Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

An 84-year-old, what are they gonna do? Take him from his home and stick him in a seniors care center, was he senile perhaps? He must have had his marbles because they did charge him, and he might even have a history that should tell the tale. It will be in the local news for sure. It might have been a case of slow reactions by the old fart and fast ones by the young guy who dodged the bullet, almost.
That's pretty much exactly what they'll do, take away all his weapons, and put him somewhere someone can keep an eye on him...And where they don't show fux news...
Heck with ringing the doorbell, don't drive on my driveway.

A 20-year-old woman was shot and killed after her friend turned into the wrong driveway in upstate New York, officials say
A 20-year-old woman was shot and killed Saturday after she and three others accidentally turned into the wrong driveway while looking for a friend’s house in rural upstate New York, authorities said.

The woman, identified as Kaylin Gillis, was a passenger in a vehicle when a man fired two shots from his front porch, Washington County Sheriff Jeffrey Murphy said in a news conference Monday. One of the shots hit the vehicle and struck Gillis, the sheriff said.

The man, 65-year-old Kevin Monahan, has been charged with second-degree murder in connection with her death, Murphy said.

He was arraigned Sunday on a second-degree murder charge, his attorney told CNN. A bail hearing is pending for Tuesday or Wednesday, the district attorney and defense attorney both said.

“It’s a very rural area with dirt roads. It’s easy to get lost. They drove up this driveway for a very short time, realized their mistake and were leaving, when Mr. Monahan came out and fired two shots,” Murphy said, adding that the area has poor cell phone service.

“There was clearly no threat from anyone in the vehicle. There was no reason for Mr. Monahan to feel threatened,” Murphy said.

After the shots were fired, Gillis and the rest of the group drove away from the house in the town of Hebron looking for cell phone service and then called 911.

They were found around 5 miles away from the home in the nearby town of Salem. First responders began administering CPR but Gillis was pronounced dead at the scene, Murphy said.

“This is a very sad case of some young adults that were looking for a friend’s house and ended up at this man’s house who decided to come out with a firearm and discharge it,” the sheriff said.
An 84-year-old, what are they gonna do? Take him from his home and stick him in a seniors care center, was he senile perhaps? He must have had his marbles because they did charge him, and he might even have a history that should tell the tale. It will be in the local news for sure. It might have been a case of slow reactions by the old fart and fast ones by the young guy who dodged the bullet, almost.
no every 84 year old is senile my mother in law is 80 and rock climbs.

dont make excuses for murderers, arent you the one who directly told me in the canadian thread you like the law to dothings, so why does he get a "pass" now ?
no every 84 year old is senile my mother in law is 80 and rock climbs.

dont make excuses for murderers, arent you the one who directly told me in the canadian thread you like the law to dothings, so why does he get a "pass" now ?
I'm not giving him one, I said people die of old age in prison every day. I dunno how able this guy is or how mobile, but the judge will consider it. He will most likely die in prison; they can care for the elderly too and I explained how it is often done.

In Canada it would not have happened because he would not have a handgun or an FAC. In Canada pointing a firearm at someone is a serious offense, some places in America it's just normal behavior. We had 22 people mass murdered here in NS not long ago from smuggled weapons, and many of the gun murders in Canada are from American weapons. So, reducing the number of guns in America, reduces them in Canada too. America has 1.5 mass murders per day, every day, somehow and someday the madness must stop. I tend to focus on how this might actually be achieved over time within the US constitution.

Hayes: Republicans ignore gun violence when fearmongering about crime

8,263 views Apr 18, 2023 #msnbc #republicans #gunviolence
Chris Hayes: “The Republican Party pretends to decry gun crimes, but only under the conditions that fit their narrative. In reality, the propaganda they're spewing about guns and crime are only going to make violence worse."
Friend is helping settle up his grandpa's estate. They have to figure out what to do with 2800+ guns. That's a lot of guns for one dude, different strokes and such I suppose.
I'd contact a local firearms store and see if i couldn't get them to either buy the whole shitload outright, or suggest someone who could, maybe a local wholesaler.
I highly doubt melting the whole load down would be an acceptable situation, so make some money off the deal, but do it through licensed people, not person to person sales...Not to mention the time involved in 2800 separate sales....Even at wholesale prices, that is probably at least 60K.
I'd contact a local firearms store and see if i couldn't get them to either buy the whole shitload outright, or suggest someone who could, maybe a local wholesaler.
I highly doubt melting the whole load down would be an acceptable situation, so make some money off the deal, but do it through licensed people, not person to person sales...Not to mention the time involved in 2800 separate sales....Even at wholesale prices, that is probably at least 60K.
definitely find a qualified appraiser.
They are going to auction from what I gather, the regulations and effort are not something they were wanting to navigate. It's a legit collection, not my scene but there was rambling about low serial numbers and such like baseball cards.
He was waiting for someone to come into his driveway so he could shoot them, and had a gun ready to do so, he was out on the deck shooting in seconds as they were reserving out to turn around. No more than a few seconds passed since he saw them at the foot of his driveway and got out the door with the gun and shot them while they were backing out. Too bad he didn't live in Florida, or he could have got off for "Standing his ground".

