I think that's where Jack comes into the picture, he will have Mark Meadows nuts crushed to a pulp and have the fucker screaming for a deal when he knows how long he will serve in a federal prison and realizes he will get out in a bag. Mark can deliver all of them with receipts, he was conspiracy central, and everybody went through him, he knows about all the pardon requests, not just a few. Jack doesn't need Mark to put Donald away and will do it before the J6 trials and use it as leverage to get congressional republicans. Not much risk in going for a big conspiracy case, if Donald is gone already anyway and several of the conspirators testify for a deal along with other evidence. The documents case first removes the risks of going for the bigger broader conspiracy case and gives increased leverage over Mark. I think Mark will become a star one day, as in star witness and he is not ready for prison life, few of them are.
NY is holding off for DOJ. When Smith heard, he went off the chain..he called first dibs.

N.Y. Grand Jury Weighing Trump Charges Reportedly Calls Off Wednesday Meeting—Delaying Possible Indictment
The jury is scheduled to meet again on Thursday, according to multiple reports.

It’s unclear why the grand jury—which holds secret proceedings—will not meet as planned Wednesday afternoon, the New York Times reported, citing anonymous sources who said the jury could hear from at least one more witness before voting whether to indict Trump.
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