

Well-Known Member
Wars do this to people. DIY is a good person. He just doesn't mind a few orcs getting blown up.
I'm not losing any sleep over it, I didn't kill them, not my job, if it were, then I'd lose sleep. We are just observers with not much skin in the game. I'm mostly trying to get a handle on the situation like everybody else who is interested in this "good war" as Studs Trukle called WW2. It will change the map of Europe and Asia and affect the futures of many millions in the region and central Asia.


Well-Known Member
The whole orcs talk leaves me cold. When you dehumanize the enemy like that, it splatters back onto you.

The great majority of guys wearing Russian uniforms (and every last mobik) would reallyreally rather be almost anywhere else than fighting a bullshit war for the bullshit liberation of the specially-operated republic of Bullshitsk.
It is mostly the Ukrainians who call them orcs and sometimes what you are called is based on your behavior and servers two purposes, to dehumanize and describe. Wear the uniform and get generalized like that and killed for the sins of others who wear the same. Putting on Putin's uniform might not be a choice for most, but that's what happens when your vote doesn't count and one of the reasons for the fight.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
The whole orcs talk leaves me cold. When you dehumanize the enemy like that, it splatters back onto you.

The great majority of guys wearing Russian uniforms (and every last mobik) would reallyreally rather be almost anywhere else than fighting a bullshit war for the bullshit liberation of the specially-operated republic of Bullshitsk.
then they should get the fuck up and leave...

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I think you are OK. It's just I was going over the war casualties. The reality clashes with posts I see here.

To Ukraine this is a nightmare that has no end in sight. Same with Russia in a different way. I'm completely supportive of US siding and helping Ukraine. I don't have any answers, just damn, this sucks.
yeah it does...because we have to "respect" their nuclear abilities.
That is the only reason we haven't allowed Ukraine to take the war into russia, the only reason moscow hasn't been shelled in return for Kyiv...
We sure fucked up big time not dealing with the russians in 1948, when we had the chance. Next time we have the chance to get rid of a real, major threat...we should take it.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

First, this is just an obvious piece of propaganda bullshit, second, you can't blame Ukraine if independent idiots make a statement on their own, and third...why would this be more than justified retaliation if it was Ukraine? A terrorist attack? Doesn't putin have a few hundred thousand terrorist acts under his belt already? just from THIS war? i guess one should respect the opinion of an expert in the field...


Well-Known Member
You mean your army has been almost completely destroyed and you are not even at war?
What will it be like when the fighting really begins this spring?

Another old school cold war relic,I'd recast him as the Russian Ambassador in a remake of "Dr. Strangelove",these people are blind and toast w/the exception of nukes,Russia's military hasn't changed since WW2,same old disregard for their troops,same old tactics(artillery hub to hub),and same old prop.(for "Mother Russia"),frozen in time like a artifact.


Well-Known Member
In a sobering note regarding conflict w/China,that buttresses some past posts I've made bemoaning the loss off US mfg.,yesterday's NY Times article by Ross Babbage, "The Havoc That War With China Could Wreak" is very humbling indeed to all those who demeen China's capabilities,better hope their inexperience is the tipping point and we better WAKE UP pronto and get w/the hard choices and changes needed or a Pearl Harbor 2.0 on steroids w/an adversary holding many more cards than Imperial Japan looms.


Well-Known Member
I think you are OK. It's just I was going over the war casualties. The reality clashes with posts I see here.

To Ukraine this is a nightmare that has no end in sight. Same with Russia in a different way. I'm completely supportive of US siding and helping Ukraine. I don't have any answers, just damn, this sucks.
The answer is obvi. Russia retreats from the Sovereign nation it attacked. Russian mama's soon realize no sons left.

This is actually going to fuck up their birth rate numbers just like WWI and the plague double whammy because no vaccine. Kind of why they had to end it. We just wait until Putin runs out of men or surrenders.


Well-Known Member

Trump isn’t quite done siding with Putin over U.S. officials
The problem is not just that Donald Trump sided with Vladimir Putin over U.S. officials. It’s that the Republican keeps siding with the Russian leader.

Donald Trump’s presidency was filled with low points, but his 2018 summit with Russia’s Vladimir Putin in Helsinki stood out as especially indefensible. After a private meeting with the autocratic leader, in which the American president took interpreters’ notes for reasons that were never explained, the Republican held a disastrous press conference in which Trump defended an American adversary, took cheap shots at his own country, and sided with Putin over the judgment of American intelligence professionals.

Soon after, The New York Times reported that U.S. intelligence officials “were unanimous in saying that they and their colleagues were aghast at how Mr. Trump had handled himself with Mr. Putin.” One official summarized a consensus view, concluding that it was clear whose side Trump was on, and “it isn’t ours.”

As regular readers might recall, in the aftermath of the event, Axios spoke to one of Trump’s own former National Security Council officials who described the situation as “a total [effing] disgrace,” adding, “The president has lost his mind.”

In June 2021, three years after the Helsinki meeting, the former president wanted Americans to know that he had no regrets — and he stood by his decision to side with the Russian leader over U.S. intelligence officials. Yesterday, as my MSNBC colleague Ja’han Jones noted, Trump thought it’d be a good idea to once again publicly side with Putin, publishing this missive to his social media platform:

Remember in Helsinki when a 3rd rate reporter asked me, essentially, who I trusted more, President Putin of Russia, or our “Intelligence” lowlifes. My instinct at the time was that we had really bad people in the form of James Comey, McCabe (whose wife was being helped out by Crooked Hillary while Crooked was under investigation!), Brennan, Peter Strzok (whose wife is at the SEC) & his lover, Lisa Page. Now add McGonigal & other slime to the list. Who would you choose, Putin or these Misfits?
It’s obviously a problem that Trump sided with the Russian authoritarian over his own country’s intelligence agencies and law enforcement officials. But the fact that Trump keeps doing this, for no apparent reason and to no apparent benefit, makes matters vastly worse.

What’s more, there’s a larger context to the Republican’s rhetoric, which he’s no doubt aware of. Indeed, Trump has occasionally been sensitive to the fact that his public praise for his political benefactor in Moscow has raised difficult questions about his loyalties. While in office, his own director of national intelligence feared that Putin "had something" on Trump that the Kremlin could use as leverage, and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy famously joked that Trump was secretly on the Russian leader’s payroll.

With this in mind, it stands to reason that the former president, who went to almost comical lengths to make Putin happy while in office, would go out of his way not to appear beholden to the Russian, especially in the midst of atrocities in Ukraine.
And yet, as we were reminded yesterday, Trump can’t seem to help himself. I wonder why that is.