Trump To Turn Himself In


oo! a rino
Don't do an image of a dino, please. Altho, i think the RINOs are all pretty much
trumpist, magats, to the person. Every one of 'em. And they have been since Nixon.
Trump's Reagan's dream. Roger, Roger?
If there’s any justice in the world, trump will leave prison in a body bag, so yes, he’ll be 21 grams lighter. If death cancels his debt, he’ll be richer too.

Ready for prime time? Maybe. I’m sure most of his brainless followers would vote for a dead trump.
A vote for a dead Trump is one less vote for a living republican and a dollar given to a living Trump is one less the republicans will get. They will need to get on social media and tell magats to write in Trump on the ballot, if he loses the nomination and doesn't do a bull moose from his cell.

I kinda think Donald would make a nice bull moose and the name would be very descriptive, it would be even better if he had his own slate of candidates running with him as an alternate to the GOP, who went RINO! They wouldn't get on all the ballots, but the point is to fuck things up and take revenge on the republicans who betrayed the great white hope.
If there’s any justice in the world, trump will leave prison in a body bag, so yes, he’ll be 21 grams lighter. If death cancels his debt, he’ll be richer too.

Ready for prime time? Maybe. I’m sure most of his brainless followers would vote for a dead trump.

That's measurement of a soul, for which he has none. It wouldn't work on him.
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What point are you trying to make? I said I didn't see it happening anytime soon. It happened sooner than I thought so what? I stand by what I posted which is that I never said he wouldn't be indicted. Many of you thought he was going to be indicted almost two weeks ago based on what trump said. That was incorrect. Go blast those that were dancing around based on trumps posts. I didn't see you going nah nah nah you were wrong to them.

The silliness of the far left, keeping score, basing things off of entities that are known to lie, etc... I could go back and dig up posts from many that according to them trump should already be in jail. I don't see the point. Overall I've been much more factual and objective in my posts vs emotional and childish like thought processes that seem to be the norm hen it comes to trump.

Some of you really reach far in your quest to make a meaningless point. There are people posting that actually believe trump is going to be perp walked through the streets in handcuffs because they don't understand the process and are glued to some far left youtube channel saying exactly the things they want to hear whether they're based in fact or not.

How come you didn't try and post check anyone else that got the timing off? Where are your posts to those that said he would be indicted on the 21st? They were wrong. Why were you silent then? Just curious.
If there’s any justice in the world, trump will leave prison in a body bag, so yes, he’ll be 21 grams lighter. If death cancels his debt, he’ll be richer too.

Ready for prime time? Maybe. I’m sure most of his brainless followers would vote for a dead trump.
We all await the judgement of Colbert... If you thought, I was happy about Donald's indictment, Stephen here has no need to act, and his work becomes a labor of love or act of schadenfreude...

Colbert won't even speak Donald's name FFS! :lol:

T**** Indicted! | Disney Strips Power From DeSantis’ Oversight Board | Boebert Gets Weird
What point are you trying to make? I said I didn't see it happening anytime soon. It happened sooner than I thought so what? I stand by what I posted which is that I never said he wouldn't be indicted.
Tomorrow! No next Week, month year. Now it's tomorrow again. Well we're still waiting. It's like when I was growing up a Jehovah's Witness. Armageddon was always coming. That was back in the 70's so it's been 5 decades. I'm still waiting for Armageddon.

If I'm wrong and trump does happen to be indicted I'll be happy but I just don't see it happening anytime soon.
You compared it to Armageddon. Which you claim you have been waiting 50 years for. 50 years vs 10 days. You were close :roll:
You compared it to Armageddon. Which you claim you have been waiting 50 years for. 50 years vs 10 days. You were close :roll:

Again what point are you trying to make? I didn't compare it to Armageddon I compared it to the way Jehovah's Witnesses have been saying Armageddon is coming and it was always just around the corner. There's quite a difference in context but you don't really care about context. FOX News does the same thing. And for that matter so does MSNBC.

trump still isn't in jail and won't be anytime soon. trump getting booked next week doesn't qualify as being locked up. Locked up is tried, convicted, and sentenced to a prison term. For your sake I hope you can hold your breath for a long time.
I'm just enjoying the unfolding spectacle, they will tell him what the charges are when they plead him and when Alvin pleads him, he might not make bail and could also end up as the first president held in Rikers pending trial. He has already said enough to land himself there and he will probably say more as he freaks out and panics. He plead the 5th over 400 times during his deposition on his business, so expect additional charges to pop up.


The SPECTACLE; alluring, costly and dangerous.
View attachment 5276774

The SPECTACLE; alluring, costly and dangerous.
He can throw shit until he's in front of a judge and Alvin makes him sweat for bail based on what he has already said or may say while he freaks out before he shows up in court. Donald will be in the custody of the court while awaiting trial and eventually he will violate the judge's order and have his bail revoked after warnings. Meanwhile there are other indictments coming and civil trials underway, the walls are finally closing in on Donald and he will squirm, squeal and use the republicans like toilet paper to wipe the shit off himself.
Time for some informed expert opinion...

Donald has been known to ignore the advice of experts and lawyers, he goes with his gut, which is connected to his asshole and from all reports that doesn't work very well, if at all.

Why Trump could end up in jail if he can't keep his cool about being indicted

142,742 views Mar 31, 2023 #msnbc #trump #maddow
David Rohde, executive editor for news at, talks with Rachel Maddow about measures the judge in Donald Trump's case could take to preserve order, including possibly revoking Trump's bail if his behavior becomes too threatening to jurors.
Time for some informed expert opinion...

Donald has been known to ignore the advice of experts and lawyers, he goes with his gut, which is connected to his asshole and from all reports that doesn't work very well, if at all.

Why Trump could end up in jail if he can't keep his cool about being indicted

142,742 views Mar 31, 2023 #msnbc #trump #maddow
David Rohde, executive editor for news at, talks with Rachel Maddow about measures the judge in Donald Trump's case could take to preserve order, including possibly revoking Trump's bail if his behavior becomes too threatening to jurors.

I expect it. He has no self-control. Delicious.
If they have to extradite Donald, they will jail him in NY, maybe Ron is dangling bait for Donald, and it would be a quick way to get Donald out of the way and in jail awaiting trial! Ron has a law degree and knows Donald will have to go to NY, so if he can make Donald grasp at a straw and hold out in Mar A Largo, then when they do drag him out kicking and screaming, he will be out of Ron's way for good. A court order made him do it would be his excuse, he regrettably had no choice... Otherwise, it might be a year or more until Donald goes to trial and Ron would like to see him removed before that! :lol:

Maddow: Reckless DeSantis rhetoric would break U.S. legal system

30,876 views Mar 31, 2023 #msnbc #desantis #trump
In the midst of the frenzy over the news of Donald Trump's indictment, one politician made especially dangerous remarks that would threaten the foundations of American justice, and it wasn't Donald Trump. Ron DeSantis, in a tweet, suggested that he would ignore the law and his duties as governor in order to help keep Trump from being accountable to the law, a proposition more dangerous than any indictment, Rachel Maddow explains.