I have a rant. I think you should Read it.


Well-Known Member
I answered all kinds of shit. That is a picture of the american culture and I even tied in some american exceptionalism and political culture. :evil:
I asked you direct questions and got indirect junior in high school answers.

Nothing like a good ole girl wearing daisy dukes holding a shotgun. America- where you can do whatever the hell you want.....as long as the government doesn't get mad....or find out.


Well-Known Member
I asked you direct questions and got indirect junior in high school answers.

Nothing like a good ole girl wearing daisy dukes holding a shotgun. America- where you can do whatever the hell you want.....as long as the government doesn't get mad....or find out.
Oh boy, you have much to learn.....:roll:


Well-Known Member
Most things people spend for on Christmas, entertainment - specifically media. Do you have something against the movie and music industries? Maybe people buy their little kids a couple worthless plastic toys. But who gets to decide what is worthless to spend your money on.

and the government spending money and citizens spending money are two completely different things

Nothing against entertainment. Love music and movies are pretty not bad sometimes, but people I know spend hundreds upon hundreds on stupid plastic toys when their toy box is filled with toys they never play with.

I'm aware that the gov and people spending money are two different things. But spending is spending. And when you spend money you don't have, you go into debt. Thats where I was going with that.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
I asked you direct questions and got indirect junior in high school answers.

Nothing like a good ole girl wearing daisy dukes holding a shotgun. America- where you can do whatever the hell you want.....as long as the government doesn't get mad....or find out.
I went to an ivy league school dude. I'm brilliant. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Oh boy, you have much to learn.....:roll:
SHHH here is a little secret. We ALL DO!!! And my intention was to rant about something and to get people talking about it, or at least thinking about it. I think I've done what I set out to do.

I learn something new everyday.


Well-Known Member
SHHH here is a little secret. We ALL DO!!! And my intention was to rant about something and to get people talking about it, or at least thinking about it. I think I've done what I set out to do.

I learn something new everyday.
Nah, I don't....I pretty much know everything.


Well-Known Member
Damn...This thread has really got me thinking. I must hunt down every homeless person I've ever given money too. If I had a dollar...Oh wait...nvm.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
Congratulations on your education. I'm proud of you for making it through such a prestigious school. Was it Harvard? Yale? I'm dying to know so I can go enroll there for grad school so I can be as smart as you.
Brown on a full ride---my parents weren't rich enough or connected anywhere to get me into harvard.

The trick to a good paper is to say the least possible. You bloviate a wee bit too much.


Well-Known Member
Brown on a full ride---my parents weren't rich enough or connected anywhere to get me into harvard.

The trick to a good paper is to say the least possible. You bloviate a wee bit too much.

That was not a paper. Never would be. I was ranting. Speaking excessively is kind of what a rant is about. If this was a paper I would have spent more than ten minutes writing it. Thanks though, you probably already knew all that since you went to Brown.


Well-Known Member
gravy. if you can give to homeless thats great. You are totally missing the point.

I'm not missing the point at all. I realize obesity, rainy day funds, and the environment are real legitimate issues, but i'm not about to stress myself over things that I don't have or don't influence my life personally. I make choices that I feel are advantageous to myself and my family first. If I can't splurge a little in any sense of the word from time to time what's the point of living?
Life is a long, albeit temporary form of existence, and I'm going to spend it pondering over how much scratch I have in my savings account? Sorry bro but I have more pressing issues. Oh and for the record I've never gone into debt over anything, and I'm not going to start now.


Well-Known Member
Those are all issues that will at some time or another effect your life. Thank you for admitting that they are legitimate issues. I don't really stress that much. Right, I understand you make choices that are advantage for your family first, but many don't. Someday you will have grandchildren though and they will have children. Don't you think its a moral responsibility for that alone to try to protect the environment a little bit?

Good, I've never been in debt either, but these are major social problems. We don't see it as much, but it's there. It's going to rear its ugly head someday and will hurt close to home.


Well-Known Member
That was not a paper. Never would be. I was ranting. Speaking excessively is kind of what a rant is about. If this was a paper I would have spent more than ten minutes writing it. Thanks though, you probably already knew all that since you went to Brown.
I would like to add that the thread title was I have a rant. I think that should let you know that it is going to be a bit wordy.THATS WHAT A RANT IS!!!!!!!! It wouldn't be a rant if I said," I think that people spend too much money on things they don't need. I think they should be responsible with their spending." In that case it would be a statement. Thread title