Stuff that doesn't really fit in either "Examples of" thread....

We are seeing this a lot, democratic governors and other statewide offices in red states with gerrymandered legislatures who represent the minority but who somehow have many more seats than the popular vote warrants. In this case it is the majority against a corrupt minority, and it is showing up in more red states and with it will come state gridlock. The difference between the popular vote and the number of seats a party gets is shocking and profoundly undemocratic, it is a crime against the people of the state perpetrated by a conspiracy to steal their votes and voices by rigging the system. They are even trying to limit referendums and ignore measures that pass in referendums, instead imposing their will on the voters who made their wishes clear. Only republicans reject the results of referendums, they also reject the results of elections, if they lose.

maybe the baby thing falls under “certain claims that are false”.
You hear it from the nut cases constantly, it is called the rhetoric of destruction, eating babies, pedophilia, child sex slave rings, a vast conspiracy of democratic pedophiles, the horse shit is endless. Look at what happened to that Pizza place that supposedly had a dungeon in the basement, but there was no basement, some nut shot the place up to rescue the nonexistent children! Foxnews and the right hammered Hillary for a decade with every rumor of crime imaginable, a lie repeated enough becomes the truth for many people.
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It must be his incredible whiteness that is keeping him from being served, if I was the sheriff, I'd serve him with a video camera on and two deputies covering him with AR15s while I handed him the papers, if he threatened me, I would arrest him on the spot. The sheriff needs to be told, either he gets served tomorrow, or you will be looking for a new job and that might be hard to find if you are fired for cowardice. If they are afraid of this clown, what will they do if there is a school shooter, wait outside for an hour? This is what they are paid for and given powers of arrest for and armed for, perhaps they have political issues and agree with this turkey?

Another guy who should be on the wrong side of a set of bars, threatening cops who would serve him, don't be fucking absurd. Any threats would be met with drawn weapons, and they would have the drop on him. Call in assistance from the FBI and maybe they will shoot him for you. Have a gun in your hands when the cops show up and yer a dead man.

It looks like he has the support of the sheriff who appears to be in a conspiracy with him, time to call in the feds. This person is clearly above the law, he is a scofflaw, and this situation needs federal attention.

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It must be his incredible whiteness that is keeping him from being served, if I was the sheriff, I'd serve him with a video camera on and two deputies covering him with AR15s while I handed him the papers, if he threatened me, I would arrest him on the spot. The sheriff needs to be told, either he gets served tomorrow, or you will be looking for a new job and that might be hard to find if you are fired for cowardice. If they are afraid of this clown, what will they do if there is a school shooter, wait outside for an hour? This is what they are paid for and given powers of arrest for and armed for, perhaps they have political issues and agree with this turkey?

Another guy who should be on the wrong side of a set of bars, threatening cops who would serve him, don't be fucking absurd. Any threats would be met with drawn weapons, and they would have the drop on him. Call in assistance from the FBI and maybe they will shoot him for you. Have a gun in your hands when the cops show up and yer a dead man.

It looks like he has the support of the sheriff who appears to be in a conspiracy with him, time to call in the feds. This person is clearly above the law, he is a scofflaw, and this needs situation needs federal attention.

They should call in the state police and have them shove the papers down his fucking throat...piece of shit
They should call in the state police and have them shove the papers down his fucking throat...piece of shit
He appears to be under the protection of the sheriff and in a criminal conspiracy with him it would appear. While the sheriff is talking to the FBI, the state police can serve him, but it is a red state and he could be getting support from republicans, they might tell the state police to stay out of it. If it goes on long enough, someone might put a .50 cal round through his forehead from a half a mile away and let the sheriff deal with that. Nobody is above the law and if they won't enforce the law, there are other means of "justice" and not all of those kinds of people are rightwing nuts, there are plenty who volunteered for Ukraine.
Propaganda at work, see what they are doing? Making a story about tweets, about the story they ran, but not many others did. Now they get to extend the life of the lie and repeat it, repeat a lie enough and it becomes truth to many.

