Paradise Seed - Strain: Belladonna


Well-Known Member
Thanks for joining. You will learn tons on this forum.

Hmmm, I wonder! I still have the plant that had the hermie. If I see another pod popped up on the next batch of clones, I think I am going to snatch just one and try and pollen only one plant to get enough seeds for future. I would be nice to have about 50-100 seeds fem. from this strain. Thanks for the Idea.

I guess the only question is will it be a fem seed or back to reg? If any, more female out of male ratio instead of 50/50 I'm sure. I'm down for that.


Well-Known Member
Nice grow you've got man.
Thanks for stopping by my grow too.
I saw that you were growing power skunk from g13 labs! I just started 3 of them my self. So I will be watching ur thread and hope to see a smoke review. Can't wait to have a little variety!


Well-Known Member
hey dewie-here are some Belladonnas doing there thing. I got 3 going. My powerskunks that I got for free are coming along. They do grow a little slower than your Belladonnas.



Well-Known Member
Nice dragonbud. Those look identical when mine where that size. Clones should be rooting in about 3-4 more days, and I have tomorrow off to finish building the flower room. Crossing my fingers it gets done! Once its all up and running, will post pics......


Well-Known Member
Thanks Killa for stopping by. Hopefully there will be an update of the finish OP tonight. Clones are looking good and stiff. Few leaves turning yellow that I need to snip snip. Other then that, roots should start to show any day now. Then I can give them a little nutes to get them growing again. I think I will have them in flower room by early next week.


Well-Known Member
5 days and so far no roots! So anyday now. I'm guessing day 8 will be the lucky day. Anyone else care to take a guess?


Well-Known Member
Just got the new hydro flood tables working and the flower room finished. Will post pics tonight once I get the wire to the lamp done...Also working on the timings of the pump......


Well-Known Member
Can't wait to see, Dewey!

I finally broke down and called HTGsupply monday and ordered me a 400w HPS... just checked tracking information and it is in town tonight which means I'll see it tomorrow!

I'll have to wait for a day to install it though...


Well-Known Member
Nice upgrade. The 400 will give you a nice harvest over your old setup. Going to take pictures soon.


Well-Known Member
Oooh, i surely hope so.......I have tap water in there now, aerating it till clones are ready. Then I will mix in the nutes. I can't wait to see the difference from soil on a 400 to 600 with hydro.....


Well-Known Member
I will be sure to watch your switch to hydro. The Belladonna will go crazy if it gets hold of all those hydro nutes. If I had the extra scratch I would invest in hydro too. I used my aerogarden for clones and I was definately impressed with it.


Well-Known Member
Yea, I hear the Aerogarden is the way to go for clones. Might get one down the road. So far I think I might have a bad batch of clones. Its getting really cold and the Heat mat just isn't cutting it. I might just move them in side the warm part of the house. Will give them 3 more days, no roots, starting over.


Well-Known Member
You are so correct about heat and the development of root systems. I used the Aero to make clones before it got cold and it worked great, but then things got chilly and everything slowed down. I saw one of those heating pads at the nursery and I'm considering it to help with heat. I saw somewhere, a guy made a clone propogator with a bunch of pvc, could be a upcoming project. I wish I was in California today, I get to use my snowblower.


Well-Known Member
I took 2 clones out of the rock wool, no development! Taking new ones today, and keeping the rest to see if they develops under more heat......

I hope we get snow, this week should open all resorts. Can't wait to smoke a blunt on the slopes or on the lift.


Well-Known Member
Threw out 2 bad clones, and took some new ones as well just incase these don't make it. I believe there going to make it, but with the cold, will take longer. I found a way to make them warmer, so the new batch of clones should come in right after the old ones.

And If I screw something up on the old batch on the new hydro setup, I will have another set right behind them for no down time. I should have them in flower by the end of next week. I will then post pics. of the whole new setup. From clone box to flower.


Well-Known Member
I got just about everything dialed in. Water pump timings for flood and drain & Light schedule.

I really just need at this point is some plants to throw in there and mix in the nutes. I'm so excited to try the new setup out already!