

Well-Known Member
Stalin, again. They appear to be so pissed they are burning the place to the ground and less than 2 years in it has become an existential shitshow for the Russian public and military. I said at the beginning of this that war has unexpected consequences and Vlad sure as shit is experiencing them now! Ukraine has one hand tied behind its back and has with western aid and arms like missiles and planes, yet they have slaughtered the Russian army and destroyed vast amounts of its equipment while using up its supplies of munitions with the limited aid they have been given. Russia is on the ropes militarily, socially and economically and look fucked for a generation as the world moves on.


Well-Known Member

300k+ Russian Casualties, Russian Navy and Air Force Shocked - War in Ukraine

The Russian invasion of Ukraine continues and so is the Kings and Generals animated historical documentary coverage of it. In this episode, we conclude the events of 2023, with a short analysis, talk about the continuing Russian attacks near Avdiivka, Mariinka, Bakhmut and other places, and tell you about the Ukraine attacks that shocked the Russian Navy and Air Force, as many military assets were destroyed. We also discuss the foreign aid to Ukraine, drone and missile attacks and much more.


Well-Known Member
It’s distressing to see the ugly side of religion driving events in so many parts of the world. In terms of sociopolitical advancement, all our tech has not done much good.
Everything gets twisted now,and the rise of S.Media and digital tech has turned the gullible into impassioned zombie-like followers,shooting fish in a barrel,damn 2/3 of R's STILL think Biden is illegitimate. Only disinfo pumped through S.Media could transform a SILVER SPOON FORTUNATE SON,BLUE BLOOD,DRAFT DODGING,COUNTRY CLUB,MULTI BANKRUPTCY,RAPIST,CON ARTIST into a MAN OF THE PEOPLE.


Ursus marijanus
Everything gets twisted now,and the rise of S.Media and digital tech has turned the gullible into impassioned zombie-like followers,shooting fish in a barrel,damn 2/3 of R's STILL think Biden is illegitimate. Only disinfo pumped through S.Media could transform a SILVER SPOON FORTUNATE SON,BLUE BLOOD,DRAFT DODGING,COUNTRY CLUB,MULTI BANKRUPTCY,RAPIST,CON ARTIST into a MAN OF THE PEOPLE.
What is S. Media?

(edit; wild guess) social?
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Well-Known Member

Proposals for new European military to stop Putin under Trump

“We need to urgently undergo serious reforms in European decision making so that we can abolish the veto, so that we can have a real European army.”


Ursus marijanus