
It wasn't just good PR, it was a good place to break the back of the Russian army and Wagner as they attacked defensive positions with stupid tactics and were slaughtered by accurate artillery strikes directed by drones. Now that they have culminated, the conditions are being set for offensive operations. Many of these Ukrainian troops who died in Bakhmut and defending in the east are older territorial troops, the young guys in the regular army are training on the new equipment and getting ready for offensive operations. The large numbers of territorials they have will fill in behind the spearheads and secure the gains.

It wasn't just good PR, it was a good place to break the back of the Russian army and Wagner as they attacked defensive positions with stupid tactics and were slaughtered by accurate artillery strikes directed by drones. Now that they have culminated, the conditions are being set for offensive operations. Many of these Ukrainian troops who died in Bakhmut and defending in the east are older territorial troops, the young guys in the regular army are training on the new equipment and getting ready for offensive operations. The large numbers of territorials they have will fill in behind the spearheads and secure the gains.

:( What a fucked up world, full of fucked up people doing fucked up shit, making good people do bad things to stop even worse things from happening. I'm a firm believer in Karmic balance...things have been very out of balance for a long time, and the scales only tip so far. When they correct themselves, it will be a VERY bad time to be a republican.
:( What a fucked up world, full of fucked up people doing fucked up shit, making good people do bad things to stop even worse things from happening. I'm a firm believer in Karmic balance...things have been very out of balance for a long time, and the scales only tip so far. When they correct themselves, it will be a VERY bad time to be a republican.
I think the magats will be treated like the commies were in the 50's by the FBI eventually, a potential 5th column and a rat's nest of domestic terrorism. If they are enemies of the constitution, then they are the domestic enemies mentioned in the oaths, along with the foreign ones...
I figure this thread is about the war of liberal democracy against authoritarianism and imperialism, freedom against the alternative globally. I think this will define the future of western foreign policies and alliances, the growth and protection of liberal democracies globally. Here is another battle in that war and another asshole going home to face the music and I can assure you the chief prosecuting judge in Brazil wants his ass! I figure it will come out that Uncle Sam was investigating him for financial crimes, and he thought his chances would be better back home. That or Joe told him he was gonna kick him out, but I suppose he could have jetted off to Dubai or some other place. He must figure he has his ass covered legally better than Trump and is going back to the rule of law.

Better faster and more expensive! Better batteries and communications would improve DIY versions of suicide drones too, it will end up a competitive market, because there is a big gap between the tens of thousands of dollars per kill versus a few hundred bucks for the DIY low end of the market versions.


The Drone Wars: DJI Mavic 3, R-18, the Switchblade, Bayraktar and Warmate Defending Ukraine

37,291 views Mar 20, 2023
Ukraine's war, particularly the Bakhmut front, has become a case study for combat experts, as evidenced by the press and social media images. Drones are being used in every phase of this war with both sides employing large fleets, air defenses, and jamming systems.

This is the first full-fledged drone war. We already know of military UAVs that were widely and effectively used by both sides at the beginning of the war. However, in addition to these expensive systems there are much smaller drones that affect the course of the war.

Some of these systems are commercial and DIY drones, while others are small special purpose military drones like the Switchblade 300 and Warmate 1. Both sides in the war - but especially Ukraine - have increasingly been demanding and using the DJI Mavic 3, which costs about 1,500 U.S. Dolars.

Aerorozvidka’s most prized drone is the octocopter R-18, which they build from scratch.
The Switchblade 300 is a backpackable, rapidly deployable, loitering precision strike missile that can be used against beyond-line-of-sight (BLOS) targets from either mobile or fixed defensive positions in the field. The Polish made Warmate is a small, plane-like unmanned system with a centrally mounted wing and a v-tail that weighs no more than 12 lb (5,4 kg).
It's good to see Japan coming to the conclusion that it's pacifism following WW2 no longer is feasible in a world w/looming wolves.Their naval tradition and history of being fierce warriors is a welcome addition to the looming struggle in the Pacific. Don't want China to feel ganged up on but also don't want them thinking there is weakness to be exploited. A resurgent,refocused Japan is a formidable ally that can de counted on to support the US.
It's good to see Japan coming to the conclusion that it's pacifism following WW2 no longer is feasible in a world w/looming wolves.Their naval tradition and history of being fierce warriors is a welcome addition to the looming struggle in the Pacific. Don't want China to feel ganged up on but also don't want them thinking there is weakness to be exploited. A resurgent,refocused Japan is a formidable ally that can de counted on to support the US.
They want islands back from Russia seized at the end of WW2 as part of Stalin's land grab, when Russia fucked with national borders, it fucked with its own, or others will when Russia is weakened enough. Russia owes both China and Japan land seized by Stalin at the end of WW2. If someone were to blow up the trans-Siberian railway bridges or Kazakhstan cuts off access because Russia's rail link with the east passes through that country. They already seized the Russian space port there for nonpayment of bills, so maybe they will be late with the railway rights rent too.

I think Russia will need to worry more about hanging on to the east, than expanding in the west in decades to come and as they grow weaker, the autonomous republics in the east will want to get out from under them and sanctions. If the rail links with Moscow are cut, then that will cripple their ability to impede political changes in the east. Their military in the region has been cleaned out and sent to Ukraine and with the rail bridges gone they won't be able to get forces back there or supply them. Cars can be parked on runways to stop military transports from landing and Moscow's ability to project power into the region will be greatly diminished. Meanwhile they are just north and east of the Chinese, who can build railroads and roads to them very quickly bringing prosperity and jobs with them. Chinese investment and a way out from under a decade of sanctions could be tempting for some of them.
While I'm sure Xitler has a large quantity of grafted balls, collectively, Tsai Ing-Wen is in DC at the moment.

yeah i heard that, she's supposed to make a stop over while traveling to Central American or something like that, the when she flies back she might get a meeting. Meanwhile Xi is getting his panties in a bunch over it...

found this, this morning:
yeah i heard that, she's supposed to make a stop over while traveling to Central American or something like that, the when she flies back she might get a meeting. Meanwhile Xi is getting his panties in a bunch over it...

found this, this morning:
This whole idea that they control anyone outside of their borders has to end...
yeah i heard that, she's supposed to make a stop over while traveling to Central American or something like that, the when she flies back she might get a meeting. Meanwhile Xi is getting his panties in a bunch over it...

found this, this morning:
The Chinese know the republicans are cowards and will threaten them, it worked for Turmp and they kinda like authoritarian strongmen anyway, besides Vlad will put in a good word for Xi and they like Vlad...