependent on China they will become. Russia might break up and there are vast time zones of forests and resources in autonomous republics just to their north and they could take advantage of Russia's dissolution. I don't mean invade these places but use soft economic power with newly independent countries looking for a fast way out from under sanctions. They might want to blead Russia white too for their own purposes and in their own way. The Chinese are really good at building railways and highways and have had lots of recent practice.
that makes no sense...give them weapons and ammunition to weaken them? If china wants to weaken russia, why doesn't it either support Ukraine, or just shut the fuck up and do nothing? There is no reality in which china giving russia so much as a bandaid is "weakening"them.
They can take advantage of the situation fully without ever giving russia so much as a new sling shot rubber.


Well-Known Member
Crimea is strategically impossible for the Russians to hold, once they are ejected from the rest of Ukraine. It will fall to Ukraine eventually when the Kerch bridge is destroyed, and the Ukrainians start getting Russian seized money. We will see how far Ukraine can go this summer, by then I figure the Russians will be in serious trouble in Ukraine and at home.

Let's talk about the US, Ukraine, and Crimea....

Who destroyed the Kerch Bridge?

Last month, a truck laden with explosives drove across the Kerch bridge, a critical artery connecting Russia with its troops fighting in southern Ukraine.Nov 17, 2022
How Ukraine Blew Up a Key Russian Bridge


Well-Known Member
Their aid to Russia might not mean we are the ultimate target, let's say small arms and ammo. The Chinese idea here would be to stay under the sanctions radar, while making Russia dependent on them and weakening it militarily and economically using Ukraine to do it. The weaker Russia is, the more China will be able to take advantage of it and the more dependent on China they will become. Russia might break up and there are vast time zones of forests and resources in autonomous republics just to their north and they could take advantage of Russia's dissolution. I don't mean invade these places but use soft economic power with newly independent countries looking for a fast way out from under sanctions. They might want to blead Russia white too for their own purposes and in their own way. The Chinese are really good at building railways and highways and have had lots of recent practice.
Yeah LED,I know your a proponent of the China turning it's attention to picking the bones of Vlad's blunder,but it is probably in their interest to thwart any grand USA/NATO victory and the geo-political outcome of a strengthened alliance now pivoting towards them w/confidence following this conflict. With the current state of pissyness in the US/China relationship aid to Russia may be more heavy duty than Kalishnikovs and ammo more like precision weaponry(both nations fly Sukhoi jets),helicopters,cruise and ballistic missiles.I sure hope not due to the tensions that will arise as well as the poor Ukranian's on the receiving end.But Xi is cocky as a FK now and what better way to show balls and juice nationalism not to mention the fact that the Chinese must be curious as to how all their shiny new shit performs for real so I have my doubts and it's not like events the last few yrs. are trending in a good direction,we've been adding box cars to the shit train for 3yrs, now.


Well-Known Member
Yeah LED,I know your a proponent of the China turning it's attention to picking the bones of Vlad's blunder,but it is probably in their interest to thwart any grand USA/NATO victory and the geo-political outcome of a strengthened alliance now pivoting towards them w/confidence following this conflict. With the current state of pissyness in the US/China relationship aid to Russia may be more heavy duty than Kalishnikovs and ammo more like precision weaponry(both nations fly Sukhoi jets),helicopters,cruise and ballistic missiles.I sure hope not due to the tensions that will arise as well as the poor Ukranian's on the receiving end.But Xi is cocky as a FK now and what better way to show balls and juice nationalism not to mention the fact that the Chinese must be curious as to how all their shiny new shit performs for real so I have my doubts and it's not like events the last few yrs. are trending in a good direction,we've been adding box cars to the shit train for 3yrs, now.
1-Russia is big boned with babushka.

2-I really dig the box car reference but it's been longer than three years- this is not on Biden.


Well-Known Member
Another sobering aspect of this conflict is the light that has been shed on the USA as well as allies lack of weapons stores. As for the US we are struggling to produce 155mm artillery shells, already low on javellin a-tank missiles(2yrs. to produce).This is very alarming and a sobering reminder of America's hollowed out mfg. capacity which first came to light during the pandemic concerning med. supplies. I've already mentioned how China has attained a ship building capacity that is now far superior to the US Navy's ability to procure new vessels and now struggling to keep up supplying what is essentially a regional war lasting 1yr.(admittedly an intense artillery based one). I know the nature of war has changed and that we are now also pivoting back to a potential near peer conflict after a 20 yr. war on terror phase but it is still merits serious concern. I remember Adm. Yamammoto being in awe of America's industrial capacity in a somber quote after his fellow officers were celebrating the Pearl Harbor attack, it's pretty ironic that I now look at our #1 potential adversary and bemoan the fact that they are NOW what we were THEN.
Production is ramping up for everything and we haven't factored in air and naval power, Ukraine is getting weapons and systems slated for replacement in some cases or ready to be sold as surplus. If anything, the war in Ukraine is like the war in Europe during WW2, America wasn't completely unprepared after Pearl harbor, it was ramping up its arms industry making arms for the allies' years before and the army was expanded since 1940 with the draft. Ukraine could be a preamble, or it could be a way for America and China to remove Russia from the playing field, since China would have the most to gain in Asia with a weak and dissolving Russian federation.

We will see, but China wants to avoid sanctions and trouble with Uncle Sam and the EU if it can and supporting Russia with arms would get a bigger reaction from the Europeans than America, Ukraine is on their doorstep after all. They might take it up to the limit though and stay just under the trigger wire for sanctions. After all, their longer-term goal would be to weaken Russia, the longer the war, the more the allies ramp up their war production and the more ready for conflict they become.