I have a rant. I think you should Read it.


Well-Known Member
It will never happen. I find it easier just to roll with it and make changes where I can. Not one two people are the same.:peace:

Eventually I think it will have to happen. People are going to HAVE to start being more responsible.

and to the other comment. I still have a great relationship with my family, and don't hate money. I just hate the way people spend it. And no, my dad is not one of those people who is irresponsible.


Well-Known Member
This just proves how un-american you are---can't even argue right:hump:

You are the one who hasn't answered a single question I've asked. Most Americans I know can at least answer a couple of very simple questions.

I would love to sit here and debate, but I am smoking a bowl of bubble hash and need to start studying for my final.


Well-Known Member
Eventually I think it will have to happen. People are going to HAVE to start being more responsible.

and to the other comment. I still have a great relationship with my family, and don't hate money. I just hate the way people spend it. And no, my dad is not one of those people who is irresponsible.
I think people have the right to spend THEIR money the best way they see fit to do so...and who is anyone to say what is fit or not? And, who is to determine what is irresponsible spending? I got horses for easter, cars and houses for Christmas, and birthdays, they were the best! I loved seeing what elaborate gift would be waiting for me!! LOVED IT! Now, my parents paid their taxes and obviously provided for their children....it was their choice on how and what they spent their money on. :roll: Just sayin'

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
You are the one who hasn't answered a single question I've asked. Most Americans I know can at least answer a couple of very simple questions.

I would love to sit here and debate, but I am smoking a bowl of bubble hash and need to start studying for my final.
See your debating---I'm being American:hump:

And every American concludes a debate with:

This is just the way things are---deal with it.

I'm actually saying a whole lot if you pay close attention and just think about it---ya know?


Well-Known Member
I think people have the right to spend THEIR money the best way they see fit to do so...and who is anyone to say what is fit or not? And, who is to determine what is irresponsible spending? I got horses for easter, cars and houses for Christmas, and birthdays, they were the best! I loved seeing what elaborate gift would be waiting for me!! LOVED IT! Now, my parents paid their taxes and obviously provided for their children....it was their choice on how and what they spent their money on. :roll: Just sayin'

I've got some pretty sweet gifts too. All of the things you mentioned are very useful and necessary. Thats not what I'm talking about at all. I'm talking about pointless things, and gas guzzling tanks people use for transportation just because they like the way it looks.I do think people have the right to spend their money how they want to, but eventually they will have to spend it on more useful things.


Well-Known Member
See your debating---I'm being American:hump:

And every American concludes a debate with:

This is just the way things are---deal with it.

Nice contradiction. Saying your not debating then ending the debate with deal with it. Did you contradict yourself on purpose.

If you just deal with things they way they are then things will never get better. Your kids and/or grandchildren will suffer the consequences of everyone going before them that had no motivation to change anything, or make a difference. People can make a difference in this world.


Well-Known Member
I've got some pretty sweet gifts too. All of the things you mentioned are very useful and necessary. Thats not what I'm talking about at all. I'm talking about pointless things, and gas guzzling tanks people use for transportation just because they like the way it looks.I do think people have the right to spend their money how they want to, but eventually they will have to spend it on more useful things.
So your saying I shouldn't buy myself that Hummer for Christmas?:mrgreen::mrgreen:
D'oh, your a week too late!


Well-Known Member
So your saying I shouldn't buy myself that Hummer for Christmas?:mrgreen::mrgreen:
D'oh, your a week too late!
Damn you should have waited for Christmas to see if someone would have bought it for you. ;)

If it gets less than 12 miles to the gallon and you what you need is in walking distance, I'm saying you should try walking or having multiple vehicles. You could use the big'n sometimes and the better gas mileage cars for other things. I wouldn't have made a ludicrous suggestion like this, but you did say you have had cars bought for you before. I'm not hating. So have I. Mine gets 36 mpg though.


Well-Known Member
Why is saving money a good idea

our economy thrives on spending money
Saving your money from buying stupid stuff is a good idea. You should spend your money just not on things that have no value or meaning. I mean, I'm not telling you what to spend your money on, I just wish people would be more responsible. And yes, our economy thrives on spending money. Look at how much our government is in debt. They spent a lot of money and now owe other nations a lot of money.