Assholes like this should never have had a gun in the first place, it wasn't an accidental tragedy, it was murder in the 1st degree, not second degree, he made preparations for murder, mentally and physically. No remorse tells you everything you need to know about him, he isn't normal, most men would have trouble living with themselves after that.

They are going to auction from what I gather, the regulations and effort are not something they were wanting to navigate. It's a legit collection, not my scene but there was rambling about low serial numbers and such like baseball cards.
well i hope they all go to legitimate collectors, it's a shame to destroy something that could be a part of history, or to allow it to be used in criminal activity.
What is all the fuss about? It's just folks exercising their 2nd amendment rats and "standing their ground", they felt frightened and that is good enough. Why even bother to cover this on the news? It is a nonevent, it happens several times a day, it is not news in America, it is perfectly acceptable and normal behavior and there is no solution, so why bother to cover it in the news? The 2nd is supreme, and nothing can be done about it, so just die with it.

Heck with ringing the doorbell, don't drive on my driveway.

A 20-year-old woman was shot and killed after her friend turned into the wrong driveway in upstate New York, officials say
A 20-year-old woman was shot and killed Saturday after she and three others accidentally turned into the wrong driveway while looking for a friend’s house in rural upstate New York, authorities said.

The woman, identified as Kaylin Gillis, was a passenger in a vehicle when a man fired two shots from his front porch, Washington County Sheriff Jeffrey Murphy said in a news conference Monday. One of the shots hit the vehicle and struck Gillis, the sheriff said.

The man, 65-year-old Kevin Monahan, has been charged with second-degree murder in connection with her death, Murphy said.

He was arraigned Sunday on a second-degree murder charge, his attorney told CNN. A bail hearing is pending for Tuesday or Wednesday, the district attorney and defense attorney both said.

“It’s a very rural area with dirt roads. It’s easy to get lost. They drove up this driveway for a very short time, realized their mistake and were leaving, when Mr. Monahan came out and fired two shots,” Murphy said, adding that the area has poor cell phone service.

“There was clearly no threat from anyone in the vehicle. There was no reason for Mr. Monahan to feel threatened,” Murphy said.

After the shots were fired, Gillis and the rest of the group drove away from the house in the town of Hebron looking for cell phone service and then called 911.

They were found around 5 miles away from the home in the nearby town of Salem. First responders began administering CPR but Gillis was pronounced dead at the scene, Murphy said.

“This is a very sad case of some young adults that were looking for a friend’s house and ended up at this man’s house who decided to come out with a firearm and discharge it,” the sheriff said.
So fucking irresponsible, I hope the guy doesn't see the light of day ever again.
no. That is over the top.
No, it is not, it is a solution to the problem the feds register and tax firearms and if the family wants to keep grand pa's guns, then they pay the transfer taxes and registration for each gun. Piss off enough people and you'll be surprised at what they can and will do. The constitution allows it, and big enough democratic majorities can make it so. It might not happen overnight, but it will happen if the constitution allows it, it's happened everywhere else where there is a liberal democracy that functions, America's doesn't function too well, or it would have happened long ago.

Republicans' latest moves have DEVASTATING consequences

75,618 views Apr 19, 2023
'The Weekend Show' host Anthony Davis explores the Republican Party's 'own the libs' ideology and how it has devastating consequences.
They should all go to the federal government for destruction, ammo too, make it the law, when someone dies, their guns die with them.
i have mixed emotions about that too...they should be counted as property and taxed like everything else is, and if any are sold it should have to be through licensed dealers who perform the proper background checks.
I'd like to say melt them down, take them out of circulation, but they're private property, you would at the very least have to reimburse the estate at fair market value for each one destroyed.
It's also quite possible that there will be real emotional value attached to some of them, family heirlooms, that represent hours bonding with family members that cannot be replaced. There is quite a difference between going out with your grandpa and his 22 and learning the basics, and going on a family trip to a commercial range to fire off full auto machine guns, most of which you already own....