Stuff that doesn't really fit in either "Examples of" thread....

oh sure, you hear that a lot. esp. the poms and euros. they call US brew piss.
USA has hundreds if not more microbrewers nowadays, tho. I dunno, i quit
boozin' long ago. I'm no fun anymore, but heh, i'm still alive, plus they legalized cannabis.
It's way overrated. My opinions have changed over the years and I barely drink at all anymore. So I guess you could say I'm not much fun anymore either. Ok with me. Had 2 Kokanee with Easter dinner with relatives.
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I'm kind of feeling like incompetence is running amok in the US government.
We allowed a moron like trump to conduct delicate negotiations unsupervised? We couldn't find one person able to out think trump?...
All kinds of criminal behavior, that has been going on for decades, is just now being discovered? Why is there not actual, real, effective oversight into these kinds of things? A bought and paid for justice on the supreme court, and it took over 20 years for anyone to notice it?
We shot down what turned out to be a chinese spy balloon, after letting several fly over the country, and allowed several days of idiots running loose shouting UFO UFO at the top of their lungs...and handled the whole thing so badly china was able to play it off.
One party has been allowed to criminally gerrymander many of their districts so brazenly unfairly that they hold an outrageous majority in some places where they shouldn't even have had a chance...They give their constituents in those stolen districts NOTHING...They're stealing those people's representation, which at one time was enough for us to go to war with our parent country and write our own constitution.
We now need a police force for our law makers...And that's fucking sad AND infuriating.
I'm kind of feeling like incompetence is running amok in the US government.
We allowed a moron like trump to conduct delicate negotiations unsupervised? We couldn't find one person able to out think trump?...
All kinds of criminal behavior, that has been going on for decades, is just now being discovered? Why is there not actual, real, effective oversight into these kinds of things? A bought and paid for justice on the supreme court, and it took over 20 years for anyone to notice it?
We shot down what turned out to be a chinese spy balloon, after letting several fly over the country, and allowed several days of idiots running loose shouting UFO UFO at the top of their lungs...and handled the whole thing so badly china was able to play it off.
One party has been allowed to criminally gerrymander many of their districts so brazenly unfairly that they hold an outrageous majority in some places where they shouldn't even have had a chance...They give their constituents in those stolen districts NOTHING...They're stealing those people's representation, which at one time was enough for us to go to war with our parent country and write our own constitution.
We now need a police force for our law makers...And that's fucking sad AND infuriating.
Think of California a few years back when republicans were in their government, the state was considered "ungovernable" at one point. Then they got rid of the republicans, Arnold was the last and he was basically a democrat! Then within a few short years the place was transformed and prosperous, sure they have problems and natural disasters, but they haven't gone completely nuts like red states! Con artists are seldom competent and generally don't have policy skills, knowledge or interest, no time too busy with culture wars and conning bigots and morons. Democrats tend to have both people skills and an interest in policy and governing for the common good.

I mean from here on out, if the press doesn't do a thorough vetting of republican candidates, the government should because they are vomiting up the scum of the earth in their primaries, a look at Kevin's house proves the point. They have way more than the average number of perverts and criminals among them than occurs in the general population FFS and it is OBVIOUS! A little digging should help keep the Santos's out at least! The fact is the GOP are auto selecting psychos, because only a psycho will do and they know it, Trump proved that! Meatball Ron is an asshole, but he will need to get brain surgery if he wants to be like Donald and appeal to the base, he's bad, but he's not base enough for the base.
I'm kind of feeling like incompetence is running amok in the US government.
We allowed a moron like trump to conduct delicate negotiations unsupervised? We couldn't find one person able to out think trump?...
All kinds of criminal behavior, that has been going on for decades, is just now being discovered? Why is there not actual, real, effective oversight into these kinds of things? A bought and paid for justice on the supreme court, and it took over 20 years for anyone to notice it?
We shot down what turned out to be a chinese spy balloon, after letting several fly over the country, and allowed several days of idiots running loose shouting UFO UFO at the top of their lungs...and handled the whole thing so badly china was able to play it off.
One party has been allowed to criminally gerrymander many of their districts so brazenly unfairly that they hold an outrageous majority in some places where they shouldn't even have had a chance...They give their constituents in those stolen districts NOTHING...They're stealing those people's representation, which at one time was enough for us to go to war with our parent country and write our own constitution.
We now need a police force for our law makers...And that's fucking sad AND infuriating.
quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
