I have a rant. I think you should Read it.


Well-Known Member
No, I don't and before you jump to conclusions....I think its great to buy your children Christmas gifts. I just do not believe it is worth going into debt over. Remember what the reason for the season truly is, not what the mainstream media tries to make it.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
wow socialproblem has social problems----hmm---go figure.

Someone's been watching Suzie Orman and eyeing those fancy jackets :)


Well-Known Member
wow socialproblem has social problems----hmm---go figure.

Someone's been watching Suzie Orman and eyeing those fancy jackets :)

Aww the Son of Man realizes his Ivy League word was used correctly, but he was totally out of place saying it. RANT=Lengthy You know that, so why did you get on to me?


New Member
So someone who has no kids is trying to tell people what they should buy for their kids. What a losery thing to do. Don't forget, when you do have kids, IF you can find a mate, that lightbulbs are a great gift for children by your own admission.

Until you actually have kids, you don't get a vote on child rearing...........


Well-Known Member
Those are all issues that will at some time or another effect your life. Thank you for admitting that they are legitimate issues. I don't really stress that much. Right, I understand you make choices that are advantage for your family first, but many don't. Someday you will have grandchildren though and they will have children. Don't you think its a moral responsibility for that alone to try to protect the environment a little bit?

Good, I've never been in debt either, but these are major social problems. We don't see it as much, but it's there. It's going to rear its ugly head someday and will hurt close to home.

I think about my legacies all the time. I try to put a little away to make sure that when they do arrive I'm not sticking and moving to make sure they have what they need. You have a good head on your shoulders, but I think we need to relax a little. Societal variables is what's killing us at 65.
We rush all the time, we worry all the time, we eat like shit, and we live life like money is the only thing that matters. If we can find a happy medium between Responsibility and relaxation we'll be better as a whole.


Well-Known Member
Did ya thank i wuz a hick from Oklahoma who didn't know no bettr and wuz gonna giv up on argu'n with you cuz I don't got a vocabularry.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
Aww the Son of Man realizes his Ivy League word was used correctly, but he was totally out of place saying it. RANT=Lengthy You know that, so why did you get on to me?
a couple pages back I informed you that I was not going to do your paper which led to a reply of I'll email you the paper if your interested.

That is what I was referring to.

Your turning into a cock gobbler.


Well-Known Member
So someone who has no kids is trying to tell people what they should buy for their kids. What a losery thing to do. Don't forget, when you do have kids, IF you can find a mate, that lightbulbs are a great gift for children by your own admission.

Until you actually have kids, you don't get a vote on child rearing...........
Don't believe I was voting on child rearing. I was a child once. Had a lot of gifts under the tree. Felt good about them for two weeks and they were forgotten.

Question: Do you go into debt just to get your children toys?


Well-Known Member
I think about my legacies all the time. I try to put a little away to make sure that when they do arrive I'm not sticking and moving to make sure they have what they need. You have a good head on your shoulders, but I think we need to relax a little. Societal variables is what's killing us at 65.
We rush all the time, we worry all the time, we eat like shit, and we live life like money is the only thing that matters. If we can find a happy medium between Responsibility and relaxation we'll be better as a whole.

I am very relaxed right now, I just enjoy debating(the un-American thing to do). The bubble hash right now, is making this a very enjoyable day I must say.


New Member
My kids are adults and we've never bought anything that we couldn't pay for in cash, aside from our home and cars.

I think you are forgetting that what your kids have is part of child rearing. Do you want your kid to be the only one in the class without a play station? Children are like chickens with their pecking order. Any kid that is different in any way is relentlessly picked on by the rest of the flock.

I guess being the kid who had everything and appreciated nothing, you wouldn't know.

A kid who grew up as a spoiled brat thinks kids don't deserve gifts. I feel sorry for your future offspring.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
My kids are adults and we've never bought anything that we couldn't pay for in cash, aside from our home and cars.

I think you are forgetting that what your kids have is part of child rearing. Do you want your kid to be the only one in the class without a play station? Children are like chickens with their pecking order. Any kid that is different in any way is relentlessly picked on by the rest of the flock.

I guess being the kid who had everything and appreciated nothing, you wouldn't know.



Well-Known Member
a couple pages back I informed you that I was not going to do your paper which led to a reply of I'll email you the paper if your interested.

That is what I was referring to.

Your turning into a cock gobbler.

Lets not resort to name calling please. I'm a peaceful person.
I never said I wrote a paper. I also said if I were to write a paper it would not be anything like the RANT I wrote. Nice cover-up though. ;)
Keep the insults below three syllables next time. I'm not quite advanced enough for cock gobbler. You can keep your titles to yourself.

The Son of Man

Well-Known Member
Lets not resort to name calling please. I'm a peaceful person.
I never said I wrote a paper. I also said if I were to write a paper it would not be anything like the RANT I wrote. Nice cover-up though. ;)
Keep the insults below three syllables next time. I'm not quite advanced enough for cock gobbler. You can keep your titles to yourself.

I'm further back in the timeline---your the one covering up:hump:

Oh---and---that's what she said:hump:


Well-Known Member
My kids are adults and we've never bought anything that we couldn't pay for in cash, aside from our home and cars.

I think you are forgetting that what your kids have is part of child rearing. Do you want your kid to be the only one in the class without a play station? Children are like chickens with their pecking order. Any kid that is different in any way is relentlessly picked on by the rest of the flock.

I guess being the kid who had everything and appreciated nothing, you wouldn't know.

A kid who grew up as a spoiled brat thinks kids don't deserve gifts. I feel sorry for your future offspring.

I was taught by my parents that there are things more important than being popular. I had confidence without a play station. I wasn't picked on much at all.

And i never claimed to have had everything growing up. I was probably just a little above average. I did get a car from my whole family for graduation. That is about as far as it goes. I wasn't poor, but was far from a spoiled brat.


Well-Known Member
I'm further back in the timeline---your the one covering up:hump:

Oh---and---that's what she said:hump:

LOL at least you have some humorous qualities about you. If we met in persons, who knows.... maybe we could be friends.

But you know you were wrong and can't even admit it. . . What can Brown do for you?


Well-Known Member
You shouldnt have to break your bank for xmas. people who go into debt from buyng xmas gifts probably have a lot more problems in their life.

it sure is fun getting useless crap that you have to "pretend" to like tho. xmas gives families a reason to get together and be dysfunctional the good ol american way


Well-Known Member
Amen to that! Just because its Christmas, doesnt mean my paycheck got bigger from last month
Hooray!!!! Does this mean that someone enjoyed my Rant??? First Supporter?

I'm sure you all agree with at least part of it, but one thing rubbed you the wrong way so you attack portions of the points that I make. If I wanted everyone to agree with me I would have not came on a forum and posted a loooong opinionated rant.