Trump To Turn Himself In

I think that's where Jack comes into the picture, he will have Mark Meadows nuts crushed to a pulp and have the fucker screaming for a deal when he knows how long he will serve in a federal prison and realizes he will get out in a bag. Mark can deliver all of them with receipts, he was conspiracy central, and everybody went through him, he knows about all the pardon requests, not just a few. Jack doesn't need Mark to put Donald away and will do it before the J6 trials and use it as leverage to get congressional republicans. Not much risk in going for a big conspiracy case, if Donald is gone already anyway and several of the conspirators testify for a deal along with other evidence. The documents case first removes the risks of going for the bigger broader conspiracy case and gives increased leverage over Mark. I think Mark will become a star one day, as in star witness and he is not ready for prison life, few of them are.

NY is holding off for DOJ. When Smith heard, he went off the chain..he called first dibs.

It’s unclear why the grand jury—which holds secret proceedings—will not meet as planned Wednesday afternoon, the New York Times reported, citing anonymous sources who said the jury could hear from at least one more witness before voting whether to indict Trump.

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He earned $500k per day in donations during those three days since announcement. So $1.5M. Then reality happened.

trump is stealing from younger magats, and they can't see it...It's older people sending him all these donations, and where are they getting it? they're selling off personal belongings, second vehicles, vacation properties, some are even taking out second mortgages on their homes...and all of that means their relatives are going to get NOTHING when they pass away...trump will have already spent their inheritance on his legal bills, and gold seat belt buckles for his private jet.
but they love him anyway...
NY is holding off for DOJ. When Smith heard, he went off the chain..he called first dibs.

It’s unclear why the grand jury—which holds secret proceedings—will not meet as planned Wednesday afternoon, the New York Times reported, citing anonymous sources who said the jury could hear from at least one more witness before voting whether to indict Trump.


If Trump is going to scream like a little girl (sorry little girls, mean no offence) might as well drop all the charges on him at the same time. Like removing a bandage, sometimes it is best to do a quick rip rather than stretching it out.
Now you can pop the champagne. It's always best to wait for official sources and not trump so that you're not two weeks early.

Now everyone can speculate as to how much jail time he won't be getting.

Just remember that the U.S. Constitution does not prevent a felon from running for President. Although he hasn't been convicted of anything this is going to be massive for trump as far as fundraising is concerned. He'll probably be bragging about how much money he's raised since being indicted in a few days.

I can hear him now at a rally spinning it to his benefit in front of his angry and fired up followers.

"It's actually like a gift. We've raised so much money because of this, so much money. And we're raising more and more everyday. And we're going to keep on raising money and I need all of you to help save America. So please donate whatever you can. It's for the future of the country. The country. They stole the last election. Don't let them do it again. If they do then it's the end of America and that will be very bad. Only I can save America. There's no one else."

Cha Ching!
Now you can pop the champagne. It's always best to wait for official sources and not trump so that you're not two weeks early.

Now everyone can speculate as to how much jail time he won't be getting.

Just remember that the U.S. Constitution does not prevent a felon from running for President. Although he hasn't been convicted of anything this is going to be massive for trump as far as fundraising is concerned. He'll probably be bragging about how much money he's raised since being indicted in a few days.

I can hear him now at a rally spinning it to his benefit in front of his angry and fired up followers.

"It's actually like a gift. We've raised so much money because of this, so much money. And we're raising more and more everyday. And we're going to keep on raising money and I need all of you to help save America. So please donate whatever you can. It's for the future of the country. The country. They stole the last election. Don't let them do it again. If they do then it's the end of America and that will be very bad. Only I can save America. There's no one else."

Cha Ching!
I'm just enjoying the unfolding spectacle, they will tell him what the charges are when they plead him and when Alvin pleads him, he might not make bail and could also end up as the first president held in Rikers pending trial. He has already said enough to land himself there and he will probably say more as he freaks out and panics. He plead the 5th over 400 times during his deposition on his business, so expect additional charges to pop up.
I'm just enjoying the unfolding spectacle, they will tell him what the charges are when they plead him and when Alvin pleads him, he might not make bail and could also end up as the first president held in Rikers pending trial. He has already said enough to land himself there and he will probably say more as he freaks out and panics. He plead the 5th over 400 times during his deposition on his business, so expect additional charges to pop up.

Not make bail, Rikers? Are you serious? Get a grip on reality. He's indicted for low level crimes that if convicted would almost certainly lead to just probation.