Is Biden really that bad?

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Because you heard this? I think you might have been spammed some right wing propaganda to the point it stuck.

There is one party (the Democrats) that has been (slowly moving towards) legislating for 100% of the population since the 70's and one (the Republicans) that has been legislating only for the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda. We are just now getting to the point that we have one party that is truly representative of our nation, and people are falling for the 'both sides' trolling that the right wing propagandists are cat fishing as 'the left' to sell.
Let's go Brandon try to stop falling down the steps of airforce 1 with your alheimers come on man
Let's go Brandon
The dems fkn cheated at ballot boxes. Trump won by landslide. They kicked out pollsters and locked doors. Trucks full of ballots caught on security cameras dropping tons of ballot boxes off at 3am in morning. After closed elections. Dem states that lost took 2 weeks to count ballots. Florida counted all ballots in 1 fkn night. If you take 2 weeks to find and produce fake ballots your are a pos cheater.
note absence of any confirming documentation
The dems fkn cheated at ballot boxes. Trump won by landslide. They kicked out pollsters and locked doors. Trucks full of ballots caught on security cameras dropping tons of ballot boxes off at 3am in morning. After closed elections. Dem states that lost took 2 weeks to count ballots. Florida counted all ballots in 1 fkn night. If you take 2 weeks to find and produce fake ballots your are a pos cheater.
Whilst i agree that Americas voting system is extremely flawed what you are saying is not what the courts ruled.
It must feel terrible to know that you're a sucker and it will be proven over and over again in a court of law. Judges hear cases and juries decide guilt or innocence, Trump was indicted by a grand jury, the courts are independent. Trump is going to prison before the election, and he will drag the GOP down with him when he goes. Once the democrats gain power, they will destroy the republican party as a constitutional duty and foxnews as a matter of national survival.
Biden is the worst president ive seen in my 40 years as an american. Dont believe me? Go buy some groceries, then fill up your car with gas. Then turn on the national news and see how russia, china, and iran are making a mockery of us
Man I have to say that reading the last few pages gave me the best laugh I have had in a while. This thread is a reflection of how the nation is divided. I must say that this is exactly what the politicians want. It is all about divide and conquer.
If anyone thinks the republicans or the democrats have cornered the market on morals is sadly being led blindly to slaughter. In my personal opinion neither Joe Biden or Donald Trump have the moral compass to be POTUS.
So, Hunter it is then..... :eyesmoke:
No I certainly would not vote for Hunter Biden. I am not sure who I am going to vote for the next election cycle. I do lean republican but I also voted for Biden the last cycle. But full disclosure I voted for trump to be president the cycle before. I do not like the way Biden has done his job as POTUS. But I believe trump was the most unpresidential (not sure if that is an actual word) president we have ever had in our history.
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