This is really about Rupert Murdoch selling out America and attacking it for a profit, traitors betray their country for money, and he would destroy the country to make a buck. They are running a disinformation operation on America, it is not a news network, it just masquerades as one while acting as the advertising department of the republicans, giving them billions in free advertising and spinning the news to their advantage. They abuse their viewers, lie to them and treat them like suckers to be manipulated by their intellectual superiors. News serves and informs the consumer; propaganda serves the creator and makes the listener a utensil and sometimes a criminal.

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It must be his incredible whiteness that is keeping him from being served, if I was the sheriff, I'd serve him with a video camera on and two deputies covering him with AR15s while I handed him the papers, if he threatened me, I would arrest him on the spot. The sheriff needs to be told, either he gets served tomorrow, or you will be looking for a new job and that might be hard to find if you are fired for cowardice. If they are afraid of this clown, what will they do if there is a school shooter, wait outside for an hour? This is what they are paid for and given powers of arrest for and armed for, perhaps they have political issues and agree with this turkey?

Another guy who should be on the wrong side of a set of bars, threatening cops who would serve him, don't be fucking absurd. Any threats would be met with drawn weapons, and they would have the drop on him. Call in assistance from the FBI and maybe they will shoot him for you. Have a gun in your hands when the cops show up and yer a dead man.

It looks like he has the support of the sheriff who appears to be in a conspiracy with him, time to call in the feds. This person is clearly above the law, he is a scofflaw, and this situation needs federal attention.

Sheriff is an elected position. The people in his county like that he did that.
Sheriff is an elected position. The people in his county like that he did that.
maybe, but a lot of people in the state won't...and i doubt everyone in his county does, either.
Being elected sheriff doesn't mean you get to interpret the laws to your liking. The second they didn't bring him in, they became criminals themselves, and the state police should bring them and bundy in, in handcuffs.
If the people in the county don't like it, fuck them...
I would consider him a domestic terrorist I know the staff at the hospital were terrified. This has the hallmarks of a fascist state, the Nazi's never applied the law to its party members either, they were above it.

maybe, but a lot of people in the state won't...and i doubt everyone in his county does, either.
Being elected sheriff doesn't mean you get to interpret the laws to your liking. The second they didn't bring him in, they became criminals themselves, and the state police should bring them and bundy in, in handcuffs.
If the people in the county don't like it, fuck them...

I don't disagree. I just know that Idaho is more like Mississippi than Washington and Oregon. I don't understand why they have so much support but they do.

Take a look at how different that state is today compared to 30 years ago, when I first moved there. It was still full of highly conservative people but when the Republican controlled legislature tried to enact laws that severely limited a woman's right to choose. The then Democratic governor vetoed it and the electorate punished the Republican Party to the point where the legislature for the first time in years was controlled by Democrats. Now, the state has some of the most restrictive anti choice laws in the country and they are talking about even more restrictive laws.

Ammon Bundy has a lot of support in that state, including, apparently the Sheriff. Probably the governor too. The state always had conservative folk but not like this. So, it's a touch point. Do you suggest the feds charge in and set off the powder keg?
I don't disagree. I just know that Idaho is more like Mississippi than Washington and Oregon. I don't understand why they have so much support but they do.

Take a look at how different that state is today compared to 30 years ago, when I first moved there. It was still full of highly conservative people but when the Republican controlled legislature tried to enact laws that severely limited a woman's right to choose. The then Democratic governor vetoed it and the electorate punished the Republican Party to the point where the legislature for the first time in years was controlled by Democrats. Now, the state has some of the most restrictive anti choice laws in the country and they are talking about even more restrictive laws.

Ammon Bundy has a lot of support in that state, including, apparently the Sheriff. Probably the governor too. The state always had conservative folk but not like this. So, it's a touch point. Do you suggest the feds charge in and set off the powder keg?
No, I think they can be more subtle than that and simply have two FBI agents serve him his summons.