Fascism and the Republican Party

Do you really want to go into trying to make that illegal? Can you not see the fucking gigantic heap of shit that that would light on fire and drop into a high speed fan? How the fuck would you enforce that? You make one reasonable statement, and then ten where it doesn't seem like you even have your hands connected to your brain....
What the fuck kind of world do you want to live in, where you monitor shit like that? That's worse than the fucking problems we already have.
I never advocated it, I'm just observing how such laws, if constitutional, can be turned on those who create or support them. If these kinds of things are legal to use against ones perceived enemies, then they can be used for other purposes and intentions. The republicans are pushing the boundaries and setting precedents that might one day be used against them. Re read what I wrote and pay attention to the last sentence: "Welcome to the future they created in order to get those they hate and loath, the trouble is, hate and loathing works both ways and using the power of the state to attack others can have unexpected consequences".
U don't mean u think i'm one a them do ya? Hell yeah, it means republicans, and dems too.
It means vote for the person who'll put money in yer pocket. If rich, vote republican, but if you aren't
rich, but wanna live like a republican, vote for a democrat. We all know what repubs do w/taxes, and
we have a good idea what dems used to do with them, and still say they'll do, so if you ain't rich, you
will get more from people who support working people by far, then any tax-cutting repub will do for u.
Sheeit, if they had their way, min. wage'd still be $4.87/hr. Their lie that a tax cut for the rich really spurs
the economy, then why not eliminate the rich having to pay taxes at all? That'd be better, wouldn't it, that
is if u listen to what the repubs tell you. Cutting taxes from 91% on the rich in the 1950s has now been
cut to what, 15% on your average billionaire? Evolving into where instead of tax cuts at say 15% would be
tax cuts to zero, or how about minus 10%? Then the working class have to pay the rich extra just to be alive.
It's a helluva racket, if u can get in. The PATCO and Teamsters supported Reagan. Unions are now dead. A
lot of hard hats voted for him, wtf for? He then shut down their strike and fired 'em all the next year. Vote
yer pocketbook, STOOPID. Ahh, i could go on, but...too boring. I could talk about stagflation, 15% real
estate lending rates, 18% unemployment, etc., etc. but who cares, and nobody believes it anyway. Bubba,
what a piece a work he is. It all panders to greed. Chicken in every pot type a bullshit. But i digress.
I get your drift. Unfortunately, "we all" don't know what repubs do w/taxes. otherwise we wouldn't have the problems we do with Qpublicans. And yes, you digressed.
To act against the King is treason, at least as far as the King is concerned. Millions of morons think this clown is fit to be president much less run around loose. I hope they let him run around loose long enough to fuck the republicans in 24 and either keep rivals from winning the nomination or divide the republican vote from prison if runs as a bull moose. If the republicans reject him as their nominee, they too will become "traitors".

To act against the King is treason, at least as far as the King is concerned. Millions of morons think this clown is fit to be president much less run around loose. I hope they let him run around loose long enough to fuck the republicans in 24 and either keep rivals from winning the nomination or divide the republican vote from prison if runs as a bull moose. If the republicans reject him as their nominee, they too will become "traitors".

who gives a fuck who they run? unless they come up with someone they've been hiding on another planet, they have no one who has a chance of winning. who can beat trump? Biden...or just about any other democrat with any name recognition...and most independents...and i know a couple of mangy dogs that are a lot more likeable than trump.
who gives a fuck who they run? unless they come up with someone they've been hiding on another planet, they have no one who has a chance of winning. who can beat trump? Biden...or just about any other democrat with any name recognition...and most independents...and i know a couple of mangy dogs that are a lot more likeable than trump.
Once Trump is removed from the scene it won't take long for Mitch, Rove and their billionaire donors to put lipstick on the pig. You want Donald around their necks like a fucking millstone until he drags them over the cliff and into the abyss, taking the GOP house and senate down with him, maybe even a few states. As long as he is around, he controls too much of the base and makes changing direction or even papering over fascism impossible. He drives the democratic, female and youth turnout, and puts an ugly face on the fascist bastards that reflect their true inner selves. It's why he captured the base and can hold them so easily, because he perfectly reflects who they really are.
bitch, please....I'd still vote for either mangy dog before muck...actually i'd vote for a dead mangy dog that had started to decay and bloat, before i'd vote for muck...it's a toss up between trump and muck, i wouldn't vote for either one, but which would i not vote for more? BOTH
If Musk weren’t dazzled by trying to take over that other world, he’d be a frighteningly viable GOP candidate (just as soon as the pet court undoes the natural-born citizen requirement).

