U don't mean u think i'm one a them do ya? Hell yeah, it means republicans, and dems too.
It means vote for the person who'll put money in yer pocket. If rich, vote republican, but if you aren't
rich, but wanna live like a republican, vote for a democrat. We all know what repubs do w/taxes, and
we have a good idea what dems used to do with them, and still say they'll do, so if you ain't rich, you
will get more from people who support working people by far, then any tax-cutting repub will do for u.
Sheeit, if they had their way, min. wage'd still be $4.87/hr. Their lie that a tax cut for the rich really spurs
the economy, then why not eliminate the rich having to pay taxes at all? That'd be better, wouldn't it, that
is if u listen to what the repubs tell you. Cutting taxes from 91% on the rich in the 1950s has now been
cut to what, 15% on your average billionaire? Evolving into where instead of tax cuts at say 15% would be
tax cuts to zero, or how about minus 10%? Then the working class have to pay the rich extra just to be alive.
It's a helluva racket, if u can get in. The PATCO and Teamsters supported Reagan. Unions are now dead. A
lot of hard hats voted for him, wtf for? He then shut down their strike and fired 'em all the next year. Vote
yer pocketbook, STOOPID. Ahh, i could go on, but...too boring. I could talk about stagflation, 15% real
estate lending rates, 18% unemployment, etc., etc. but who cares, and nobody believes it anyway. Bubba,
what a piece a work he is. It all panders to greed. Chicken in every pot type a bullshit. But i digress.