Well-Known Member
Damn you should have waited for Christmas to see if someone would have bought it for you. ;)

If it gets less than 12 miles to the gallon and you what you need is in walking distance, I'm saying you should try walking or having multiple vehicles. You could use the big'n sometimes and the better gas mileage cars for other things. I wouldn't have made a ludicrous suggestion like this, but you did say you have had cars bought for you before. I'm not hating. So have I. Mine gets 36 mpg though.
I was just kidding, I didn't buy a Hummer. The point is though, I will spend my money as I see fit...and for the people that are buying for their children for Christmas, it is their business and I am not one to judge....So, you live the way you do, and, I will live the way I do. It is the American way...Hmmm, maybe that is the point Son of Man is trying to make.


Active Member
Throwiing my two cents in:
First, being in an economics class, to which i'm currently studying for the final for, You need to spend money during this type of chrisis in order to quickly get out of the recession. So if you're buying, Buy American.

Second, growing up my parents always put aside money for Christmas, we were no were near wealthy, and would get my brother and I a few things. While my friends got game systems, i got legos, while they got cell phones, i got clothes. I never got the really expensive gifts. And lookiing back, i actually would rather have that then be in a wealthy family that gives their kids what ever they want for christmas. I ended up getting a job when i wanted those bigger things and paid for it myself, and I've learned the value of a dollar. And being in college and seeing kids in bmw's while i drive an old ford escort, I know that I'm trying harder to earn my money and taking school alot more seriously (thats not to say that they don't try). But all i'm saying is that i agree you should't go into debt around christmas, thats not what its about. Save up a little and buy small things.


Well-Known Member
I was just kidding, I didn't buy a Hummer. The point is though, I will spend my money as I see fit...and for the people that are buying for their children for Christmas, it is their business and I am not one to judge....So, you live the way you do, and, I will live the way I do. It is the American way...Hmmm, maybe that is the point Son of Man is trying to make.

I understand. I am only saying I wish people would THINK about how they spend money. People should sit down and think 1. is this going to benefit me in the long run. 2. Are there any negative repercussions to buying this. example- going into debt. 3. Do I need this at all or is it an impulse buy.....
just sayin

And Son of Man hasn't answered a single question. I understand where he is coming from, but he still contradicted himself and won't answer any of the questions I asked him.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I understand. I am only saying I wish people would THINK about how they spend money. People should sit down and think 1. is this going to benefit me in the long run. 2. Are there any negative repercussions to buying this. example- going into debt. 3. Do I need this at all or is it an impulse buy.....
just sayin

And Son of Man hasn't answered a single question. I understand where he is coming from, but he still contradicted himself and won't answer any of the questions I asked him.
School's out for me man....write your own term paper.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Throwiing my two cents in:
First, being in an economics class, to which i'm currently studying for the final for, You need to spend money during this type of chrisis in order to quickly get out of the recession. So if you're buying, Buy American.

Second, growing up my parents always put aside money for Christmas, we were no were near wealthy, and would get my brother and I a few things. While my friends got game systems, i got legos, while they got cell phones, i got clothes. I never got the really expensive gifts. And lookiing back, i actually would rather have that then be in a wealthy family that gives their kids what ever they want for christmas. I ended up getting a job when i wanted those bigger things and paid for it myself, and I've learned the value of a dollar. And being in college and seeing kids in bmw's while i drive an old ford escort, I know that I'm trying harder to earn my money and taking school alot more seriously (thats not to say that they don't try). But all i'm saying is that i agree you should't go into debt around christmas, thats not what its about. Save up a little and buy small things.

Yes, please buy American. But with so many of our jobs being shipped over seas its getting harder and harder.

I agree. I'm taking school pretty seriously too. Its good to go through college so you can learn the value of the dollar. Good points.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
At least you didn't say America Fuck Yeah this time.

Once again. 0 answers to any questions.

I'll jump right on that term paper. I'll email you a copy if you would like.

I answered all kinds of shit. That is a picture of the american culture and I even tied in some american exceptionalism and political culture. :evil:

Lord Bluntmasta

Well-Known Member
Saving your money from buying stupid stuff is a good idea. You should spend your money just not on things that have no value or meaning. I mean, I'm not telling you what to spend your money on, I just wish people would be more responsible. And yes, our economy thrives on spending money. Look at how much our government is in debt. They spent a lot of money and now owe other nations a lot of money.
Most things people spend for on Christmas, entertainment - specifically media. Do you have something against the movie and music industries? Maybe people buy their little kids a couple worthless plastic toys. But who gets to decide what is worthless to spend your money on.

and the government spending money and citizens spending money are two completely different things