If Musk weren’t dazzled by trying to take over that other world, he’d be a frighteningly viable GOP candidate (just as soon as the pet court undoes the natural-born citizen requirement).

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Without the natural born citizenship requirement Putin could run in the GOP primary and take a lot of votes, once Trump endorsed him from his prison cell...
Without the natural born citizenship requirement Putin could run in the GOP primary and take a lot of votes, once Trump endorsed him from his prison cell...
I don’t think even the base would look kindly on a war loser.

Though it would advance the denazification of Russia by one person.

Whimsical scenario: a coupla ICC marshals cutting the swearing-in a bit short.
MAGA fascists are intimidating and silencing the LGBTQ community. In this case, are threatening action against Gay Pride organizers if men in drag should walk in a pride parade. "To protect the children from sexually explicit content". Proving once again that sexuality is in the mind. In this case, inhibited old men. A woman in a thong bikini is OK but a man wearing a sequined thong or even wearing a dress and make-up is sexually explicit.

Another Florida Pride Event Canceled As Other Organizers Dig Their Heels In
One group said that a “climate of fear” has overtaken the state in the wake of Gov. Ron DeSantis’ extreme new anti-LGBTQ+ laws.

Organizers in St. Cloud, Florida, announced this week they would be canceling an LGBTQ+ Pride festival next month, joining at least two other events as casualties of Florida’s extreme new anti-LGBTQ+ laws while other event organizers double down.

The St. Cloud organizers wrote on social media that their decision to cancel the event in June — which is Pride Month — was “difficult” and “not made lightly.”

Florida’s hard-right Gov. Ron DeSantis signed an array of legislation dubbed “discriminatory” by the Human Rights Campaign on Wednesday. Among the measures ... are .. restrictions on performances by drag queens who are a quintessential part of Pride.

The legislation prompted Equality Florida, an LGBTQ+ civil rights group, to issue a travel advisory for the entire state.

“These laws have created a climate of fear and hostility for LGBTQIA+ people in Florida. We believe that holding an LGBTQIA+ event in this environment would put our community at risk,” the St. Cloud organizers said.

Port St. Lucie, Florida, announced in April that its Pride parade would not go forward as planned in anticipation of the anti-drag law. The city, located north of Miami, also restricted what was formerly an all-ages Pride festival to people aged 21 and up, upsetting some parents.

DeSantis claims the anti-drag bill “protects children from sexually explicit content.” It uses vague phrasing such as “adult live performances” and “sexual excitement” to target drag shows, which are now banned in public areas and relegated in private areas to adult-only settings.
40% of the electorate are fucked in the head and this kinda proves it! I also think it is one of the reasons that Donald is still running around loose, to suck these idiots into screwing themselves and their cause. If they can keep him running around loose long enough, he will ruin anybody else's chance of leading the republicans and even divide and hurt them in the house and senate races. If he doesn't win the nomination, he will attack whoever does and run as a bull moose. Even if he extracted a promise of a federal pardon from the nominee, he would not trust them to deliver and would run as a bull moose from his cell, he could even run as the republican nominee from his cell.

The top-secret documents case and obstruction of justice might be a spoiler though, nobody thought even he could be so stupid as to do what he did over the MAL documents case. It is a case that can put him in prison quickly once tried and found guilty, but it could also jail him upon arraignment pending trial. It is essentially the same kind of crime and probably charges that Jack Texeira is being held in jail for now pending his trial and he was at the very bottom of the government and Trump was at its apex. Bear in mind the DC judge who arraigns Donald will probably have dealt with plenty of national security cases before and sentenced regular people to long prison terms for lesser crimes and most did not get bail until trial.

I hope the arrogant asshole gets a nightmare cellmate who will cornhole him daily and he will need depends, when he makes parole. He can whine about the "injustice" when he gets out and off parole. I'm sure Trump contributed to the sucker's legal expenses and will pay to restore his destroyed life and asshole. He can join the J6 prison choir, but I'm sure all the money from their tune goes to Trump and they will get fuck all except screwed. It looks being ignorant, arrogant and stupid can have consequences.
